Chapter 9 - Eurus and the council

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Giselle I could get used to this, sponges washing me … I would never have to do anything for myself. I let my hair down and held my head under the water. Washing my hair was not part of the deal, so I had to, unfortunately, do that myself. I was standing under the water, just being at that moment, trying to gather some strength, when the door started bashing. “We don’t have all day. You need to get dressed. You cannot soak in there all day.” Mom was on a mission, and I was her target. I didn’t know how I was going to get through any of this. I was too tired to even get out of the shower. I closed the taps and a pink towel floated off the wall and wrapped around my body. I realized how much I had missed magic. A second towel folded around my hair when I walked into the bedroom. Mom was standing there in a midnight blue dress. The front had a low V-neck that would go all the way down to my belly button and the back was the same, only the V was covered with lace. I was speechless. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. “Mom, where did you and Dad find this? I hope you didn’t pay a fortune … I wouldn’t want you to have hard times on my behalf.” I gasped. “It is nothing of the sort, Sweetheart! The Seekers brought it for you earlier. They say it is a heart-healing gift from them. They have all sorts of gifts and ideas we will never understand. This one, I, however, think we know what it is for. So, come on, get dressed, so we can see what you look like and get moving. The council is waiting.” I was in awe. When my mom left my room, I decided to magic myself, seeing as the council was waiting for me, and everybody did it there. I wanted to get the decision over as soon as possible. I couldn’t stand the thought of Leo being incinerated, but I will just have to deal with it today, and then I will never accept a mate again. I had made that decision in the shower earlier. Losing Leo today was going to be too much to deal with. I will not be able to go through any of this ever again. One snap of my fingers, and I was wearing my beautiful dress. It fits me perfectly. Another snap and I had my hair, all taken up with small curls hanging down and small white flowers finishing the look. One last snap and my make-up looked princess perfect. Once again, the mirror fogged up the second after I put on my shoes and wanted to take one last look in the full mirror. Hmm, these mirrors the Seekers had were very shy, it seems. I turned and left the bedroom. Mom and Dad were both speechless when they saw me enter the sitting area. “Oh sweetheart, you are truly a princess.” Dad gushed, holding out a white fluffy cloak for me to wear. “Let me guess, the Seekers?” I asked. “Of course!” Mom smiled. Both my parents held their arms for me to hook into and off we went again. We were doomed … To the council chambers. We entered the chambers and both Eurus, in human form, and Sebastian, were held in circles of capture. They couldn’t leave. “Please, Giselle Moonwater. Step up to the podium.” The council member waved to the podium which was now in place of the grid. I turned around to look at the guys behind me, to see they were both standing on top of the grid. Eurus was smiling at me, and it was not his usual evil smile. There was something different in him. I turned back and looked at the council. “Giselle, we need you to answer us truthfully, okay? Your life ceremony was illegally interrupted by Sebastian yesterday. We need to know if you ever said you would make, or have a life ceremony with him. EVER, even when you were a small little girl? Could you have said it as part of playing a game?” The council member from yesterday looked concerned. “No, council member. I would never. My parents taught me that there is one Mine out there for me. I had spent millennia waiting for him. I did not even look at another until I found Leo.” Tears filled my eyes as I answered. “Giselle, you are not on trial. Please, there is no need to cry, we are just after the truth. The Seekers have already given us their opinion of the truth, and they are never wrong. We would just like to look you in the eyes and see for ourselves.” Mom walked up to me and gave me one of her silk hankies. I felt totally out of place. I had not seen proceedings like this ever before. “Situations like this do occur, Giselle. Not often but they do happen, so we need you to calm down if possible and just answer honestly how you feel and what you know.” I closed my eyes, connected with mother earth like I did before the life ceremony yesterday, took a deep breath and then looked at the council feeling more composed. “I am ready.” My voice sounded so strange. “Good. Sebastian was forcing you yesterday. From what we can gather, he has been stalking you for many years? Is that correct?” The council member continued his questioning. “Yes.” I looked down, not wanting to answer. “What threat did he use?” It was like they were reading my mind, but I thought they weren’t capable. “He would out me as a witch in the human world, so that I would have no other choice but to return to the homelands and mate with him when I didn’t find my true mate.” The member hummed. “We sent informants out after what transpired yesterday. We found the people who were spies of Sebastian. Do you know any of them? Do any