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Brianna went inside her apartment and headed for the bedroom stopping briefly in the living area to greet her roommate and friend Robin Chevy. Robin was a secretary for an elementary school. Four years ago, she had been looking for a roommate and Brianna had answered the ad and taken the other room. They had been strangers at the time but had become fast friends. Robin was about the same age and a wonderful bubbly personality though she wasn’t much to look at. She was kind of plain and simple but sweet; people loved her. “You’re back early,” Robin said muting the TV. “How did it go?” “He’s downstairs waiting for me. He invited me to stay with him for a few days to get a feel for his life. It’s a great opportunity. Can I borrow your suitcase?” She didn’t have one of her own. “Sure.” Robin got up, and Brianna followed her to Robin’s room where she took the suitcase from the closet and handed it to her. Then Robin followed Brianna to her room. “So how long are you going to be gone?” “I don’t know two or three days. I’m going to see how things play out.” She said packing her bag with everything she thought she might need. She also packed a few night-out things because she didn’t know what they would be doing, and she wanted to be prepared. Once her bag was packed, she changed into a strapless black dress and let her long blond hair down. She fixed her makeup and slipped into a pair of heels. “What’s with the gussying up tonight?” “He wants to go clubbing so I had to change.” Brianna carried her bag to the door and then pulled on her short-cropped leather jacket that went so well with the dress she was wearing. “Ok, I’m gone. I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you how things are going.” She said goodbye and rushed downstairs to the street. They had taken a black town car which Chino was driving. Chino put her suitcase in the truck promising to have it in her room for her when she got back. Then she got in, and they drove out to a huge nightclub called the X-Factor. It was the hottest club in town, and Brianna had never been able to get in. She was a nobody, and nobodies stood in a long line of hopefuls behind the red velvet rope while the who’s who of LA by-passed the line. It didn’t surprise Brianna that Mr. Cooper could get in. They walked past the line, and he shook hands with the doorman, and as he pushed the door open for them, Brianna noticed the doorman palm a hundred-dollar bill that Mr. Cooper had no doubt slipped him. They went inside, and Brianna was impressed. The place was huge, and the environment was electrifying. There were three levels. It was like the building was a huge warehouse that had been hollowed out and converted into a nightclub. There was a large bar against the south wall that was seriously busy and bottle service booths lining the walls with black patent leather couches and white tables. The center of the building was a huge dancefloor, and near the east wall, there was a short staircase to the second level with tables and chairs. By the bar was another staircase that leads up to a balcony level that overlooked the whole bar big burly men guarded it. It seemed to be an exclusive VIP section. Against the north wall was a raised stage with lighting, fog machine, and DJ. The music was so loud she could feel the beat pulsing through her body, and the dance floor was jam-packed with beautiful young people with glow bracelets, necklaces, and sticks being waved around over their heads as they danced. It was a legal rave. She’d never been to a rave before. Suddenly Mr. Cooper grabbed Brianna by the hand and dragged her into the center of the crowded dancefloor. The sheer volume of people on the floor forced everyone up against one another. His body started rocking, and his hands grabbed her by the elbows and lifted her arms above her head like the other dancers. Then his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer while they danced. Brianna lowered her arms twining them around his shoulders as they bumped and rocked with the sway of the crowd. The general feeling of the whole place was so intense it was almost intoxicating on its own. The lights flashed, and the speakers thumped. Her body vibrated and when the DJ yelled out over the microphone for everyone to scream the whole bar threw up their arms and cheered while he threw more glow sticks into the audience. Then he put on a popular party song and when the chorus came over the speakers the whole place was singing along. “It’s getting hot in here,” Brianna said feeling a little overheated. He didn’t seem to hear her, so she leaned in, and she spoke loudly in his ear. “I’m hot.” “Ok, let’s grab a drink.” He said loudly back and then pointed toward the bar. They pushed their way through the dancefloor until they came out at the bar. There were no bar stools it was standing room