Chapter Twenty Nine - Tender Loving Care

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Luther heard a loud thud after the doors of Zarina’s apartment opened and closed. He wondered for a moment before he decided to call out to her again. “Zarina? Zarina! Is that you?” He worriedly asked, she locked the doors a while ago so she’s probably the only one that could go in and out. Then what is that sound? Luther wondered before gazing at the time, it was still too early for her to get home at that time. Luther decided to summon his wand, he raised it right in front of him before closing his eyes, “Element of water, kindly reveal to me what’s happening near Zarina’s door,” He chanted. After he said those words, a bright light appeared before him as he gazed at the image that was appearing. His eyes widened in horror after seeing Zarina there unconscious and panting like she was out of breath. “Zarina!” Luther worriedly screamed as he almost touched the mirror, he backed away for a moment before pacing back and forth. “Zarina! Are you alright? Damn!” He scratched the back of his head while gazing at the image that the element of water allowed him to see. “What is wrong with her? Why does she look like she’s in pain?” Luther wondered for a moment, so he decided to look for something around her place. He was looking for a living thing that he could exchange in his place, “Holy mother of wizards! I could just summon a tree over there so stupid!” He cursed himself before he decided to summon a tree that has the same mass as him. Due to his panic, he summoned two plant trees. He didn't know what came over him, but he knows that he has to help her, she’s in pain and someone has to help. Luther just closed his eyes before biting his lower lip. Zarina was grunting in pain and he hates that he has to see or hear her in that kind of state.  “I, Luther Albus Sanford, hereby present to you these two living things that want to cross the path against the distance of our world, give me your blessing as I order these living things to exchange!” After he chanted those words, a bright light appeared on his wand. It wasn’t a while until he decided to open his eyes, he just then realized that he’s already inside Zarina's apartment, it was huge and clean as he gazed at the right side and saw the unconscious human being. “Zarina!” He sprinted over there and was about to touch her and stopped when he realized that he couldn’t touch her or else he would not be helpful. He finally remembered again to summon his wand and pointed it at Zarina, “I’ll take you to your bedroom,” He whispered as he used his magic to lift Zarina’s body from the floor and carried her to her bedroom. Luther did everything he could to avoid touching anything that is a living thing here and of course, Zarina. After he placed Zarina gently on her bed, she was grunting as sweats were forming around her forehead, “What is wrong with you?” Luther worriedly asked as he raised his wand once more. “Tell me her temperature,” He chanted and it wasn’t long until his magic revealed to him what her temperature was. He summoned the book that his mentor had written and bit his lower lip at what he just read about human temperatures. “Your temperature is 45 degrees celsius, and according to the research my mentor made, that means you have a severe fever,” He whispered worriedly before gazing at Zarina. He didn’t know how to take care of humans, but he knows how to take care of himself alone back there in Wizardia plus he has Wayne with him. However, as he grew older, he discovered techniques to avoid becoming ill, so he didn’t get sick even after his mentor disappeared. Luther decided to look for a remedy inside of his mentor’s written book, but he found none as he noticed that part was ripped off. He wondered for a moment why it was ripped off when it’s the one that he needed the most right now. He just sighed, “I’ll just take care of you in the way I know,” Luther mumbled before he raised his wand once more to change Zarina’s clothing to pajamas. Luther paced outside of Zarina’s room to go to the kitchen and noticed a strange piece of equipment that Zarina always uses for cooking. “Is this where I could create some warm water?” He wondered for a moment while massaging his chin. “How am I supposed to use this thing?” He confusingly spoke to himself while trying to push some buttons, he heard some noise from below that made him back away for a moment. “What in the wizards was that?” Luther sounded terrified and confused at the same time, he just shook his head before sighing. “Okay fine, I’ll just use magic before I push something that would cause a huge disaster here,” He just sighed before he closed his eyes to summon his familiar equipment for him to boil some water. After summoning a big black pot near Zarina's kitchen, he finally boiled some water,  “Now I just need some small towel, where does she keep it?” Luther looked around her apartment and saw nothing, aside from that, he was distracted by the smell that Zarina’s apartment has. It smells like vanilla and strawberries. He liked it a lot because he honestly thought that scent was alluring. He shook his head and noticed a transparent two-way door towards the outside, that’s where he noticed that there were a few small towels that were hanging on some copper wires tied on the edges of the poles. “There it is!” Luther beamed and ran over there when he bumped his face towards something, “What the? Is this some kind of barrier?!” Luther reached out to touch that barrier that he bumped into and noticed how hard it was, “Oh my wizards, there’s really magic here!” He exclaimed. He’s wondering why he couldn't pass through despite the fact that he could see what was outside of that terrace. But the thing is, it was a transparent two-way door that he doesn’t know how to use because he’s a mythological being. Luther thought about how to get it to disappear as he decided to open it himself, “Unlocking charm, aid me with your power to open or remove this strange equipment before me,” After he chanted those words, he noticed that the transparent two-way door opened as he was bewildered with what just happened. “Was that a door?! Why is it transparent?!” He complained, but he just decided to step out of the terrace, he stopped and gazed at the