Special Chapter: Demons

470 Words

Special Chapter: Demons   Beau's POV Five years, it has been P'Ben. And I'm still not finished. I feel that if I finish it soon, I would lose my memory of you. My mom. My dad. I can't afford that. My new light has been doing his best to help me through the nights and my nightmares. P'Pra. I love him, P'Ben. Thank you for leading me to him. But please watch over him for me, P'. I feel that one of these days, I might hurt him really bad. I don't want to hurt him. My beginning has come back to me, P'Ben. Everything is coming back full circle. I'm just hoping it's a good one. But from the looks of it, I might mess up again. P'Ben. Give me signs, please. I've had enough blood on my hands already. And I don't want to break a heart. Not one. But maybe two. I'm not as strong as you though

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