Chapter Three - Wizard

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Zarina didn’t move an inch after she heard that strange man was calling her in a mirror, who wouldn’t be startled in this kind of situation? She tried to hit herself and groaned inaudibly when she felt the pain of her hit, it was enough to tell her that she wasn’t dreaming. She flinched again after hearing that strange being talk, “Oi? Are you deaf?! I could see you strands of burgundy hair that had split ends!”  Zarina gasped before checking if her hair was truly peeking out of the bathroom, it was long enough to be seen even if she’s leaning on the door. She gritted her teeth before exhaling a lungful of air, there’s no way she could let this phenomenal being get away after calling out to her split ends. Zarina looked for her broom and gripped it intently together with the candle she was holding as the source of her light, “W-Who are you?!” she tried to sound dominant, but she was obviously failing with that because she was stuttering. She finally revealed herself while pointing the broom shakingly in front of her bathroom. She couldn’t control herself as she kept on breathing in and out to calm herself down. “What do you mean who I am? Don’t you know who I am?! I’m the greatest wizard of all times!” The strange handsome man inside of the mirror sounded offended as Zarina furrowed her eyebrows. She wondered if this guy that she was seeing came straight out from the movie that she had just recently watched. Zarina lowered her hold on the broom before glaring at the slightly cracked mirror, it was glowing yet a static was to be seen glinting among the visible illuminating lights. It was majestic yet terrifying at the same time. She was confused as to how the hell she was seeing these kinds of things. “Aside from movies, there are no such entities in here, what on earth are you saying?” She murmured while gripping the candle tightly, fearing that if she let go, she'd lose her mind from what she was going through. “What? What are movies?” The strange man looked confused at what she was saying, so Zarina scratched the back of her head. “What do you mean by, what are movies? Movies were invented like in the 1800s, who doesn’t know about that?” Zarina claimed, her gaze fixed at that glowing mirror. “What? There’s no such thing as that strange word here,” The strange man argued, so Zarina furrowed her eyebrows as she disregarded that. “How is this possible?” she whispered while stepping closer to that mirror, she raised her hand to try and touch that mirror, but she stopped herself. Zarina thought it’s bewildering to see something as strange and phenomenal as what she's seeing right now. She mustn't touch it unless she assumed it’s safe. “Am I going crazy? How am I able to see you inside of a mirror?” Zarina added before stepping away from that glinting mirror. “Where are you living and how come I’m seeing you right here inside of this freaking mirror? Is this some sort of sorcery or strange technology that people could truly spy on us from mirrors?! Those malicious perverts!” she exclaimed while gritting her teeth, making the strange man confused. Zarina was informed before that some mirrors should be checked if it’s a two-way or regular mirror. It’s for the sake of many people’s safety, especially in some apartments with ready-made mirrors. “I’m pretty sure this is not a work of strange technology that you were speaking about because I am living in the universe of Wizardia, where wizards, witches, and sort of mythical living creatures live,” he proudly stated while fixing his tousled hair, which made Zarina stop. She observed his appearance for a moment and noticed that he truly looked different compared to the humans around her world. The 'claiming' wizard has sky blue eyes that complement his fair skin, and his hair was disheveled black with white and gold streaks on selected parts of his hair. He appears...extraordinary and certainly attractive by Zarina's standards. She'd never praised a guy before, so she couldn't believe she was calling the strange man in the mirror handsome. “For your information, wizard,” Zarina let go of the broom and used her hand to mimic the word wizard, “Those types of creatures don't exist in our world, even magic doesn’t even exist here, you should educate yourself about reality,” Zarina coldly stated before shaking her head. “You’re pretty sure that magic doesn’t exist in your world? You can even use fire element for that candle you’re holding,” The strange man pointed at the candle she was holding. She wanted to laugh out loud at what he just pointed out, but she remained silent. “I used matchsticks so that I could light this candle up,” Zarina sighed and looked for that match to reveal how it works to that strange man inside of the mirror. She wondered if this man was living under a rock that he doesn’t even know how matchsticks work. The man in the mirror wasn’t talking while resting his hands on his chin, “No magic and you mentioned technology, it's a strange word here in our world that isn’t discovered yet,” he pondered before gazing at Zarina intently. She was a beautiful woman with green eyes. She also has long, lustrous burgundy hair that perfectly complements her emerald eyes and fair complexion, her lips were dark red, it was colored due to her work as a manager at their company. The wizard thought it was bizarre to see that kind of beauty. “Wait a minute, are you perhaps a human?” The strange man curiously asked so she furrowed her eyebrows. “Of course I am, what do you call yourself?” She stated the obvious, so the wizard looked stunned for a moment. “I call myself a wizard, a human being, I can make magic,” The wizard sounded offended when he replied as he used his hands to summon the element of fire.  