Chapter Seven-1

2016 Words

Chapter SevenThe old maid put a rug over Fenella’s knees and arranged a pillow behind her head in an easy-chair set under the shade of a big lime tree. “Now just you rest, Miss Fenella,” she said firmly, “and no running over to the Priory when my back is turned to go afussing over Master Periquine. He can look after himself for a while and it’ll do him good.” “Did he seem all right when he came here yesterday, Anna?” Fenella asked. “There was nothing wrong with - him,” Anna answered sharply. She had been in the service of Fenella’s mother and father for over thirty years and had looked after Fenella, loved her and scolded her since she was a small child. It was always Anna who saved her from the worst consequences of her escapades with Periquine, who mitigated the punishment of being

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