Chapter No: 06

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Rose's P.O.V. Dead Silent! That is the only expression I can use to describe the scene unfolding around me. Everyone was frozen in their spot like nobody even dared to breathe, worrying some catastrophe might strike again. Matt was the first one to speak this time. He pulled Ryan so that he would face him and asked, "ARE YOU SERIOUS? Are you sure about it, Ry? Because if whatever you say is true, this changes everything between Caleb and us. So, I am going to ask you again, ARE YOU SURE ABOUT IT?" Ryan looked hurt at his question. There could be multiple reasons for this. It could be because Matt doubted Ry or maybe because he was sad that what Matt said was indeed true, nothing would remain the same. He was about to speak when I intervened, "Matt, do you seriously think Ry would ever pull such a nasty prank on us? Look me in the eye and say that you don't trust what he just said. That you, NO; that we all weren't stupid enough to not see what was happening right in front of our eyes." Matt knew what I said was true and there was a glimpse of appreciation in Ryan's eyes directed towards me. Mia and Iris had no idea who we were talking about so they kept quiet and just listened to what was being discussed. By now, we all knew that s**t had already happened. Now all that was needed was some countermeasure to clean it up and I knew where to start. Now that we had two different problems to deal with, we needed to be more precise and calculative about our strike. Ryan knew about Caleb's lie and was pissed at him. That made sense, but why didn't he want him to be involved in Bella's problem? That was still something I was confused about. So, I asked him directly. "Ry, I understand that you are pissed at Caleb for lying to us but I still don’t understand this?” His eyes turned into narrow slits as he enquired, “Don’t understand WHAT?” Flaying my arms around, I screamed, “Whatever this is. Why are you hell-bent on not telling Caleb about this? What is this about? I’m kind of lost her.” He was still looking at me like crazy, when I asked again, “Why don't you want us to involve him in Bella's situation? He might be of some help, you know." Ryan, who was settled on the loveseat, stood up frantically as if my thoughts burned his ass and screamed, "NO!" This time it was Mia who spoke, "Why? Is there something more to this story that you haven't told us, Ry?" He shook his head as if to deny her thought, but then ended up asking me a question, "Do you remember who Veronica originally had her eyes on?" and just like that, his fear made sense. The first time we saw Mason and his friends, Veronica was latched onto his arm; she was also the one who created a scene in the cafeteria to grab his attention, but it did not go well. All this time she had her eyes trained on Mason, all her actions were to grab his attention, all the chaos was to pull Mason towards her and it somehow did not work as she wanted. Mason was devoted to Bella all this time. Yet here we are planning to kill our best friend's mate. Because even though he was loyal to her in the beginning, he ended up betraying her, right after they slept together. Such a bitchy move! Even though this proves that Mason is the douchebag here, this isn't what Ry is talking about. He means to say that there is a fair chance that Mason cheated on Bella with Veronica and if that is true, then maybe Caleb is onto this with her. It's either this or two of our friends just got their hearts broken at the same time. Ryan shares a look with Matt and, just like that, Matt agrees with him. "He is right. We cannot let Caleb know about this, not until we know whether he is still the same old Caleb or a traitor who just wants to have Bella by his side, as his mate at all costs." Mia and Iris nod to his words, silently accepting his command. I know I shouldn't be biased right now, but if what Ryan is suggesting ends up being true, Caleb is in a lot of trouble. Agreeing with Matt, I added a quick suggestion of my own, "I am going to call Rachel and ask her about the situation over there." Ryan opened his mouth, which I'm pretty sure was to protest when I held my hand up to stop him. He shut himself up, as he stared at me wide-eyed. I took this as a sign to continue, "Rachel, Blake, and Aiden; all of them loathe Veronica. I have a feeling that if they were allowed to pick sides, they would end up choosing Bells" Matt nods, agreeing to it and Ryan just drops his head, accepting it silently. Taking my phone out, I dialed Rachel's number. It hardly rings twice before she picks it up sounding frantic, "Hello Rose? Is everything okay? Are the boys, okay? What happened?" Listening to her ramble about various things at a time, somehow made me feel better about this whole situation. She takes a quick pause to breathe and I take that as a chance to finally speak out. "Rachel. Calm down. It isn't the boys, it's Bella." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IS SHE OKAY!" "Oh my god woman, stop screaming for god's sake. She is still alive, but I don't think your brother will be once we get our hands on him." "What does that mean?" "Listen to me very carefully Rachel, because I'm only going to say this once.” There is silence on the other side of my phone, and for a second there I thought she fell back asleep. So, I ask, “You there?” “YES! What is it?” comes her reply. MASON CHEATED ON BELLA WITH SOME CHICK. Now, who do you think that chick could be?" Rachel went silent for a few minutes because she was just as shocked as we were. So, I ask again, "Rachel, what the f**k did I just ask you? Who could that woman be?" and the very next second she slowly whispered, "I don't know. He had never had a girlfriend before Bella." Suddenly it sounds like she is talking to someone else, "Blake, do you think Mason could cheat on Bella with someone else?" And a very sleepy reply is heard somewhere around her saying, "No!" Rachel returns the call and says, "I think you're mistaken. Even Blake doesn't think that's possible." Now, this was my turn to be pissed, as I said, "MISTAKEN? REALLY. My best friend is withering in pain because your brother couldn't keep it in his pants and yet you dare to tell me that I could be mistaken. Just GREAT!" I could hear Rachel's faint and shocked voice saying, "Bella!" but I cut her off saying, "Well, since you don't know about it, that means he isn't inside his house. Now, do you know who that b***h could be?" Silence greeted the line and after a few seconds, a faint male murmur could be heard, but even though the voice was faint, I could hear it. It was just one word, just one name, "Veronica".
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