Chapter No: 08

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Isabella's P.O.V. Everyone was waiting for me to speak first. They were scared to even breathe too loudly, worrying that I might explode at even the slightest movement around me; they looked at me like I was a ticking time bomb. Bloody Hell! I hate this feeling, I always have. When someone tries so hard to act normal that they end up making it obvious, but the truth is they are affected by whatever happened and now want to know what the outcome was. I was still standing in the exact spot where the boys left me, not knowing what to do or where to sit in my own house. Rose entered the room and I knew she was walking toward me, from how the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me. She halted right beside me and guided the mug filled with coffee towards me. I gave her a nod and held it in between my palms, savoring the heat radiating from the cup. Her left hand came to rest on my shoulder as she directed me towards the sofa. I didn't even bother looking at her to deny or protest against it and just kept walking until I reached the spot and sat down quietly, might I add, sipping my coffee. Rachel was the first one out of the five to move. She got up from the love seat and slowly settled beside me as if she was walking on eggshells. The next thing I know, I'm wrapped up in a warm hug. I could feel her weeping, her tears falling on my shoulders, creating a wet patch on my gray T-shirt. Even though she was all over me, I could not hear her thoughts, but could still somehow feel her emotions. That was weird! Why can't I hear her thoughts? To think of it, I couldn't clearly hear Rose's thoughts either. But I could hear every single word of what my sisters were thinking. What kind of f****d up situation is this? Could this be because I can't feel Aurora anymore? What if Aurora left me? But if I didn't do anything wrong, then why am I the one who was getting punished? Uhhhh! I hate this, all of this. And I don't know who is responsible for it, but whoever it is, one thing was for sure. I'm going to kill them, one piece at a time, and I think I'll enjoy it a lot. I was busy planning someone's funeral when I heard Rachel speak, "I know this doesn't make it any better, but I'm really sorry. For the first time in my life, I'm ashamed of my brother. I hope you don't hate me. I promise I'll help you to put him in his right place," Shock was clearly evident on my face when I heard what she said. I couldn't believe my own ears, it was hard to believe that she picked sides and was standing in my support; against her own brother. What in the bloody hell? Before I could ask her anything, she continued, "Because he belongs to be beside you; that is exactly where he should be. Now and forever. And he will. I'll make sure of it only after I make sure that he pays for his stupidity." I patted her hand once and gave her a small yet encouraging smile, silently agreeing with her words. I didn't have the energy to argue with her and I had to give her at least that for being on my side, even though I didn't agree with the second half of her statement. Rose was the next one to speak, she basically grabbed this opportunity and asked Rachel, "Speaking of the ass. Where is he? Do you guys have any idea about where the f**k he went?" "No," says Blake. "No," repeated Aiden. "NO! No one knows. NOT EVEN MOM" screamed Rachel. The boys turn a little to look at her and as soon as she realizes it, she holds her ears and mumbles her apology to them in the cutest manner. Matt and Ryan still haven't spoken, even though I can feel their eyes trained on me. I shake my head and try to lighten up the situation a little bit by saying, "It doesn't matter. What's done is done. And unfortunately, it can't be changed. So let's just leave him to it and go ahead with our lives." Within a second, Aiden was out of his seat shouting, "That's BULLSHIT" and this time the boys turned to look at him with their eyes all big, shock plastered on their faces. Rose notices it and grabs Aiden by his ear and pulls it a little, shouting at him, "Do you want a timeout, Mister? If you say that word again, I will put you in a timeout, am I clear?" Aiden is confused, but then she hints at him towards the boys, and he quickly understands and starts to play along, "Umm, Sorry. I won't say a bad word again" and the boys turned back towards the T.V. Mia and Iris pop in at the exact moment and suggest, "Want us to take the boys up to their room? You guys might get some freedom of speech then." I nod towards them, and they turn the T.V. off as they take the boys upstairs, where I believe no cuss words will be exchanged. Now that the boys have left, Matt asks, "What does that mean, Aiden? You seriously believe that your Good-for-nothing Alpha is innocent?" Aiden shakes his head to deny Matt's accusations and says, "First of all, if we leave this incident out, then let me tell you, he is a great Alpha; strong, trustworthy and caring", but before he could continue any further, Ryan adds, laughing out loud, "TRUSTWORTHY? CARING? ARE YOU EVEN HEARING YOURSELF? He played with my sister's heart, broke her spirit, crushed her dreams, and still, you have the audacity to call him all of that. You are f*****g DELUSIONAL." Aiden nods before speaking, "You cannot judge him over this. I know this is the biggest f**k up he could ever do. But trust me, when I say this something doesn't just feel right." Rose pitches in, "What do you mean?" This time it's Blake who says, "He LOVES her. There is no f*****g chance that he would cheat on her willingly. He was totally head-over-heels for her. When I say this, it's not because he is my Alpha or my friend, but because he had everything planned out, the whole future, from how his dream house looks to the part with the number of children he'd have with her. So forgive us, if you think we are stupid to say this, but we have our doubts." Rachel nods and agrees, "He talked about her all the time. Our parents are eagerly waiting for her to move in and that is only because of him. He was all about Bella. Bella this, Bella that. Even Noah started to behave like him, with his regular Bella chants. I get that he f****d up, like terrible. But if there is even the slightest possibility of something else or someone is responsible for it, I would take the chance and I think so should you."
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