only. Mr. Cooper tapped on the bar to get the bartenders attention and then ordered something. He slid a fifty across the bar, and the bartender handed him a bottle of whisky and two shot glasses. He picked them up and then pointed to the raised section of the club where there were tables. They made their way over and found a small tall round table with two high stools. Brianna took a seat and slipped out of her jacket hanging it on the back of her chair. Mr. Cooper didn’t sit down he stood at the table next to her and poured two shots of whisky then placed one in her hand and tapped his glass to hers and shot the cool brown liquor back. Following suit Brianna did the same and almost choked. She’d never drank whisky straight up it was a bit much, but if he could do it, she would do her best to keep up. “Do you come here often Mr. Cooper?” She asked raising her voice so that she could be heard. He moved closer and lowered his head as if he hadn’t heard what she had said. Brianna leaned in closer mere inches from his ear and repeated herself. “Zac.” He said back. She made a funny face like she didn’t understand his answer. “Call me Zac, not Mr. Cooper.” Brianna smiled. “Call me Brianna.” She said back. First names made things more uncomfortable. “So, do you come here a lot?” “No, not really.” He said moving closer so he could hear her. “Once or twice every couple of months. I come here when I want to cut loose.” “Do you bring women here?” He smiled and shook his head. “No, my kind of clients require a more sophisticated environment. Lounges, country clubs, art galleries, museums, banquet dinners, that sort of thing. It’s all fine and well a little dull, but it works. I’d never brought my clients to a place like this. This is what I do when I want to have fun.” Well, she agreed this was fun. More fun then she’d had in some time. She certainly wouldn’t have ever been able to get into this place on her own. It would seem he was not only expensive, but he was a big spender when he went out alone. “So how many alone nights do you get?” “Very few.” He confessed. “When I’m not working I’m with Eliza. Every Thursday the guys come over, and we chill for a bit sometimes we go out after Eliza goes to bed. Thursday is my one night a week that I don’t work. But I’m rarely ever alone… except when I workout. Though I’m in public, I do that alone. It’s a great way to decompress.” “Do you work out a lot?” “I have to.” He smiled and then lifted the front to his shirt up to show off his solid six-pack abs. “My body is my biggest asset, and this doesn’t come easy.” Brianna felt the blush in her cheeks as she stared. She wanted so badly to touch him to see how hard he was. “May I?” She asked lifting her hand to touch him. She felt silly asking, but she was dying to touch him. Zachary laughed and nodded his head. Her fingertips grazed over his abdomen and then she held her palm flat against his belly. He was solid muscle under the tight smooth skin. Like silk pulled tout over garnet. He was magnificent. “I just got to say that is hot.” She said. Perhaps the environment and the booze were loosening her tongue, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the way he was wrapped around her on the dancefloor. She wondered what it was like for the women he targeted. She had a feeling no woman had a chance when he fixed his sights on her. “Ok, my turn,” Zachary said as he lowered his shirt and poured them both another shot. “Where are you from?” “Right here. LA born and raised.” She said proudly. “How’d you get into journalism?” He asked taking the shot. “I always liked writing. I’m an inquisitive kind of person.” She said drinking her shot. “Wow, this stuff is strong.” She laughed awkwardly. “I already feel buzzed.” “Don’t quit now.” He laughed and poured them another. “We’re getting smashed tonight. We’re not leaving until the bottle is gone.” He said placing the shot glass in her hand. “Let’s party like rock stars.” Brianna laughed and shot back another four shots while they talked. The music was so loud they had to stand incredible close to be heard, and the more they talked and the more they drank, the more she enjoyed herself. Soon she found herself flirting shamelessly. Brianna found every reason she could to touch him. She kept touching his hand and his forearm. She even got bold enough to brush a dark lock of ebony hair out of his sensuous blue eyes. Zachary was flirting back his hand kept touching her shoulders and her back. When they talked, he hovered close one foot up on the lower run of the stool; she sat on. He kept leaning in to speak in her ear and pulled back just enough, so their eyes met. He was always smiling and nodding his head along to the music. He was charming and fun, and she was falling hard. They polished off the bottle and then returned to the dancefloor only this time it was more than just dancing. Zachary was hanging on her