Darnet nodded his head. "Okay, fine." He said. A wondered expression is written on Sapphire face. "Just like that? Are you serious!" Sapphire laughed. "Yes, I am..." Darnet nodded his head. Sapphire hugged him. "Thank you, buddy!" Darnet smiled. It took a few more minutes for Sapphire to digest this face, that Darnet can do this for their friendship. After a good laugh, Sapphire gave him a look. "David told me about a boy. You were asking about him, who was he?" He asked. "What about him? Did he found him?" Darnet was looking so impatient. "No, he didn't found him, if you want, we can look for him..." Sapphire said. "No, that's fine!" Darnet remembered his eyes. He didn't realise, but his face starts shining brightly. Sapphire gave him a look. (Present Time) "The boy in