Chapter No: 10

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Veronica's P.O.V. It took me about an hour to reach my destination. I was about to step out of the car when I heard her dumb squeaky voice. "Back for more already?" and just like that, all the happiness left my body as anger took over. I had every right to. She was the one who gave me the dumb serum or whatever voodoo s**t that she brewed saying that Mason would be all over me after I fed it to him. I did everything she told me and even after that, I couldn't make him c*m, not even once. So, sorry for being pissed, but I was about to give her an earful. I guess she sensed my uneasiness as she asked, "Why so stiff? Did you f**k it up already?" That statement was the last thread, I grabbed her by the neck, squeezing her windpipe, and screamed in her face, "Don't you dare spite me, you might just end up dead." She was having quite a lot to suck in as much oxygen as she could and just like that, my grip on her tightened, slowly crushing her windpipe. She grabbed onto my hands, slamming her palm on them several times to tell me to let her go, but the frustration was getting the worst out of me and I just couldn't stop. "Lee.e...e...t……," she said with fear evident in her eyes. Finally, I let go of her and I said, "Your stupid tonic isn't working as you said it would. He isn't listening to everything that I say, plus he won't c*m. HE JUST WON'T! And it's bloody frustrating." She had her hands gripping her throat as she tried to soothe the pain and replied, "You were about to kill me because you didn't get a f*****g release. Oh for fucksake, you made me go through all of this because of this? I would have bought you a f*****g dildo, you dumb bitch." "For someone who has magical powers, you are dumb. I have plenty of s*x, I don't need him for that." "Slut-much" "Mind your tongue, Diane. Don't act too mighty as if I don't know who you're sleeping with." "Of course, you'd know that. That's why you have always been famous for gossiping. But at least I'm sleeping with the guy I'm rightfully mated to, unlike some skanky b***h like you." "You..." "Oh, save it. You know you need me for whatever fuckery you've got planned. So drop the act and tell me what it is that you're trying to do here." I was getting tired of hiding this s**t and if answering her questions truthfully meant she would help me get what I wanted, then sure why not. So, that's what I did. I told her everything. "I've always wanted to be his Luna and the only way I can do that is if I get pregnant with his child; that way he won't have any other option but to accept me as his mate and crown me as the pack's Luna. But for me to conceive, I need him...." Before I could finish, Diane spoke, "You need him to c*m. So I was right, you are more f****d up than you used to be." I was about to give her a piece of my mind, but she continued, "Look, I don't care about the drama that you've created for yourself, but since you came here to ask for my help, I'll tell you this. It's your scent. He knows what his mate smells like, and you don't smell anything like her; maybe that is the reason behind his lack of acceptance." Her words made sense, but how was that even possible? "But how the f**k, am I supposed to smell like her." She looked at me with an arrogant stare and mumbled, "Call me dumb all you want, but you are the one who is dumb." "Stop with the insults, Diane, and just get done with what you're trying to say here." "Uhhh! You can't smell like her, that's for sure, but you can mimic her scent and lure the boy in." "Is that even possible?" I asked eagerly. She gave me a duh expression and said, "I can cook it up and get it ready by Saturday; but for that, I'm going to need something that belongs to her mate." "SATURDAY! That's like more than 72 hours, bitch." "Do you want it or not?" She knew I was desperate, and I knew that I needed her, especially if I wanted this to work. So I slowly nodded. She gave a curt nod and replied, "Good. Then listen to me very carefully. To mimic her odor, I need something that belongs to her. It could be her hair, her nails, or her blood. The faster you get it, the faster I start cooking it." I nodded, agreeing with her. But this time, it wasn't just a portion that she was willing to cook, it came with a fair warning. "But let me tell you this, there is no going back from here. The moment you put it on, the fragrance will latch itself onto you, and he will end up seeing his mate in your place. The fragrance will make it hard for him to differentiate between his girl and you, for about 3 hours. Also, it can only be used once. You get only one chance to use it and to put it to good use." "WHAT?" "Yeah. What do you mean by WHAT? It is a bloody potion and can only be cooked in a limited amount. Don't tell me you expected that I'd cook it up in a large cauldron?" I just stared at her, and she got the memo, "YOU DID! Like what the actual f**k Veronica. There isn't an unlimited supply of goods here and, as it isn't some party cocktail, it can't be made in bulk quantities. The proportion is the essence." "Okay. Okay. But what if I miss the three-hour window?" I asked. "Then that's it. If you miss it, you lose. No do-overs. No second chance." It's like she was opening her mouth only to piss me off. I was about to give her a piece of my mind when he appeared. Her Beloved Mate, the guy who has been calling off the shots for quite some time now, the guy whose presence was pissing me off. "What's cooking honey?" he asked her as he dropped a chaste kiss on her lips. She warmed up to him and said, "Nothing special. My Cousin needed some help with the boy." "She is still having trouble with him?" he asked this as if I wasn't standing there, and she replied with a nod. He turned his attention to me and said, "Get on with your plan. You can't waste too much time behind him. I need to play my cards and if you cause me unnecessary trouble, then I might just have to get rid of you. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" I nodded, silently agreeing with him. I had to. After all, I didn't stand a chance to beat him. He wasn't some normal guy whom I could teach a thing or two; he was just as powerful as Mason, maybe more. Because he was the ROGUE ALPHA.
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