Chapter Forty - Okay

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“Luther, are you sure you don’t want to talk to me?” Zarina bit her lower lip before threading her bag lightly on her right shoulders. She’s already dressed in her work clothes and he still hasn’t come back or even spoken a word with her ever since yesterday. Zarina also purposely let her alarm clock ring for too long for him to lash out because of the noise, but none of those things work. She even made breakfast for him that wasn’t eaten so she just left it on the table and wrapped a plastic wrapper around it. “Luther please, talk to me if I truly did say something wrong because I honestly have no idea why you’re acting that way,” She admitted while massaging her elbows. She shifted her gaze at her wrist watch and it’s time for her to go, “I-I’ll be back and if you still don’t want to speak with me, then it’s fine,” She lied, it wasn’t fine, she misses him already and it pains her that they’re in this kind of situation. Zarina securely locked her apartment with a broken heart and set off towards her work. After she arrived there, she couldn’t finish one work swiftly. Her thoughts were preoccupied and there were a lot of errors in her work, she massaged her forehead before grunting on her desk. Zarina couldn’t take Luther out of her mind, “Okay, that’s it, you’ve been grunting and smashing your keyboard for the past hours, your people noticed it and approached me,” Kirstin slammed a coffee on her desk, so Zarina gazed at her intently. “Are you sick? Is everything alright?” Kirstin curiously asked, there’s a hint of worry in her tone while she impatiently taps her fingers on Zarina’s desk. “Is it a coincidence that you came here and gave me coffee?” Zarina looked at her without emotions plastered on her face, so Kirstin blew some air out of her mouth before chuckling. She thought it was weird for her to ask questions like that, does she have a problem or something? Kirstin shook her head. Why would an ice queen have some problem? The cold never bothered her anyway, right? She thought. “Uh no silly, I noticed that you weren’t fine because I was observing you, so I came here to ask about it as your friend,” Kirstin sniggered, so Zarina wondered for a moment. “Would you be hurt if I told you we became friends just because of a coincidence?” Zarina curiously asked. Kirstin, on the other hand, was astounded at what she just heard from her, “U-Um yeah? It wasn’t a coincidence, it happened because we were meant to be friends!” Zarina stopped at what she just heard from her. It's like what Luther just told her, is it bad to think of relationships as a coincidence? Ariel wouldn’t be with Prince Eric in the first place if she wasn’t coincidently curious about what’s above and Cinderella wouldn’t have met the prince if she hadn’t coincidentally met the fairy godmother. Wait, that was wrong, Ariel has always been curious about what’s above and if she didn’t make an effort to be with Eric to gain human legs, she wouldn't have been able to spend time with him. And Cinderella wouldn’t have met the fairy godmother if she wasn’t kind in the first place, so she was wrong all that time? “Zarina? Yahoo? Dang I think I lost her,” Kirstin snapped her fingers in front of Zarina, so she was pulled back from reality. “S-Sorry, just lost in thoughts,” She mumbled before resting her palms on her desk, “So if I told someone that, do I have to say sorry?” “Wow, you sounded like you’re asking for social advice jeez, are you that serious about this?” Kirstin laughed out loud and stopped when she noticed that Zarina was serious. “You were freaking serious, damn, so who are we talking about huh? Is it me? Because if it’s me, I would be very upset,” Kirstin admitted playfully, so Zarina shook her head at her. “H-He’s a friend of mine,” She admitted, so Kirstin’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe what she just heard from Zarina. “You have another friend?!” She exclaimed, earning numerous attention from their department, so Zarina furrowed her eyebrows at her. Kirstin chuckled for a moment while shaking her head, “Sorry, sorry that came out wrong, you're just not the type to have a boy that is a friend or hm, is it the latter?” Kirstin teased, so Zarian glared at her. “H-He’s not a boyfriend, he’s an online friend,” Zarina obviously lied, so Kirstin wondered for a moment before nodding. “I see, you got to be careful making friends online, the internet is a dangerous place, especially for ice queen’s like you,” Kirstin mumbled before sighing. “You have to apologize, you don’t meet people because of a coincidence, you met them for a reason, they could be a lesson and a heartbreak, or joy and love,” She informed Zarina. “Your idea of coincidence is also a bit wrong? I don’t know because for me, it could also be used when you unexpectedly meet someone from the streets or anything,” Kirstin added. “Whoever that friend of yours thought that he wasn’t any special to you or what you both have as friends, apologize Zarina, he’s not talking to you is he?” Zarina flinched at her question before composing herself. “He’s not, I’m starting to get worried about it,” Zarina sighed, so Kirstin just nodded her head at her. “Don’t worry, he’ll come along, whoever that was is probably just dramatic because he probably thought you met because it’s special or something, do you think he likes you?” Kirstin curiously asked. Zarina bit her lower lip as she thought about whether Luther likes her, but that would be impossible to happen. He wouldn’t like someone as cold as her. She then shook her head at Kirstin, “No, he wouldn’t like someone like me,” She claimed, so Kirstin made a funny face before snorting. “Yeah right, that face of yours was like sculpted by the Greek Gods, so who wouldn’t like it? Are you just insulting me?” Kirstin pouted, so Zarina just rolled her eyes before deciding to work. “Thanks, for the coffee and advice,” Zarina coldly stated while typing and editing some stuff on her computer. “You’re welcome ice queen,” Kirstin winked as she started bugging her while she worked, in which she regretted. After their shift, Kirstin bid her goodbye together with her people, she put down