Chapter Thirty Eight - Rally

2257 Words
Zarina woke up without hearing her alarm for the first time, she gazed at the time and noticed that it was eight o’clock in the morning. She slowly stood up as she felt that her whole body was light and she felt much better compared to what she felt the past few days. “I forgot to thank her,” Zarina mumbled before she grabbed her phone on the bedside table to send a text to Kirstin. She has a huge part in her recovery this time and she wanted to let Kirstin know that she appreciates it. She almost flinched after she witnessed that she already replied to her, “No problem and good for you, ice queen! Just take a rest today and for sure, you’ll be reborn tomorrow!” Zarina read before rolling her eyes. She didn’t realize that she was smiling after she threw her phone on her bed and paced outside of her bedroom. Zarina immediately took out her solar charger and placed it on her terrace. Luckily, her spot is where the sun always rises too. After she did her thing and opened her prepared wife connected to her solar charger, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She gasped after seeing numerous roses in different colors were over there as the fragrant smell filled her nose. “L-Luther? What the hell is all this about?” Zarina called out when he noticed that Luther was nowhere near the mirror. “Oh? Zarina? You’re awake!” Luther exclaimed as she heard footsteps approaching the mirror and there he was, dressed in his black and white wizard clothing, but this time he had a cape. “Good morning! Don’t I look nice?” He playfully winked, so she felt her heart thumping against her chest because he did not just look nice, but very attractive that could please a lot of men and women's preferences. “You’re fine,” She commented and fixed her gaze at her toothbrush, the more she looked at him, the harder it was for her to restrain herself from looking at him. “Are you not going to greet me a good morning?” She noticed Luther frowned, so she just sighed before looking at him intently. Zarina knew that this man wouldn’t shut up unless he got what he wanted from her. “Good morning Luther,” Zarina greeted before rinsing her mouth with some water, he beamed before using his spell of levitation. “How do you feel now?” He curiously asked while watching her do her thing during the morning. He's used to seeing Zarina brush her teeth or even wash her face. She looks extremely attractive when she does those things, so he always wanted to be present when she does that. Luther knows that Zarina would find it creepy, but can he blame her? He likes everything that she does. “I feel better compared to the past few days that I felt sick,” Zarina admitted, so he was pleased to hear that from her. “I’m glad you feel fine, so this means, the only thing we need to focus on before we could visit each other’s world again is that to study about why we’re having this sickness after we came back,” Luther informed, so she just nodded at him. “Yes and after that, you can visit here before I decided to stay there for three days for the experiment, I still have to figure out what reason I should use to excuse myself from work and for people not to look at me during those days,” Zarina mumbled, so he just agreed with her statements. “Right, you’re going out today right?” Luther curiously asked as she nodded at him, she then went out of the bathroom to make both of them some breakfast. “Shoot, maybe I should buy some ingredients for lunch and dinner too after I go later,” She mumbled because she remembered the only thing that she had was eggs. “Oh that’s right, you don’t have any food right now, do you want me to make one?” Zarina heard Luther suggest. She glanced at her back while furrowing her eyebrows, “You know how to cook?” Zarina wondered, so Luther was offended at what she just said. “Oi! Didn’t I tell you that I was living alone before so I made my food on my own?!” Luther exclaimed so she walked towards the bathroom before shrugging. “I forgot, I guess? For now, I’ll take that offer, I’m also curious at what dishes you have there that you cook,” Zarina admitted, so he beamed before saluting her. “Just you wait, human, you’ll taste a dish that’s finer to every food that you tasted!” Luther gloated before he started cooking their breakfast. While Zarina was waiting for Luther to finish, she arranged the small table and chair right in front of the bathroom before making some coffee. She already calculated her route from the outside and she wanted to finish her breakfast by the time she told herself to take a bath and go out. Zarina’s pretty strict to herself when it comes to her schedule, sometimes she feels useless if she missed the exact time that she’s about to do her activities. “I’m almost done!” Luther exclaimed before appearing in the mirror again, “Here it is, let me just summon it there,” “Oh um here, it’s coffee, you’ll like it,” Zarina pointed at the black mug beside her favorite white mug. “Woah, you’re really going to let me drink that? I remember reading that coffee is the reason why some of the human’s dark world became bright,” Luther claimed, so she remembered him reading that in the book his mentor wrote. “Right, right, whatever just take it because I’m hungry,” Zarina coldly requested, so he just shook his head before smirking. “Here you go! ‘Transfer’,” Luther chanted, and once more, a blinding light appeared that forced Zarina to close her eyes. After the whirring sound disappeared, she slowly opened her eyes and gasped at what she had just seen before her. “W-Woah, it looks appetizing, what it is called?” Zarina curiously asked while raising her cutlery. Luther pinched his nose before smirking at her, “It’s called Eggs Benedict,” He proudly stated before taking off his hat. “Made by yours truly and one of my favorite breakfasts!” He cheered as he watched Zarina cut a slice of the bread for her to take a bite. Her eyes widened because it tasted so good, she never felt like wanting more for her