pulling her close as they bumped and ground bringing her hips right up against his. His face came close to hers, and their eyes locked a few times. When the DJ announced the last call, he suggested they beat the crowd and leave. They made their way out to the street where he called a taxi. The cab pulled up at the bar was letting out, and they jumped in before someone could steal it from them. They sat in the backseat and Zachary gave the driver his address. The cab pulled out on to the street, and Brianna relaxed back in her seat and smiled warmly at him. “I can’t tell you how much fun this has been. I needed to get out.” “Yeah, that was a blast.” He agreed to rest his head back on the back of the seat. “Sometimes you just need to get a little crazy.” “So, you must pull all-nighters all the time how do you do it with a little child at home?” “It’s exhausting.” He admitted. “But I suppose you get used to it. I take a lot of power naps during the day while Eliza’s at school and Esmerelda and Chino help out maybe more than they have to. I really couldn’t do it without them.” Suddenly he sat up straighter and tapped the driver on the shoulder. “Take a right up at the next lights; it’s faster.” In no time they were outside the house, and Zachary offered his credit card to the driver who ran it through his machine and handed it back. They got out, and Zachary punched his security code into the box, and the gate slid open. They went inside and once the door was open Zachary punched in another code into the security alarm and made sure the doors were locked. Then he reached up to the top of the door and snapped a lock in place. Brianna found it odd. That wasn’t a typical lock one would have on a door, and it was so high up. “You’re big on security?” She noted. He looked up at the lock and smiled awkwardly. “That’s more for peace of mind. Eliza sleepwalks, and we don’t want her getting out of the house, so we put these locks in. She can’t reach them even with a chair.” He said watching her with a sly smile. “Let me show you to your room.” Brianna followed him down a short hall to the stairs. They went up the stairs and down another hall. Zachary stopped at the door and peeked inside. Brianna glanced in to see Eliza sleeping soundly. He then shut the door quietly and continued down the hall to the door farthest away. He opened the door and went inside. Brianna came in after him and looked around the guest room. It was nice, like a hotel room. There was a big bed in the middle of the room with a seating area near the windows. The drapes were a heavy white fabric that was drawn. He turned on the lamp in the room and the room filled with a soft glow. Her bag was placed on the bench at the foot of the bed. “Awe, bed.” She sighed kicking off her heels and letting her bare feet pat across the plush white carpet. She couldn’t wait to get into it. She shrugged off her jacket and draped it over her suitcase. “It looks comfortable.” She said and then noticed Zachary very quietly shut the door shut himself in the room with her. Brianna turned around and saw an intense smoulder in Zachary’s bright eyes. He started in her direction his fingers working the buttons of his shirt free. He shrugged his shirt off and threw it over the bench. Reaching her, Zachary took Brianna in his arms, and his mouth claimed hers in a heated kiss that drew the very breath from her lungs. It was like being struck with lightning. Brianna ran her hands over his bare chest and sighed against his lips. “God, you are gorgeous.” She purred between kisses. “You like that baby?” He asked in a husky moan. “Wait until you see the rest of me.” She couldn’t wait. Brianna felt him pull the zipper of her dress down and her dress fell away pooling at her feet. A throaty groan rumbled from him as he stepped back and took her in wearing nothing but the black lace panties and a push-up bra. His eyes lit up as he looked her over. “You are so damn sexy.” He said pulling her against him his mouth moving over her neck nipping and sucking giving her little love bites. He reached into his pocket and took out a condom package as her hands went to his belt and tugged it open and the zipper too. She pushed the jeans down his powerful legs, and he stepped out of them. His hands went to her bottom, and Zachary lifted Brianna off her feet as he rushed the bed like a linebacker tackling her to the mattress and crawling between her legs. She had barely enough time to giggle before his mouth was eagerly eating at hers. His arousal was straining at the limits of his fitted boxers. He felt well-endowed, and she was dying to see it. His hand slid down her belly and between her legs stroking her intimately making her shamelessly damp. “You are so wet.” He groaned in her ear. “I want you so f*****g bad.” He said pulling her panties down her slender legs. Using his teeth, he tore open the package and pushed his