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One week later Kayla's Pov Kayla lay down on a beach chair covered by a large umbrella. She had her towel laid across her legs hiding her bikini bottom as she sat reading a book. The beach was packed with families both playing in the sand and swimming, further down the beach a dozen men were busy playing football while some women were playing volleyball. Looking out towards the ocean she saw men and women surfing including Alexander. She smiled as she watched him before she focuses back on her book. Today was their last day at the Maldives and Kayla suggested to Alexander to spend most of it at the beach. He said he would only allow it if two of their bodyguards could come. Since she wanted to go she agreed and that's how they ended up here. Feeling sleepy Kayla closed her book before she pulled down her dark shades over her eyes before she quickly drifted off to sleep. A little later Kayla felt someone trailing a teasing finger down her arm. " Wake up little lamb" she heard Alexander's amused voice say. Opening her eyes she saw her husband smiling down at her. His toned and tattooed chest glistened from the water droplets on his skin, while his silky curly wet hair hung down slightly in his face. Seeing Kayla admiring him he smiles before he pressed his lips against hers. Kayla placed a hand against his cheek as he deepened the kiss. " Mmmm what was that for?" she asked as she ran a hand down his cheek. He smiled " Do I need a reason to kiss my wife" he teased he then sat down on the edge of the beach chair taking one of her legs he placed them both on his lap and began massaging her calves. " Alexander where in public," she said shyly. He just smirks and continued to tease her. She soon began enjoying it leaning back with a contented sigh. " What's the wrong little lamb?" He asked. " I'mreadyingg me do we have to go home tomorrow," she said. He smirked " What you're not ready for everyone to start calling you Mrs. Steele when we get back home?" he asked. He then gave her a sad smile. " I'm afraid we have to go home little lamb, some of the board members are getting restless that I'm not there but before that," He said and then stood up. He extends his hand toward her. " I'm going to show you something special," he said extending his hand out towards her. " Where are we going?" she asked. " It's a surprise little lamb," he said. She smiled as she took his hand. After she wrapped her towel around her waist she took Alexander's hand as he leads her towards the dock where numerous boats were anchored. Alexander leads her towards a large boat where a local greets them both. After speaking with the captain briefly, he helped her unto the boat that soon sets sail. " As she sat down looking out at the receding shoreline Alexander took a seat beside her. " Where are we going?" she asked him. He smiled "We're going snorkeling" She raised an eyebrow at him. " I've never been snorkeling isn't it dangerous?" she asked. " Not with me it's not," he said confidently she smiles. Soon the boat arrived at their destination and when she looked down she could see multiple sea creatures swimming by since it was a glass-bottom boat. The captain soon arrived carrying their snorkeling gear. And after helping them get ready leads them into the water. As they dove into the water they were soon surrounded by a lush coral reef. Kayla looked around in amazement she looked her eyes were wide as she looked at the numerous sea creatures swimming past them including a pod of dolphins that swam around her playfully. As she watched them swimming away she turned towards Alexander wide-eyed. He smiled as he looked towards her he then swam towards her then takes her hand before their tour guide began showing them around. After an hour of exploring the coral reef and the surrounding area, the captain leads them toward the surface. As they climbed back onto the boat the captain took the gear from them and then walked away towards giving them some privacy. Kayla used her towel and dried her hair as Alexander did the same the two of them sharing smiles between each other. Later that night after they got back to the hotel. Alexander informed her that he had one last surprise for her and told her they needed to shower and change. Soon the couple was walking hand in hand toward their mysterious destination. That was revealed to be an underwater restaurant much to Kayla's amazement. The restaurant was luxurious and grand with elegantly dressed guests enjoying their meals. As they stepped into the restaurant a waiter approached them. After greeting them both he began leading them towards the table. Kayla looked around in amazement especially when a reef shark swam overhead." This place is amazing I can't believe it's real" she said. The waiter smiled " It gets better ma'am if your lucky you might catch a glimpse of our local blue whale" he said. After he showed them to their table he handed them both a menu. After briefly scanning through the menu Alexander ordered the salmon for himself while Kayla ordered the shrimp. The waiter bows before he walked away to fetch their orders. It was then that she noticed many looks being thrown their way. Ranging from awe to envy. " Alexander everyone looking at us," she said. He sipped his wine and then looked her straight in the eyes. "They're looking at you because they know who you belong to, you're a Steele now little lamb and people will envy you for that," he said causing her to blush as a small smile spreads across her face. The waiter soon arrived with their orders and after placing them down bowed before he walked away. As the couple took into their meal. Kayla was enjoying it immensely. They both had them spike about various topics as they ate. After they finished and their plates were cleared. Alexander looked at her and then took both her hands in his. " Little lamb since we're trying to have a baby I've made an appointment for you at one of the best private doctors in the country she'll be the one that will take care of you and our little one," he said. Kayla smiled as she took his hand in hers. She had tears of joy in her eyes as she looked at him lovingly. ". What did I do to deserve a husband like you?" she asked. He smiles at her " Just you agreeing to marry me was enough" he said with his smh she returned. As the waiter arrived with their dessert before Kayla could take a bite Alexander looked at her. " Take off your panties," he said looking at her. Her eyes widened as she looked at him. " Right now?" she asked. " Yes right now," he said. Kayla looked around to make sure that no one was looking before she began doing what he said. She looked at Alexander who waiting patiently on her and when she handed him the bundled-up fabric he smiled as he slipped it into his pocket. " Now we can finish our meal," he said causing her to blush. Later as they left the restaurant along with four other patrons, they all stepped into the elevator. They all stood quietly as the elevator started taking them to the surface. Alexander suddenly knelt pretending to tie his shoelaces. An elderly lady in front of the pair turned around to look at Alexander, but seeing what he was doing she turned around. After she did he began slowly running his hand up the back of Kayla's leg as he stood until his fingers disappeared beneath her dress. She silently gasped as she felt Alexander's hand on her most sensitive spot. He began masterfully manipulating her body with his fingers. The feeling of his fingers inside her caused her to clitch her purse tightly. Seeing her expression Alexander leaned over " Careful little lamb you don't want to c*m in front of all these people do you" he said then kissed the side of her neck. She bit her lip holding in her gasp as he slipped in another finger. She could feel the moan bubbling up in the back of her throat faced with no choice she grabbed unto Alexander's suit jacket tightly. She thought that she was going to c*m in front of everyone but thankfully the elevator door suddenly opened signaling their arrival. They both stepped out of the elevator as if nothing had happened but once they reached their hotel room. Alexander was determined to continue where they left off and he proved it by pinning her against the wall and kissing her. As he continued to kiss her she fumbled with his belt buckle. " I need you now," she said. Hearing the desperation for release in her voice he lifted her into his arms. After she freed him from his pants Alexander thrusts inside of her. She gasped as she tightned around him, despite feeling him inside of her multiple times before it still amazed her how big he was. She moaned loudly as Alexander speed up his thrusts, the sound of their bodies coming together again and again filled the quiet room. " Alexander I'm close" she pleads he nods and then began f*****g her faster determined to make her to finish before him. She moaned loudly as she came. He kissed her his tongue tangling with hers as he soon groaned as well coming inside her. As they both of them stood there. Alexander laid his head down on her shoulder trying to catch his breath. Kayla stroked his hair " I love you" she whispered causing him to smile as well. " I love you too," he said before he pressed his lips against her's reigniting the passion between them both.
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