Even if it’s inside of the mirror, Zarina could see how it was flickering aesthetically on his bare hands. “H-How could you do that?!” She exclaimed while gazing at the mirror, the strange man even used his power of levitation like he was trying to impress Zarina. “I told you, I’m a powerful wizard...what’s your name human?” he raised his eyebrows before gazing at the slightly shocked and confused Zarina. “Z-Zarina, Zarina Kaye Taylor,” she mumbled before exhaling a lungful of air, “And who are you exactly?” “Tch! You should know who I am, but I’ll forgive you since you don’t belong in our world, I’m Luther Albus Sanford, the greatest wizard of all times!” he winked before gazing at Zarina’s body from the mirror. “I can tell that the mirror blessed me with a woman that’s not only blessed on her face, but also to the curves of her body! I wonder if you can carry those melons properly?” Luther beamed while looking straight to her chest. Zarina wondered for a moment before hugging herself, “Pervert!” she exclaimed and was about to hit the mirror using her hands when it glowed once more, blinding both of them at sight. She gasped before using her hand to shield herself from that blinding light, it’s another phenomenal scenario. Aside from that, she noticed the mirror being more cracked as it stretched out of the beige-colored walls, “W-What the hell is the meaning of this? Do you know something about this?” “I-I don’t know,” Luther just smiled at her before turning his back, “But all I know is that something happened that caused a crack here in both of our worlds, what did you see before this thing happened in your mirror?” “A blinding light surrounded the Lander city plus those flickering lights that I’m seeing in my office and the streets, but it’s odd because I’m the only one who saw it,” Zarina explained, so Luther pondered for a moment before gazing at her. “Where did this crack appear in your world? Is that a mirror too?” Luther curiously asked, so Zarina just nodded at him before sighing. “Yes, this is a mirror to my bathroom,” Zarina replied before leaning on the edge of the door, she feels sore already by just standing too long. “This is also the mirror I always use to see my beauty every single day and now it’s ruined,” he sighed before fixing some strands of his hair. “I didn't ask,” Zarina coldly stated, making Luther laugh out loud. “You’re too cold, aren’t you?” Luther playfully asked while fixing his leather hat, so Zarina just shook her head before sighing. “But it isn’t that bad because I’m seeing a beautiful woman with huge melons,” he winked, causing Zarina to glare at him. “I don’t have time for games, you have to explain to me what’s going on!” She furiously exclaimed without emotions plastered on her face, so Luther just shrugged before grabbing some of his magical books near the shelves inside of his house. His residence is presently in the heart of Wizardia; he made this library his personal home since he performs a lot of magic experiments there that are beneficial to any mythical creature that seeks his assistance. He's a well-known wise wizard who enjoys reading and experimenting with things he hasn't yet discovered.  At an early age, he was known as the greatest wizard in the world because of his extraordinary abilities and skills. “I said I don’t know yet, so I’m going to figure it out, human,” Luther checked where she was and wondered why it was dark over there. There are some strange things that he could see that are unfamiliar to him. He only noticed it now because of the candle since he was too busy looking at her beauty, “What happened to your city after you saw that blinding light?”  Zarina returned her attention to her shattered windows before observing their gloomy, sullen city once again. It bothers her since it appears like there is no life visible due to the darkness. “We lost light, it became dark here like there's a strange power outage,” Zarina looked bothered while she was explaining things to him. She couldn’t just shrug off the fact that there’s something wrong. “Nothing happened here in our place aside from this crack that probably links to your world now, what does power outage mean?” Luther curiously asked before clicking his tongue. “Do you seriously don’t know that?” Zarina looked annoyed, so Luther tilted his head at her for a moment. “Would you bear with me human? I don’t understand human language that well, I only read spell books and potions,” he grumbled before floating into mid-air as he gestured an Indian sit pose like he was trying to recall something. “Outage means we lost light or power supply throughout our city to use things to work, electricity is the source of our light, it’s something called science,” Zarina thoroughly explained, making Luther nod. “Science huh? Sounds like an interesting, yet terrifying topic, is that the magic in your world?” Luther inquired. Zarina furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before massaging her temples, she had too much already and she didn't know how much more she could take. She also feels like this Luther guy only knows the word ‘magic’. “Hm, I was practicing magic a while ago when this crack appeared, it would be difficult to find it out if I’m here and you’ know, there?” Luther playfully smirked before winking. It's also the first time a lady isn't drawn to his attractiveness; he's also popular in their world due to his irresistible looks. He finds it a little challenging and frustrating at the same time, she even looks cold to him. “Should I call for help here?” Zarina suggested, so Luther gazed at her before shaking his head. “Humans are gullible creatures that find every simple little thing strange, if they found out about this crack, they wouldn’t stop interrogating you until they find specific answers,” Luther confidently claimed, so Zarina thought about it for a moment. Then she noticed Luther was reading a book about humans right now, “Oh it says here that you’re idiots too that overreacts on random things that could be solved easily,” Zarina didn’t mind him as she thought that there might be lots of reporters that's going to bother her here if she reported it, plus it would be strange since nothing has ever happened like this before. “Fine, I wouldn’t report this, but I’ll call for help tomorrow to fix my cracked windows,” Zarina stood up firmly before gazing into the mirror. “And I have to cover this mirror every time I take a bath,” Zarina left the bathroom to look for some cloth, she came back immediately with a cloth in her hands. “Oi? What? You don’t have to cover it! I can’t peek on the other side you know?!” Luther complained, so Zarina rolled her eyes and covered them. “Stay still and silent before I change my mind and hit you with a hammer,” Zarina coldly stated before she decided to take her bath even if it’s dark. To be continued…
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