view before him. It was a city with lots of big buildings and houses, he heard strange sounds of cars around as numerous people were seen walking from afar probably to do some business around Lander. “Wow, so this is the human world huh? It’s different,” Luther whispered, he shook his head and decided to grab the towel that was hanging on the copper wire. “Now to help Zarina to cool down, I should also make her some soup or anything that could warm up her stomach,” Luther whispered to himself while dipping the towel on the pot. After he squeezed the excess water out of the towel, he used his magic to place it on Zarina’s forehead. He heard her grunt and shivered when something cold had touched her skin, “It’s alright, I’m here to take care of you,” Luther genuinely smiled and watched Zarina slowly open her eyes. “W-Who are you? M-Mom?” Zarina weakly spoke, she didn’t even know if those words came out of her mouth but he heard it clearly. Luther shook his head before leaning into her ears, “It’s me, the greatest wizard of all times,” He lightly chuckled before pulling away from her, so she forced herself to open her eyes just to make sure if she heard it right. Zarina curiously gazed at the side and saw Luther, dressed in wizard clothing, and was standing right beside her, “L-Luther, y-you're here,” She mumbled before grunting. Zarina planned on standing up, but Luther stopped her with his magic. He shushed her as he placed his fingers on his lips, “You have a fever Zarina, you have to rest,”  “I-I never had a fever or at least that’s what I remember,” She whispered before closing her eyes, “H-How did you get here?” Zarina asked while grunting. “Enough questions because I’ll answer all of that after you get better, for now, be pretty and well,” Luther demanded. He thought about what if Zarina got sick and he hadn’t met her yet? Will she be alright? The thought of it crushes his heart and he didn’t want to think further about it. “I’m glad I’m here to give you some tender loving care,” He whispered before looking at the blanket that fell on her bed. He decided to grab it and place it on Zarina's body, “I’ll wake you up after I make some warm soup,” He informed before stepping out of her room. Luther looked around as he decided to look for ingredients near the kitchen, he noticed a strange cabinet that’s creating sounds like it was emitting some energy. He paced over there and decided to touch that refrigerator, “What in the wizards is this?” He spoke to himself before deciding to open the refrigerator when he saw a handle on the side. “Ack! It’s cold! This cabinet has magic!” He exclaimed before pointing his wand at it, he stopped when he realized that it contained ingredients and vegetables that looked familiar. “Is this cabinet the storage of humans? Why is it cold? Is it because to preserve its freshness?” He had many questions, but then shrugged as his top priority was to make soup. After gathering the ingredients that were familiar to him, he summoned the ingredients that he hadn't found inside that storage that he calls cold cabinet when it’s called a refrigerator in reality. “Humans have strange things and equipment, is that working because of electricity? I thought there was no power here, so why is it working?” Luther wondered, so he just shrugged as he started chopping some ingredients. He is used to cooking ever since his mentor left. He has to feed himself and Wayne alone; he learned various dishes as he studied cooking. It wasn’t long until he poured some of the prepped ingredients into a small black pot, he kept tasting and stirring until he knew that the soup was cooked just right. After it was cooked, he summoned a bowl and a tray for him to carry near Zarina’s bed, “I made you some soup, this would make you feel better!” He beamed. Zarina didn’t answer him as she was already in a deep sleep. Luther just noticed that, so he just smiled and placed the tray near the bedside table. He then decided to renew the towel on her head to cool her down since she’s still burning up, “I’ll just reheat the soup later, for now, you have to rest,” He whispered before sitting on the edge of the bed where Zarina was lying. He simply stared at her, he secretly smiled because he thought Zarina looked like an angel when she doesn’t have her eyes opened or say anything that is mean and cold.  It was silent between them for a moment as he heard something ringing and vibrating somewhere around Zarina’s bedroom. “What in the sorcery is that? It’s going to wake her up if that continues,” Luther claimed as he decided to look for it. He was careful not to touch living things while looking for that thing, his gaze landed on Zarina’s bag near the door as he decided to float there and open that bag. “It’s coming from here,” He mumbled before raising what was that thing that was creating some noises. His eyes widened after he noticed what it was, “It’s the rectangular device that knows everything!” Luther exclaimed while gazing at that phone. “Annoying woman,” He read on the caller’s ID, he didn’t know what to do to turn the noise off as he started shaking off that phone, but it isn’t working. “What is up with this thing?” Luther furrowed his eyebrows as he started touching some buttons on the side of the phone that didn't do anything. He gazed at that rectangular device before touching something from its screen; he thought the red looked like a stop so he tapped it. ‘“The noise disappeared!” He blurted out while gazing at Zarina’s phone, “What a strange glow, I wonder how this thing works?” Luther wondered as he heard a loud knock from the door. “Zarina? Are you there? Are you feeling alright?”  Luther flinched after hearing someone from the outside, he immediately unsummoned everything that he used as he decided to hide from the bathroom. He was gasping for air as he heard that someone opened the door, he gazed at his back and summoned a cloth to cover the bathroom mirror to avoid attracting someone from its glow. “Zarina, I’m coming in because I’m worried about you and you probably forgot to buy medicines,” Kirstin invited herself in before closing the door. “Oh shoot, the soup,” Luther worriedly whispered as he tried to spy what was going on outside the bathroom. To be continued… 
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