Chapter 21

1055 Words

I wanted to smack myself. I couldn't let Micha do this, it was my fault in the first place. I should of turned back. "Eh, he won't kill me, rumor has it that little ole prince here can't kill a fly-Ah!" before he can finish his sentence Micha pushes the his blade to the man's throat ,"Shut your putrid mouth or I'll cut your tongue out." The man starts to cackle under the threat of Micha's blade, "Go on then! I'm not stopping you!" I watched Micha's father give him a nod of approval. I swallowed hard, if he didn't, who knows what punishment he would under go from his father. I had to help him. I push my way through the crowd to the front and take notice of the sword in Micha hand, he was slightly shaking. I swallowed hard then rushed towards him. His eyes grew wide as he saw me, I gra

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