Three weeks after the final stand with the Volturi we relocated back to Washington where we purchased a home in Bainbridge, courtesy of Nic's family. They owned Bainbridge Island and everything on it and was selective of the people that lived there.
The north side of the island was exclusive access only. There were no humans living on this side of the island so we didn't have to hide ourselves. We had privacy, even in the sunlight.
Our home nestled serenely on the treasured low bank white sand beach with spectacular views of Seattle's iconic skyline. It was the perfect blend of formal and casual living space. We had a Caterer's kitchen with an adjoining family room. Soaring ceilings, abundant light, intimate spaces and mature manicured grounds. Our property even had two separate carriage houses that provided abundant space for guests, additional storage as well as 4 car garage space.
It was beautiful.
The exterior of the house was a grey blue framed in white. There were several windows that allowed light into the house at all times of the day helping to illuminate the white interior of the house. It was perfect, even better than our last house and the one before it.
Though I only ever seen pictures of the property I already loved it and I looked forward to making our permanent roots here. But we wouldn't get to move into it until after we were married, which would be tomorrow.
For now me and my family returned back to the Lake House. While Nic and his returned to their home on the Sound.
After the wedding that would be held on the Lake House property our family would break and move into individual houses.
Carlisle and Esme would move into another house on the sound that they owned as a investment. My mother and father would take residence at my old house that was nextdoor to Nic's family home while Emmett, Rosalie and Penelope remained at the Lake House.
Things would be better without the Volturi looming over us. But it felt weird knowing that we could finally begin to live a somewhat normal life.
The details of the wedding was left up to Alice like always. The only thing I sort of got to do was pick my bridal party. Penelope is my maid of honor, Sili and Jamie are my brides maid and Jennifer is my flower girl.
For the best men Tyler would be pairing up with Jamie, Paul would be pairing up with Penelope and Jake would be walking with Sili.
Alice had everything bought and paid for everything that was needed for the ceremony and reception. All the decorations, gifts, dresses and tuxedos were chosen and paid for too, though I haven't seen any of it, not even my dress.
"Are you nervous?" Penelope asked me as she came into my bedroom at the Lake House.
I was standing outside on my balcony, staring over the grounds imaging what vision Alice would create for my day. I saw pictures of my mother and fathers wedding and it was so beautiful. I just didn't think that you could do any better than that because it was so spectacular.
"Nervous about what?" I asked as she joined my side.
"Getting married, being a wife, possibily becoming a mother."
I took a deep breath to settle my nerves that had sky rocketed when she mentioned becoming a mother. That, I wasn't too fond of because of the problems that could arise.
Looking at Penelope I smiled and shook my head. "I'm not nervous." I lied smoothly. "This is what I want." Now that was the truth. I wanted to become his wife and didn't want to delay another moment.
"Are you excited?" she then asked.
I nodded my head, my eyes keeping sight on the glimmer that the sun cast upon the lake.
"You don't seem excited."
"I was alive the first time the Volturi wanted to go to war with my family, the second time and the third. It 's just difficult you know, trying to wrap my mind around the idea of them being gone. I just need time to adjust to the reality of this all. But believe me, I am excited."
"So, about the bridal party. Who is Paul?"
"Paul...." I smirked slightly before breaking into a full laugh. "He is in the Quileute wolf pack. Uh, tall, black hair, muscular."
"The one who always looks angry and is real mouthy?"
I nodded my head. "Yeah, they call him the hot head."
Penelope did a little wiggle dance with a grin on her face. "He is cute. Does he know me? Do you think he likes me?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "When I told him that his sister Sili was going to be in the bridal party and asked him to walk with you he had no idea who you were. I even described you and mentioned that you two have been in the same room numerous times but I guess he didn't see you."
"Does he have a girlfriend?"
"Uh, I heard him and Jake's sister had a thing going on once but then she dumped him because he was bitter and hostile. He hasn't dated since then."
"So he is available."
I sighed. "Yes Penelope he is available but don't get your hopes up he is emotionally closed off to any sort of affection towards another person. Also, when you meet him, don't take his insults personally."
"The only thing I want to take personally is his ass to bed. Imagine the things-"
"No, I do not want to imagine anything having to do with you, Paul and a bed." I shook my head of the thoughts that accompanied the words I just spoke. "Yeah..."
Penelope smiled. "I'm still a virgin you know. I've just been curious, I've heard it feels good."
"What feels good?" I bluffed, hoping she'd drop the subject.
"s*x. My mother and I had the talk the day I first got my period."
"Yeah, it's a interesting subject." I felt my face blush. "You should wait though, until you get married. I mean you don't want to end up in the same situation as Matthew."
Penelope's face fell into a frown.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I just don't want you to end up pregnant before you are ready." Penelope wrapped her arms around me and leaned into my chest where she began crying. "No, please don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that."
"I miss him so much. He was my best friend."
I began rubbing her back. "I know."
"He didn't love her, you know. He did what he thought was best in order to protect you."
"How can you be sure?" I asked her.
She wiped her nose and her eyes before she turned her back towards me. "We are twins, we have a telepatheic connection with each other. I saw it all in his mind. Even though he made a mistake his loyalty in this situation has always been to you Renesmee."
I stared out over the grounds, thinking about the last thing I had said to Matthew. I knew it wasn't anything nice but I wish it had been. I had regrets with how I treated him and now I had to live with them.
"Alice is back." I whispered as I saw her exiting the boat with Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie.
The four-some were making several rapid trips back and forth from the boat. Each time they carried with them several large parcels.
I inhaled through my nose and then slowly released my breath out through my mouth. These had to be the decorations for my ceremony and reception. Everything was becoming real.
"Penelope, sweetie." My mother entered my bedroom, a smile on her face. "Alice needs you. She wants to do some last minute altering on your dress."
"Thank you aunt Bella." Penelope said before she left the room.
Now it was just my mother and I.
Walking back into my room I took a seat at my piano and began playing.
My mother came over to my side and sat on the piano bench beside me. "Seeing all these preperations going on reminds me of the day before I got married. I was scared, not because I didn't love him but because I didn't know what was next."
"I don't understand?" I replied as I continued playing.
"I mean, though I had an idea of what was to come I was still afraid of the unknown and unpredictable things in life."
"I thought daddy said you were afraid of what people would think about you getting married so young."
"That was a part of it but I never really gave a hoot about what people thought of me. It was the unknown."
I stopped playing and turned to look at my mother. "I'm afraid of our honey moon.. What if we make love and I end up pregnant, I don't want to die mom."
"Don't trouble, trouble until trouble, troubles you."
"So basically you want me to throw caution to the wind?"
My mother nodded her head. "Your father was afraid to make love to me because of the possibility that he could hurt me. But he threw caution to the wind and we made love and it was the greatest decision because we got you out of it."
"You want me to have children?"
"No, that is not what I am saying. I just want you to enjoy yourself, don't worry about anything until you absolutely need too. Enjoy life."
I sighed. "Enjoy life.... I can do that."
My mother grazed my cheek with her hand. "That's my girl. Now about tomorrow, has he told you where you are going for your honey moon?"
"No, he hasn't told me yet. He wants-"
"-To keep it a surprise." My mother finished. I smiled. "Your father said the same thing."
My mother rose to her feet and I mimicked. "Tomorrow is your big day. Make sure you eat something and get adequate rest or Alice will get on you." She said before she left the room.
Tomorrow was my big day. I was getting married.