Chapter Five

1093 Words
Mia Sometimes I had wished my sister was nearby. Lilith or Lily as I always called her, was close to me ever since we were kids. Regardless of our seven-years age difference, we were inseparable. I was her best friend growing up until she managed to get a ‘real’ best friend throughout school. I knew most siblings grew apart as they got older but it never happened with us. We got closer when we began sharing our secrets even if they were cringe because we knew we could trust each other. When she had her first kiss, she had went straight to text me. She wasted no time nor did she leave any details out because for the love of god, she gave me all the details which I appreciated. It meant she trusted me more than anyone else and I was glad we had one another to depend on. I never wanted her to grow up feeling left out or alone. Our parents were always busy working and I guess that was how we knew we only had each other especially when she was going through her hormonal teenage phase. Oh boy, I knew just how terrible that phase was. She was lucky she had me to support her because when I didn’t have anyone else but my friends and sometimes our mother. I was mostly influenced by my friends in every decision I made—experienced a lot of things but never regretted it even once. I turned out to become a corporate woman. I would say I had succeeded in life, just not as much as Adam. Pretty sure he was fed by a silver spoon his whole life. Speaking about Adam, I had spent the whole night thinking about what he said. About his offer. I had contemplated myself on whether I should call Lily or not because I really needed someone to talk to. I knew Sam was going to support me in any decision I was ever going to make but I needed someone to really lay out the pros and cons. Lily was the only one who would do that. I couldn’t sleep and had only managed to fall asleep when it was actually time to wake up. So, it was easier to say, I wanted to do nothing else but sleep. Even though that was impossible because I was still a woman with a career. I had responsibilities. I had bills to pay. Never knew being an adult could be tiring. When we were kids, all we ever wanted was to grow up so we could have money and freedom. Now when we were actually adults, we just wanted to sleep the sorrows away. I went to sit by my desk, slowly arranging the papers as I glanced towards Adam’s office. I could see the lights were turned on which meant he had arrived early today—maybe, he couldn’t sleep either because he was anxious of my answer. That was impossible. He could easily get another woman if I decided to reject. Then again, Jean had already thought I was her son’s fiancé before this whole thing resolved. God damn it Adam, why didn’t he discuss this with me first before he decided it was good to drop the bomb? Maybe, just maybe, this was his way of not letting me run away. I was overthinking about a lot of things. I flinched when I saw him appeared from his desk and when his eyes went to look at me, I couldn’t hide the surprise on my face. I immediately sat down and ignored his stare. Why was he staring anyway? He never bothered to look at me before—he never cared about what I did, if I was sleeping or if I was doing my job because all he cared about was that the things he asked for was completed. He didn’t bother about anything else. He just knew I got his job done. He knew I never bothered him. So, imagine the look on my face when he decided it was the best thing to do by walking to my desk and standing in front of me. I tried to ignore his presence by staring at my computer screen but he was not showing any signs of walking away unless I paid attention to him. I looked up, meeting his hazel eyes; they were as mesmerising as always. I wondered how god had made him to be perfect. He couldn’t be all that perfect, it was almost unfair. “Can I help you, Mr. Auclair?” I asked, being oblivious. At least, pretended to be oblivious. “Did you sleep on it?” Of course, he was going to ask about that. I couldn’t run away from my current reality but I wasn’t ready to give him an answer, “I did.” “And what’s your answer?” My eyes wandered around to a few other employees as they walked, glancing at our direction for a few seconds. I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea or to hear our conversation so I decided to clear my throat, trying to delay my answer. I blinked a few times as I stared at the screen, silently cursing in my mind. “I haven’t decided yet.” “When will you decide?” I froze, “It hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet.” “Is it a very hard decision to make, Ms. Madden?” “It involves a lot of thinking.” He smirked. The Adam Auclair smirked at me. It was short but I wasn’t seeing things. He was smirking at me as if he found all of this amusing. I wasn’t able to point it out to him because he was my boss so I decided to keep quiet. I was the one amused at him—he smirked. “Take your time. Is it okay for me to expect an answer at five before you head home?” He asked, placing both of his hands on the desk. I took a few seconds to glance down at his hands. His fingers were long and his hands were big, they could cup my face but what was I thinking? He was my boss, for god’s sake. He was a perfect human being. I just needed to firmly know where I stand—nowhere near him. “I think so,” “Alright, I’ll give you more time.” Just like that, he walked back to his office.
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