Chapter 6

1721 Words

The comings and goings of travelers: Room 202. Questionable things were happening inside the guestroom that maybe David Claire didn’t realize. Videography things. Drug things. s****l things. All of those dynamics mixed into one. It started last week. Simon DeRue, the pseudonym that the young man went by, checked into Northshire Inn on the evening of July 3. “Any room will do,” he told David. He paid with cash for one week. I watched Simon park his white Taurus outside the room. He attempted to carry three body-sized Army duffels to the second balcony. Although the man, a thin six-one with bushy sandy-brown hair, looked young and layered in muscles, he did seem to struggle during his task. Being a gentleman, and because it was part of my job, I decided to help the guy and carried one of

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