Chapter Thirty One - Closer

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Luther couldn’t remove his gaze from Zarina, she just looked highly adorable while swallowing the food he offered for her. His heart was thumping against his chest as he noticed that it’s doing its weird thing again, whenever he stares at Zarina, his heart thumps this crazy. After the accidental kiss, he confirmed that he’s feeling something for this woman and that he’s screwed by it, but he has to be careful not to show it to her. Luther doesn’t want to ruin what they both have, it’s also the first time he gained a friend with his efforts and just by being himself. “H-How does it taste?” He finally gathered his composure, so Zarina looked at him intently. And who wouldn’t be enthralled by those emerald eyes?  It looks like it was staring right into his soul, “It’s actually pretty good, though I don’t know what that dish is,”  Luther just smiled before he scooped another batch and offered it to her which she gladly accepted, “Oh, it's my mentor's specialty back there in Wizardia, he didn't show me how to create one, but I researched so hard as a youngster only to get this recipe,” “It’s called supper, he cooks me this whenever I do a good job or something,” Luther added, so Zarina just listened to him attentively. “You’re truly attached to your mentor huh? I hope you find him someday,” Zarina commented as he smiled at her. “I hope so too,” Luther mumbled sadly before scooping another bite for Zarina, he was careful also because they might graze each other’s hands, or maybe because of his clumsiness, his hands might reach Zarina’s lips. He’s probably just overthinking a lot of stuff because he’s this close to her, “You used up all the remaining ingredients inside of my refrigerator right?” Luther gazed at Zarina as she was slowly swallowing what he offered to her. How can she be this calm around him when he’s panicking on the inside? Luther thought. “Hello? Luther? Did you hear what I’ve just asked?” Zarina snapped her fingers at Luther, so he backed away for a moment before blinking. He was cursing himself mentally for not acting the way he is around her. “Y-Yes, I did use up everything,” Luther mumbled before biting his lower lip as he fed Zarina again. Zarina looked pleased while swallowing, “Good, I’ll have to buy groceries then probably the next day,” “Can I come?” Luther excitedly asked, so Zarina furrowed her eyebrows at him before shaking her head. “No, that’s like one of the crowdest places here in our world,” Zarina bit her lower lip, just thinking about bringing him to do groceries makes her anxious. People might bump into him and vanish. Imagine what they’ll say if they thought Luther turned into a tree plant? The thought of it is making her laugh and anxious at the same time, “What are you smirking about?” Luther squinted his eyes at her. “N-Nothing, just let me finish my dinner,” Zarina coughed as she tried to compose herself, Luther just shrugged as he continued feeding her. From afar, these two would look like sweet couples that are taking care of each other, but if you get closer you’ll hear how much they get pissed off at each other easily. “Oi! Human! I said you have to finish off these last two scoops! Just two scoops!” Luther pouted while complaining at Zarina, but she crossed her arms against her chest while averting her gaze at him. “No, I’m full,” Zarina lied, she just doesn’t want to eat that much and it seems like her lying isn’t effective. “You’re lying! Your ears are turning red if you’re lying!” Luther firmly claimed, so Zarina glared at him. “No, it’s not! I’m just really full right now,” Zarina coldly stated while rubbing her tummy, “I-I can’t eat that much,” She mumbled because if she ate too much, she couldn’t sleep that well at night. “Why? You’re sick, you should be eating properly and resting!” Luther exclaimed, but Zarina stubbornly shook her head. “Pretty please? If you finish this, I’ll grant you one wish,” He suddenly bargained, so she bit her lower lip. She thought it would be a good bargain if she finishes that and gets one wish, “F-Fine, I’ll finish it,” Zarina mumbled before opening her mouth. Luther furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, so Zarina glared at him for keeping her mouth open for too long, “What are you waiting for? Feed me,” He stopped for a moment before chuckling, “I should’ve offered that a while ago,” Luther beamed as he fed Zarina. After she finished off that last two scoops, Luther summoned a glass of water and floated it right in front of Zarina. “Drink water and you probably need these medicines right?” Luther claimed while raising those strange little medicines placed on a thermoformed plastic pocket. “Oh right, I almost forgot, thank you, Luther,” Zarina sincerely said before holding the glass of water, so Luther gently threw that medicine to her side. “I’ll just clean your kitchen and be back, there’s also something that we needed to talk about,” Luther claimed before leaving her. “What was that about?” Zarina curiously asked before shrugging as she drank the medicine Kirstin bought for her a while ago. She has to thank her and pay for what she did to help her, and also, that wizard who teleported himself here just to put her into bed. Zarina didn’t know what happened, but she assumed that what happened because she clearly remembered collapsing on the floor near her door. “I’m back!” Luther beamed as he used his levitation spell to float right in front of Zarina, “Your place is clean because of my magic,” He gloated. “Careful, your head might explode because of your attitude,” Zarina warned, so Luther pouted at her. “Is that how you treat the one who took care of you?” He complained, so