shorts down just enough to free his ramped erection. With a skilled hand, he slipped the condom on. She had no time to look down before he drove himself deep into her burying himself to the hilt and letting out a satisfied groan. Brianna’s back arched, and she lifted her hips off the mattress taking him in as deeply as she could. It was the most satisfying feeling she’d ever experienced. Zachary pulled her bra off with one skilled hand, and his hot mouth closed around her breast and suckled at her peaking n****e. He rocked and ground against her, moving within her with urgency and groaning with intense satisfaction. Brianna dragged her nails down his back as she tried to move with him. Her head was swooning. Zachary laced his arm around Brianna’s waist and shifted back on to his knees pulling Brianna into his lap holding her body flush with his own. She took over right away with her legs still wrapped around his waist. His fingers threaded in her long hair and he gripped the roots of her hair and gently pulled her head back exposing her long neck to his hot mouth. The tip of his tongue slid seductively up her neck, and he nibbled on her earlobe sending delightful shivers to her core. Zachary’s mouth moved over her body worshiping every inch of her and then his lips found hers. Brianna ran her fingers through his hair trying to mould her body with his. Eating at his mouth like she was dying and his lips held the antidote. She’d never been this caught up in anyone. It was like some blissful madness. His hands moved down her back and came to rest on her hips guiding her forcing her down harder on him. “Oh baby, you are so good at this.” His hands gripped her bottom, and his head fell against her breastbone as if trying to control himself. She didn’t want him to control himself Brianna wanted him as mindless as she was. “Come with me.” She whispered in his ear. “Not yet.” He said taking her left leg in his hand and leaning her back against the bed. In a practiced move, he swung her leg over his head and rolled Brianna over then grabbed her hips and pulled her up on to her hands and knees. He entered her from behind and pulled on her hips pulling her back forcefully to match his powerful thrusts until she started to do it herself. His hands moved over her back and up over her shoulders. “This is a rare treat for me.” He groaned grabbing a fistful of her hair and gently pulled her head back. “I don’t usually get young and tight. I’m going to make the most of this.” He started getting forceful, and Brianna could withstand no more. Her limbs began to shake, and her body trembled as her climax rocked her body. Her essence slid down her legs, and her muscles clenched tighter around his manhood. She closed her eyes and moaned his name. “Oh yeah.” He groaned. “Come for me.” He said pulling her backwards, so she was in his lap once more with her back against his chest. His mouth moved over her ear and neck. “f**k me, baby.” Obediently Brianna moved up and down the length of him while his hands cupped her breast. “Oh yes.” She felt him shudder and he groaned in her ear. “Don’t stop. I’m almost there.” Then seconds later she felt him tremble as he reached climax. Brianna fell flat on her belly and tried to catch her breath. Zachary sighed removing the condom and tying it off. He climbed off the bed and pulled his shorts back on. Zachary walked into the adjoining guest bathroom and disposed of the condom. Brianna rolled on to her back and smiled up at him as he came back out. “That was unexpected.” “Yeah but fun.” He winked at her. “I’m tired.” He said dropping onto the mattress next to her. “I have to apologize the whisky went to my head; I’m not usually so quick.” She thought he had to be kidding there was nothing wrong with his performance. It was the best s*x of her life. She could now understand why he was so popular one night in his arms and even she wanted to write him a cheque. “That was incredible.” “I can do better.” She giggled and then curled up to him and kissed his neck. “No, really I can.” “God, I hope we didn’t wake anyone up.” She said thinking of his staff and niece. “I don’t think so.” He said putting his arms behind his head. “Do you bring women home often?” “No. I try to keep that part of my life away from Eliza.” “Do your women know about Eliza?” “Some of them. She goes to an expensive private school sometimes women will pay her tuition for me.” Brianna looked up at him and grinned. “You’re not going to charge me, are you?” He just laughed. “No, consider it on the house.” He sighed and then got out of bed and collected his clothes. “Well, I’m going to go to bed.” He announced. “Why don’t you stay here with me? I can move over.” “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to explain to Eliza why I’m in here.” He said and left the room. Brianna suddenly felt rejected.
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