Chapter 18

805 Words

The comings and goings of travelers: July 19. That afternoon a gentle and caring rain fell over all of Templeton. To my surprise, thunder and lightning didn’t wreak havoc. Short bursts of wind twisted this way and that way, keeping guests inside their rooms: David and Isaiah made love (as expected) inside David’s room; Radcliff Roberts spent the day hidden inside room 210, writing; Roarke O’Cannon stared outside, a semi-translucent shadow positioned in front of the glass window inside room 112. There were other guests who also stayed inside their rooms: the retired banker at seventy-two, Hartley Alderdash, who had booked two nights while visiting his step-son; Christina Donnell, a nurse on her way to Quebec; twenty-two year old Jim Dyale, a politician’s son who spent his time traveling fr

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