Chapter Nine

1035 Words
Mia The entire night I spent lying awake and staring at the ceiling. I couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard I tried because I kept thinking about my situation. The fact that I was in Adam’s bed—his smell was all over me, it was starting to get overwhelming. I tried to focus on everything else other than him, but he wasn’t leaving my mind. I knew he was in the living room, probably sleeping. The clock on the nightstand showed it was nearly midnight, and I was exhausted. My eyes couldn’t stay awake for another minute but, at the same time, I couldn’t fall asleep either. What is in store for me in the near future? What is going to happen in the next few months? I was overthinking of something that had yet to happen. I didn't realise I had fallen asleep until I was awakened by the noises coming from outside. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to drown it away, hoping it was a dream so that I could get more sleep. The bed was too comfortable to resist and the temperature in the bedroom was just nice—I didn't want to wake up, even if the noises were getting louder. I groaned, pushing the pillows away before walking from the bed. As soon as I left the room and went down to the follow the noise, I knew it was coming from the kitchen. My hair was probably a mess, but I couldn't stop myself before I realised what was happening—Jean was laughing and talking with Adam as he sat on the stool, his back facing me. My eyes widened as soon as I remembered where I was, but it was already too late to run back because Jean had already smiled at me. "Oh, you're awake!" Jean said, walking towards me before grabbing my hands. I blinked a few times, trying to catch up. "Come and sit down. Adam and I were just talking about how much you love pancakes," she added, gesturing for me to take a seat beside Adam as she walked back to show the pancakes she made. Adam turned to look at me, a smile plastered on his face. It wasn't his regular smirks and it made me forget he was my boss but I instantly put on an act of the perfect fiancée, knowing if he could act perfectly, I could too. "Good morning, sweetheart." Adam said, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear. "Morning," I muttered. "I didn't want to wake you. You seemed exhausted," he added. I tried to fix my hair by running my fingers through them, at least looking slightly presentable. The pair of oversize pajamas I was wearing was probably getting Jean's attention as well because she seemed to be looking at them a few times; maybe she had expected me to wear sexy lingerie. If that was the case, I was bound to be uncomfortable around Adam. "Adam told me you had a lot of work at the office. He just wanted you to sleep in," Jean said. "That was very thoughtful of him." Jean smiled, grabbing us a plate before serving pancakes. They looked and smelled delicious, I could feel myself almost drooling. Adam grabbed the utensils before giving them to me and poured syrup on my plate. The small gesture seemed to have caused Jean to smile again, knowing it was going as planned and really well so far. I pretended to enjoy the princess treatment coming from my boss, as if he had been doing this for me all the time. I didn't expect Jean to come early in the morning. She did say dinner. "Thank you, baby." I smiled at Adam, giving him the puppy eyes. He smiled back, without uttering a single word. Then, the three of us enjoyed our breakfast as Jean kept talking nonstop about how happy she was for Adam. She was still excited about us and I knew she meant no harm other than genuine happiness. All she ever wanted was to see Adam being happy, having to share the happiness with someone. I felt uneasy when I realised all of this was a lie and if she found out about it, she was going to be heartbroken. I could never let her feel that way. When we were done with breakfast, I helped her clean the kitchen but Adam insisted on doing it instead. I took it as my leave to take a shower as I left them together. Once I was done taking a warm shower, I stepped out with the towel wrapped around my body as I looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was glowing but the dark circles under my eyes showed just how much more rest I needed. I walked out to the bedroom and almost screamed in surprise when I saw Adam, sitting on the edge of the bed. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, gripping the towel tightly, afraid it was going to fall. "We're going out today for grocery shopping with my mother and she'll be sleeping over tonight," he replied, completely ignoring my question. "Okay, but can you please get out while I get dressed?" Adam stood up, realising that I wasn't exactly dressed except for the towel covering my naked body. His hazel eyes had gone down to gaze at my skin, stopping a bit longer at my upper body—I knew he was just a normal person. A man with needs, but he wasn't going to go that far with me. Everything we did was an act. He could look all he wanted because I was always confident with my body, I knew how great they looked, and it was actually boosting my confidence when I saw him staring longer than necessary. The towel was quite short for me, covering only what was needed. "I'll be in the living room," he said before walking out. I let out a breath of relief, knowing that was the first time Adam had ever been in the same room as me, and I was wearing nothing but a towel.
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