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"Both of you come with me" Lennon said with a smirk on his lips. We followed immediately. He took us to a different place entirely, I have never come across this particular place before though it's within the building of the slaves. We finally reached the punishment room, there was traces of blood everywhere. The room stinks with blood. The room was darker than any other place in the slaves prison. There was only one light glowing and it was not bright enough. Lennon opened the the lock of the door and pushed us in and locked it back. "I finally got hold of you wretched girls, you'll spend three days here without food and water, I'll make sure I torture you myself" Lennon said licking his lips irritatingly making my skin crawl. I just ignored what he said but Elia didn't " we didn't do anything you pig" she said angrily. Why were we spending five days here anyway when we did nothing wrong I couldn't glad her. But that was a wrong move , Lennon could kill us right here on the spot and nobody cares. Lennon eyes turned black for a seconds and turned brown back. It was so fast but I swear I saw it , sometimes I wondered if these people are humans cause sometimes they do somethings inhuman. The smirk on Lennon's face fell "shut up you little brat, you're so lucky Leonard didn't strip you again and spank your little ass till it becomes red " Lennon spat on the ground and stormed out angrily. Elia held the bars of the cell as she started crying. I stood up from my sitting position just as I took two steps to Elia I stepped on a sharp object " arggghh" I screamed startling the crying Elia. She ran towards my side " what's wrong , are you alright" she asked. I sat back on the floor "no I'm not, careful Elia there are sharp objects on the ground, I just stepped on a glass. " Oh my God Aria , I'm so sorry. Let me help you" she said as she sat on the ground with me helping me with my wound even though it was dark. We could barely see ourselves. * * * Somewhere faraway in a City called Naal. A huge tall man sat on the balcony as he rested on one leg and the other leg dangling. His skin was greyish as they sparkled under the moon light. His hair was braided and long which he parkede into bun. His best friend Magnus came to sit beside him in the balcony. He has same hair and skin colour. "Hey Derek, I've been looking all over for you" Magnus said as he stretched his hand. " Well you've found me" Derek replied. "Thinking about your mate again aren't you? " Magnus said. Derek didn't reply for three minutes before he finally said " aren't you thinking about your mate too". Magnus waved his hands on the air " naa , I don't think I want a mate now". "I want my mate by my side, I need her, I'm going crazy Mag. I have a feeling that she's is not happy where she is " Derek said as he narrowed his eyes. The thought of his mate not happy didn't settled well with him. And then he stood on the railings of the balcony " Magnus I'm going to search for her, if anyone asked about me tell them I went to search for my mate". Derek Said. Magnus also stood on the railings as he quickly object the idea " No Derek , you can't just leave like that , what about our people" Magnus said. " I'll be back as soon as I can" Derek said as he shapeshift into a big bird and flew away from the balcony leaving Magnus behind. "Wait!" Magnus said as he shapeshift into a big bird and followed Derek immediately. Derek and Magnus flew for hours untill they finally landed on a rooftop as they changed back to thier human form. "Why you following me , I thought I told you to tell inform our people about my whereabout" Derek said as he sniffed the air, the scent of his mate was getting stronger. He could smell it. "I can't stay, I'll will bored, don't worry we will be back before they find out like you said" Magnus said and was about to rest when Derek shapeshift to a bird again and flew again leaving Magnus again. "Oh come on, I need to rest I've been flying for hours " Magnus said with a tired expression on his face as he shapeshift to a bird and flew.
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