Chapter Seven

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Mia Never did I think I was going to experience this in my life when my boss was going to stand in my living room as I packed clothes to stay over at his house for the weekend. It was bizarre, yet there he was, sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hand as he typed something on his phone—he did ask me to 'quickly' pack my things. There was no possible way of making his mother go away this weekend because she was already here in New York. So, Adam and I were forced to pretend to be the happy couple in front of her. The reason why I was staying at his house for the weekend was just to make it seem more believable; this was the twenty-first century, and there was no way we weren't living together. Especially now that we are engaged. Soon to be married. That was never going to happen. We were going to stay engaged for as long as we could until we decided it was best to end things. The reassurance Adam gave me was enough. Besides, I wasn't leaving the contract empty-handed. I was going to take my money when it all ended, and we were never going to see each other again. We weren't deciding to end on bad terms, but if something were to happen, it was best to leave it at that. "Are you almost done?" He asked, from across the room. I placed my duffel bag on the bed as I cross-checked the imaginary list in my head; all I needed was a few clothes for the weekend and a pair of comfortable pajamas. My toiletries were important because there was no way for me to sleep in my makeup or without brushing my teeth. Everything else was not as important. We weren't going on a vacation to the Bahamas, we were just going to spend extra time at his house. I was beginning to consider it as an overtime. "Yeah, almost done," I responded. As I turned around with the bag in my hand, I was surprised to bump into something hard. It wasn't a wall, but it could've been—it was actually his chest. Adam was standing tall behind me and when I turned around, he was just there. He didn't bother to move and instead, he decided it was best to grab my arms in case I was going to fall. The smell of his cologne was overwhelming my senses. I looked up, meeting his pair of hazel eyes. I could get lost in them, but that wasn't my intention. "Wh—what are you doing here? You were waiting outside," I stuttered. "I came to see what took you so long," he replied. "Well, I was just checking to see if I already have the things I need." Ever since he introduced me as his fiancée to his mother, we seemed to have forgotten about being approximately close. He had never touched or talked to me inappropriately more than an employer towards an employee, but during that afternoon with his mother, I had seemed to let it pass about how he had touched my thigh and my waist. Those weren't supposed to be normal—he was supposed to keep his hands to himself. Yet, I knew it was going to keep on happening from now on. "I'll wait in the car," he said as he grabbed my bag and walked out of my room. So, my boss wasn't just in my living room because he was also in my bedroom. I couldn't look at anything else but him, he was the only thing standing out. Speaking about Adam, it would be a fool of me if I ever told anyone he was never attractive. During my five years of working closely with him, I always admitted he was handsome—never admitted it out loud though. Whenever he was talking to me, I knew he wasn't paying much attention to my face but I was paying attention to his. It was never like one of those silly high school crushes. It was more like admiring him from afar. I sighed, grabbing my purse as I made my way towards the door. After locking everything up, I got to the car. I expected Adam to wait inside, but he was outside, leaning his back against the car as he looked around. There was something about him, maybe it was the way he stood, the way he brought himself or even the way he moved. He was attractive in every single thing. "Let's go," he said as he looked at me. I didn't say another word as I opened the door, entered the car, and he drove us away. The ride to his house was quiet, neither of us said a word. I was already tired from today and all I needed was a quick shower before I lay on the bed. Whenever it wasn't the weekend, I never really spent much time doing anything else because I knew I needed to get my beauty sleep. My eyes widened as we stopped in front of a luxurious apartment. I wasn't surprised to see him living here—I was just surprised to see the building. It looked like a five-star hotel and I could only imagine the amount he paid to rent, "You live here?" He nodded, "Sometimes." "Sometimes?" "I have a few other places." "It must be expensive to rent here." "I own the place." "Of course you do." The side of his lips curved up into a smirk as he stepped out of the car, making me follow after. He had made to take out my duffel bag before I could do it first, and I wasn't complaining either, he was being a gentleman in helping me carry my things—it wasn't a big deal. We walked inside, straight into the lobby and we were greeted by the doorman. "Good evening, Mr. Auclair." "Good evening, Dorris." Dorris had smiled at me and I politely smiled back at him; knowing he seemed nice. He was probably around my father's age which made me feel bad for seeing him stand for too long, then again, he seemed to be happy doing his job. "We will be at the penthouse," Adam said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Of course," I muttered. "We will sign the contract later once you're settled. I advise you to read it carefully and if there are any changes you want, feel free to tell me." He said, without looking at me as he typed away on his phone. Adam was a busy man, he never went anywhere without his phone and I knew it. I knew it better than anyone else because I had been there with him for the past five years. Sometimes, I had wondered if he ever got sick or a migraine from spending too much time looking at screens but he was fine. He never called in sick. He never looked sick. He never even went to see the doctor unless for his annual medical checkups. This was the man I was tied to for the next twelve months. The man other women were always dying to have.
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