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I watched as master Derek transformed into a big grey wolf, my eyes widened in fear as I took three steps back. So this was he meant when he asked me to promise him not to be scared of him. "He won't hurt you" Magnus said to me. I swallowed my saliva as I turned around to look at Venetia but she was not there anymore. I saw Master Derek's wolf lower down to my level so I could get on his back. But I was still scared to move close to him "Don't be scared, he won't hurt you" Magnus said to me again. I looked at him and saw that he was serious about it " you have my word, if he hurt you I'll punch the hell out of him " Magnus said as he demonstrated with his fist in the air. I breathed in and out before I managed to take one step at a time closer to the wolf. I finally got close to Master Derek's wolf as I used my shaky hand to grabbed his grey fur and climbed on his back as I sat comfortably. "See it's easy" Magnus said to me as he smiled showcasing his perfect white teeth making him so handsome. I smiled back, I didn't know that there was other creatures as Master Derek and Magnus living in this world. I never believed Venetia when she told me until I saw Master Derek with my own eyes. Real giant and giantess shapeshifters who had greyish skin and long braided hair both the male and female as it was thier culture, it was so new to me. When Master Derek made sure I was comfortable on his back, he stood up on his four legs making me high above the ground. I held his fur tightly in fear of falling off. I saw Magnus transformed into a big black bird as he preferred to fly instead. It amazed me on how Master Derek and Magnus could change into anything they want. And then the wolf started running in a fast pace as Magnus flew above us. I turned around to look at the castle as it became smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it anymore. We passed many giants and giantess on our way, they were very tall and huge. I could see children giant and giantess playing, the children are even taller than me. If should stand with them I will just be reaching them at thier elbow, God I felt so small. We got to the market place where many things were sold. Of course the market was filled with giants and giantess, I could see few humans too. I could see as some of the giants shifted into a bird and different kinds of animals. But what surprised me the most was when I saw a male giant shifted into a female giantess, I opened my mouth in awe. Gosh they had so many gifts. ' does that mean Master Derek and Magnus could change into a female giantess too' I thought in my head. We got into a forest which was filled with so many beautiful flowers making it beautiful. I have so many questions to ask Master Derek but I couldn't because I couldn't talk to him in his wolf from. Then I saw a tree with some kind of weird looking fruit. It was triangle in shape and blue in colour, I was staring at the fruit when I felt myself was higher than I was. How? I asked myself as I looked down and saw that Master Derek has shifted into his giant form as I was sitting on his neck now. I looked into his blue beautiful eyes, how can one be so beautiful like him "why did we stop?" I asked him. "I thought you wanted to taste the bab fruit?" He answered. " Oh no, I was just staring at it , I haven't see this kind of fruit before" I said wait? How did he know?. " How did you know?" I asked him. Master Derek chuckled and said " I just know" if I should tell her because she was my mate she won't understand the mate thing now Derek thought to himself. "Oh" I said and saw Master Derek stretched his hand to the tree and plucked the bab fruit. It wasn't hard for him as he was almost reaching the tree. He gave the fruit to me " here taste it" he said. I collected the fruit from him " thanks" I said as I took a bite from it " Hmmm it's delicious" I said to him and he smiled at me making me stare at him for some seconds before I resumed eating the fruit back. "Why did you guys stop without informing me" we heard Magnus voice and I saw him sitting on a tree as he had transformed into his human form instead of his giant form. "Sorry about that, it's my fault. I was staring at this fruit" I showed him the bab fruit in my hand " Master Derek stopped to get it for me" I answered as Master Derek ignored Magnus. " Oh let me have a bite of it" Magnus said to me. " Ok here" I said about to give Magnus the fruit when I heard master Derek growled at Magnus as he said " pluck yours". "Oh please already acting possessive , I was only joking. We have to be on our way as the slaves prison is still far" Magnus said. I quickly finished eating the bab fruit as I said "let's go". But Master Derek didn't shift into his wolf as he still stood and look at me "do you want more of the bab fruit" he asked me. I saw Magnus rolled his eyes as he shifted into his bird and flew away leaving us. "No I'm ok let's go" I said. And Master Derek finally shifted into his wolf as he started running again. An hour passed and we still haven't gotten to the slaves prison. I didn't know when I slept off and entered my dreamland. I saw myself back at the slave prison, how did I get here ? I asked myself worst place of all. I touched my face it felt real, maybe I could find Elia I said to myself. I started walking to the punishment room immediately when I heard footsteps coming behind me. I quickly hid behind a pillar as the place was a little dark. I saw the guards passed by, when I'm sure there was no noise again. I got out of my hiding place as I walked towards the door of the punishment room. I breathed in and out before I opened the door with shaking hands, I peeped in and saw no one there. Even the chair we were tied to wasn't there anymore. The place was just dark. I closed the door gently, " where's Elia?". Just I was about turning around to go to our cell maybe I will find Elia there, I hit a hard wall, no not a wall. Someone's chest. I looked up to see Leonard's black eyes and evil smirk on his lips as he looked down at me. I quickly move away from him. "Long time no see slave" he said to me. And then I heard a loud shrilling scream from behind Leonard, I looked behind him as I saw Lennon stabbed Elia with a knife in her chest and brought out her heart. I thought he died. "Nooooooooo" I shouted as I ran towards Elia who was laying dead in the ground." Elia wake up, it's me Aria I'm here now" I called Elia as I started crying. And the I felt a sharp pain in my chest area I screamed as Lennon pulled out my heart too. " You think you can escape, I told you I'll torture you myself" Lennon said to me as my eyes closed. I screamed again as I woke up from the horrible dream it felt so real as I started crying again. Master Derek heard my scream as he stopped running and transformed back to his human form and carried me and dropped me gently on the ground " are you alright?" He asked with concern laced with his voice. I nodded my head when I realized it was a dream, a bad dream. "Yes I'm fine , I had a bad dream" I said as I sniffed " I saw him ....him stab Elia and pulled out her heart" I said as I hugged Master Derek neck. He hugged me back soothing me as he rubbed my back gently " it's ok I'm here with you" he said to me.
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