breakfast, “It tastes so good, you have to teach me about this dish,” Zarina demanded, so he just chuckled at her. “I will, but for now, finish that and go out, so that you can go back early and we’ll have time to discuss it later,” Luther suggested before he raised his mug of coffee Zarina made for him. “Now the moment of truth, is this drink going to brighten up my dark world?” Luther wondered before taking a sip. He stopped as he blinked his eyes so many times because he felt like his nerves were energized for the first time. “Woah! It tastes amazing!” Luther exclaimed and carefully drank on it while eating the breakfast he made for himself. “I need coffee here in my world, no wonder humans always overreact to this drink, it’s like a new beginning!” He added, so she just chuckled at his reactions. They both took their time to enjoy their breakfast before Zarina decided to prepare herself from going out since she also finished taking a bath. “You need to wear a hat or something, okay?” Luther reminded her for the nth time, so she just nodded at him. “Yeah dad, I will,” Zarina rolled her eyes while threading her bag lightly on her right shoulders. Luther’s acting like a stuck-up replay button. She thought. “What?! I’m not your dad!” Luther exclaimed while he watched Zarina fix her sleeves before looking at him again. “Then stop acting like him jeez, I’m going to go now,” Zarina informed while using her bonnet, Luther thought that hat looks strange. “That looks strange, but it looks good on you,” Luther casually admitted, catching Zarina off guard. She just shook her head before averting her gaze at him, “I’m going to go now and I’ll be back as soon as I can,” “Take care, Zarina, you have to be careful because you still have to bless me with your beauty!” Luther exclaimed and she thought he was acting perverted again. After she securely locked her door, she left the unit as the fresh breeze of the morning greeted her. Despite how dark and sullen their city is at night, the sun would always make ways to make it look like the dark was never there in the first place. It’s been a while since she strolled across the streets, so she decided to walk towards her destination and didn’t realize that she almost ended up walking towards the city hall. From afar, she could hear numerous people rallying with lots of banners, cardboards, and posters saying ‘Oust Mayor’, ‘Bring back the lights’, and many more complaints from the current crisis that they’re having. “Our children can’t study properly! We can’t work properly! Bring back the electricity!” She flinched when she heard someone shout from the side. She's one of the people that are just passing by and gazing at what they were doing. “I can’t visit my parents from the province and they’re in the hospital! Please, you have to fix it!” Another one shouted, so Zarina couldn’t help but worry about her parents too. She knows that those two are always in good health, but she still worries about them since she couldn't call them often. Lots of police suddenly came and Zarina knew it would be trouble to stay there, she just sprinted away from there and caught her breath after she arrived at the All Home store nearby. She sighed in relief after she arrived there peacefully and decided to buy what she needs. Aside from groceries, she was lucky that this place also sells solar lights at an affordable price. While choosing her flashlight and solar light, she couldn’t help but overhear the conversation of the workers inventorying nearby. “The boss said we need to close tomorrow, the generator couldn't handle that much anymore,” “That sucks man, this crisis is starting to affect our daily lives, plus crimes are also happening on the charging stations,” “Hopefully, it will be fixed soon because if not, we’re going to have a hard time adapting to this new kind of life,” “I also heard it wasn’t a terrorist attack, so what is it about?” Zarina bit her lower lip after she picked the color of the flashlight that she wants and the solar lights that she’s going to buy. Overhearing the conversation of numerous people around her made her think about how she could have fun just because Luther was there for her. It is true that they’re all having a hard time and she couldn’t help but think about what Luther just said to her before. What if his appearance was the reason why this happened to their world and the only way to fix their problem here is to make Luther disappear? Zarina felt her heart being pricked after she thought about Luther disappearing, she was torn in between having Luther stay by her side in her mirror or having no light until the day she departed from the world. She brushed off those depressing thoughts out of her head and decided to finish off her groceries. She wanted to get back as soon as she can since she also doesn’t want to be involved in the rallies of the complaining people from the city hall. After she finished paying off her groceries and the things she needed at home, she called a taxi to get her home from her apartment. After she entered her apartment door, she securely locked in from behind before exhaling a deep long sigh. “Did something happen?” She flinched after she heard Luther’s voice from her bathroom, she relaxed for a moment before pacing towards him. “Nothing, just saw a lot of people rallying at the city hall about the strange outage,” Zarina informed him, so he just nodded at her. “It’s nice to hear that humans there know how to speak for their rights,” Luther claimed, which made her feel awful. Hearing Luther says that makes her feel like he doesn’t want to stay here with her just in case it’s needed for him to disappear for their world to be better again. “Y-Yes, you’re right, I’ll just cook lunch and we’ll start discussing our history,” Zarina informed, which made Luther excited. “I can’t wait!” He beamed, so she just nodded at him and proceeded to the kitchen, get it together Zarina, she thought. To be continued...
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