her hand after waving at them as she turned her back and walked away from there to get home. Luther was also the reason why she became friends or acquainted with her workmates, he taught her how to reply to conversations since she only knows how to talk about work. Now, she’s also learning through Kirstin and she couldn't be more thankful for that, Luther deserves an apology. She sighed before biting her lower lip. Zarina is now staring at her apartment unit before proceeding towards the inside. Zarina arrived at her door and opened it, she immediately went inside, removed her shoes and slowly paced towards the bathroom door. She gazed at the table and the meal that she left over there, she noticed that it was gone and was replaced by some fresh roses. Zarina couldn’t help but smile as she sighed in relief, he didn’t let the food go to waste or her cooking. That gesture just instantly had her heart melted, she couldn't be more thankful for having Luther as her friend. “Zarina/Luther,” They both called in unison after she opened the door, so their eyes widened after they stared at each other. “U-Uh, um, you go first,” Zarina gestured her hand at him, but Luther stubbornly shook his head at her. “No, ladies first,” Luther sighed while scratching the back of his head, he truly missed Zarina and not speaking with her broke his heart even if he tried to distract himself, it just didn't work. On the other hand, Zarina hugged herself because seeing Luther made her feel better than okay, all of her worries disappeared just seeing his famous hat that contained different flowers every single day. Zarina exhaled a lungful of air before sighing, “I’m sorry,” She firmly said before looking at his sky blue eyes. “I was wrong to treat our friendship that way,” Zarina admitted before biting her lower lip, “It wasn’t just a coincidence, I was meant to meet you in this timeline of my life,” Luther was caught off guard at what she just said, he removed his hat without removing his eye contact with her, “I’m sorry too for overreacting, we’re just friends and there’s no reason for me to act like I’m your soulmate or something,” He felt like his heart was pricked at what he just said, he also doesn’t understand why he doesn’t want to stay friends with Zarina. He’s been thinking about that lately, especially about what he feels for her. Zarina smiled at him and leaned on the space in between the door of the bathroom, “I’m glad we’re finally alright, I can’t stand not speaking with you, it distracts me so much,” She admitted, that made Luther’s heart thump. Sometimes he couldn't take it if Zarina was being honest with herself, he always wanted to admit it but he knows it isn't the right time. “Well, who wouldn’t be distracted with my handsomeness?” He playfully winked just to erase the weird feelings that’s rising up above his chest. “Right,” Zarina rolled her eyes before sighing, “So what did you do yesterday? We didn’t talk about humans that much,” “If you blessed me with your melons, then I would tell you,” Luther sniggered, so Zarina glared at him before leaving the bathroom. “That’s it, good night,” She raised her voice, enough for Luther to hear, so he panicked before summoning his wand. “Ahh! Zarina, human? Oi! I was just kidding, come back here and let’s talk!” Luther pleaded and Zarina was secretly smirking while changing into her clean clothes. She knows that it’s probably going to be a long night. “So, you tried to study, but you can’t, why?” Zarina curiously asked while eating the dinner Luther prepared for her. It tasted good and she didn’t regret accepting what Luther offered her since it was a rare dish in Wizardia. She was planning not to speak with him but Luther said he’ll make dinner to make it up, so who was she to decline? She thought. “I’m thinking about you, that’s why!” Luther exclaimed while pouting, so she stopped for a moment before looking at him intently. She couldn’t understand why her heart was thumping against her chest after she heard him say that to her. “I see, so you were just like me at work?” Zarina fought so hard to act normal and she was glad that she was successful with it. “Hah! I know you were thinking about me, who wouldn’t because of my handsomeness?” Luther gloated, so she just sighed and shook her head at him. “Well even if I was that distracted, I still studied about what happened between us too, I guess it can be called universe sickness,” Luther claimed, so she furrowed her eyebrows at him. “Universe sickness, what is that?” She was confused, so he just sighed as he summoned a lot of books right in front of her. “You know motion sickness right? It’s like the same as that but worst because it’s a different universe your body doesn’t know,” Luther explained, so she immediately got what he meant. Motion sickness can only happen when you’re not used to your sea legs during cruise or boat adventures or even if you’re not used to cars. “I see, it makes sense, but the effect is worse just like us when we get high fevers, which isn’t normal,” Zarina claimed, so he smiled before nodding at her. “Yes! That’s it, so we also have to refrain from doing that often because our body wouldn’t take it if that happens all the time,” He sighed while informing her. “That’s alright, we don’t have to be with each other all the time right?” She raised her eyebrows at Luther. He shook his head before closing all the books that he summoned, “I want to be with you all the time aside from just seeing you Zarina,” Luther boldly stated before meeting Zarina’s gaze. “I like spending time with you,” He admitted. Luther didn't realize what he was saying to her because all he wanted was to be with her. She was caught off guard at what he said but due to her cold face, it wasn’t shown in any of her face as she averted her gaze at him. “W-Well you can wait until you can come here, maybe I’ll give you some pictures about the places around here,” She mumbled before leaving to get some magazine. She could feel her heart thumping against her chest even after she got the magazine that she would let Luther borrow. What was that about? She thought while clutching her chest. To be continued…
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