she just gazed at him intensely. “Thank you for taking care of me today, Luther, I wouldn’t feel this well if it wasn’t for you,” Zarina sincerely said, catching him off guard. She looked so serious and beautiful at the same time, she looked like she did not get sick because of her natural glow. Luther coughed as he tried to gather his composure, he should calm himself down, especially his thumping heart, “W-Well I have to, I think it’s partly my fault that you got sick,” He mumbled, so Zarina raised her eyebrows. “What? Is this what you’re planning on telling me?” She worriedly asked so Luther nodded at her before summoning his wand. After he did, he summoned numerous books right in front of him and opened one of them. “I’ve been reading about the sickness of humans from the books I found in your place, you didn’t get rained on, or sleep with your hair wet for you to catch a cold or fever,” Luther claimed while flipping over some pages. “So I think it’s something about you coming to my world,” He added before gazing at Zarina whose eyes widened. “You see, those bugs, I’ve been experimenting on them after we both exchanged them into our worlds, they got sick for a while and then got better,” Luther informed. “So you think my body took a toll when I got there and got sick?” She claimed before wrapping the blanket around her legs. Luther nodded at her, “Yes, I think it’s the side effects of you coming to my world,” He sighed while scratching the back of his head. “I don’t know what side effects are going to happen to me since I plan on staying here until you get better,” Luther mumbled, so she shook her head at him. “You don’t have to, dummy, I’m going to be fine, you should come back to your world,” Zarina suggested, but Luther shook his head. “I already prepared my sleeping bag in your living room, you might need someone to get you water or something,” Luther claimed. Zarina’s heart thumped against her chest at what she heard from him, she found it sweet and silly at the same time. “Plus, it’s also an experiment if one of us could stay that long in the world where we don’t belong until we don’t have any contact with living beings,” Luther added, so she just sighed. There’s nothing she could do to stop this man from going back, after all, she hasn't fully recovered yet from her sickness. She still has a slight fever. “Fine, remember that I have one wish from you right?” Zarina gazed at him, so Luther met with her emerald eyes. “Yes you have, do you have something you want?” Luther summoned his wand, but she just shook her head at him. “I want to be there if something happens to you, so you have to take me there in your world if you experience side effects,” Zarina firmly stated. Luther stopped for a moment at what she just said before smirking at her, “Are you that worried if something’s going to happen to me?” He teasingly asked, so Zarina glared at him before nodding. “Yes, I am going to be worried,” Zarina honestly admitted, Luther thought he’s going to catch her off guard, but it seems to be the latter. “Sheesh, human, you always make me feel like this,” Luther complained before lying in the air, trying to calm himself down. His heart was thumping rapidly against his chest, he didn't know what to do to calm it down just because of what Zarina just told him.  How can she just casually tell him that? Doesn't she know how much it affects him? Does she do that to anyone else? Luther pondered on his thoughts. “What did you say?” Zarina raised one of her eyebrows, so he shook his head without looking at her. “Nothing, I said you were beautiful,” Luther casually commented, so Zarina just sighed and almost blushed at what he just said. "Yeah right,” She rolled her eyes before she slowly stood up and brushed her teeth inside her bathroom. “Oi! Why did you stand up? You have to rest!” Luther exaggeratedly complained, but she didn’t mind him because she didn't want her mouth to feel icky and hot before she slept. She also wanted to wash her face since it was feeling hot, being around Luther is making her feel emotions that are new to her. And also, she plans on sitting on the bed until she falls asleep, she couldn’t sleep early if she ate too much food. After she did her bathroom rituals, she slowly paced towards her bathroom and saw how clean her house was. She secretly smiled just thinking about how Luther did everything for her today, she should be nice to him. She thought. “Are you not going to sleep yet?” He curiously asked after Zarina came back and promptly sat on her bed to relax. “I ate too many, so that means I couldn’t sleep early too,” She admitted, so Luther furrowed his eyebrows at her. “What do you mean? Don't pig always sleep after they eat?” He curiously claimed, so Zarina glared at him. “Are you saying that I’m a pig?” She felt like her blood was boiling just by asking that question. “Well um, I didn’t actually say that--Oi! Stop that!” Luther exclaimed while blocking himself from the pillows that Zarina was throwing. “I’m a human, you pervert wizard,” Zarina fumed before crossing her arms against her chest and closing her eyes. “I’m not a pervert, if I am, I should’ve touched you or those melons of yours while you were in your weak state,” Luther firmly said, so she glanced at him. “So you were still thinking about touching them huh? See? Pervert,” Zarina sounded disgusted before she averted her gaze at Luther. He panicked before raising his body from his levitation spell, “I-I didn’t say that ugh! I am not a pervert! Don’t play mind games with me!” Zarina secretly smiled as Luther continued explaining himself to her, she knew that it’s going to be a long night. To be continued...
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