look familiar?” I looked up and realized most of them were part of my life in some way. What would have looked insignificant then, but thinking about it now, they would definitely be able to get information. “Yes, councilman. I recognize most of them.” I felt a rush of adrenaline push through my veins. “I think we have what we need, thank you, Giselle.” He said, and I thought they had finished talking to me. I was about to step away from the podium when another member spoke. “Giselle, please, we are not finished. Guards remove Sebastian to the dungeons. We will discuss his situation in our council meeting later.” I had to take another deep breath and reconnect to mother earth. “Giselle, do you recognize this wolf?” The second council member pointed at Eurus. “Yes, I do councilman.” I knew where he was going. His brilliant black eyes gave him away. “Is he the Leo you were going to mate yesterday?” It felt as if they were just going through the motions. “Yes and no, Councilman.” I had to be so careful with my answers. Giving them too much information could be turned against me. “Please explain. We do not understand.” And there was that question I had been scared of all this time. Explaining to the council, that Leo wasn’t just Leo, but also Eurus, with a temper that was difficult. They shouldn’t have had any problems, or at least so, I thought, with mating me and Leo. I was so scared that they would find out about Eurus. They did not know about the human and wolf. They knew werewolf lore, but not that there were two entities. “Leo is the human councilman. Eurus is the wolf.” I held my breath. “Two entities sharing one life?” He frowned. It was difficult to explain because, although it was close to it, it was also far from it. “Almost only when they change, either the human or wolf can take over. Like a symbiotic relationship. The wolf and human share both bodies and decide together who controls the body at that time.” I hoped that made sense, holding my breath again. “We never knew that about wolves. You are teaching us many new things young witch. If you can, please ask your mate to calm down, also we also like to learn from him?” It seemed they actually liked Eurus. “Eurus, please?” I walked up to his circle. “May I enter?” I asked the council and they allowed me. I immediately grabbed onto my mate, and he made me disappear in his hug. He was even bigger in his wolf form and I snuggled up into his furry coat. “I missed you. I love you so much.” I breathed in his scent. “Please forgive me.” “No need for that little girl. He lied! I know that now. I only wish you had told me, so I could have gotten him out of the way before our ceremony.” He growled in our link. “I couldn’t, you would have been seen as the enemy, and we would never have been allowed to mate. Please, Eurus, understand. You are my one and only, forever.” Tears started rolling down my cheeks. “Oh, little one,” He sighed. “You want me to be nice to those old skeletons, don’t you?” “Please.” I asked, slightly smiling. “Why not ask for Leo?” He frowned. “Because you are protecting him and I want them to also know that I will be safe with you.” He gave me and the council a nod and the council lifted the circle. “Please step up to the podium, Eurus.” The member told him and I followed, holding tightly onto his hand. He growled softly and told them that he was only doing this for me. He wanted to make sure they understood his intentions. “That is fine. We would like to get all the facts and that is how you feel, and we respect it.” The council was different towards us today. “What is it you want to know?” Eurus asked in his normal gruff way? I looked at the council as they started discussing things in whispered tones until one asked. “How does your human feel when you are in charge? Or on the other way, how do you feel when your human is in charge?” The question surprised me. They are the magical council; how could they not know these things? “It is sometimes difficult to sit back and look at the other being hurt or finding happiness you never knew existed.” He looked at me and squeezed my hand. “Sometimes, like with what unfortunately happened here. We will overpower each other to protect, calm down, or whatever the situation may call for.” “So, neither of you is really a wolf or human? You can both appear in either form?” One of the council members frowned. “Yes, we can.” I felt him talking calmly. This was a different Eurus from the one I met before. “I can also be calm, little one.” He linked me. Our bond had grown strong while we spent our time in the homelands. The council must have left our link open this time and I gave him a loving smile. “I can see the true love between you.” One of the council members said. “We were saddened by the events yesterday. A day which should have been so very special for both of you had you passed the test.” I looked down, not knowing where they were going with that. They were talking as if they had decided that we would not be mated, but they would spare his life at least. If they spared his life, I would, if he still wanted me, leave with him and return to the pack for the mating ceremony. Immortality, be damned! I would rather have a second with him than no love at all. “We have accepted your offer to be the mate of Giselle Moonwater, Leo Eurus, Wolf of the Shadow pack.” The head Council member announced, and I burst into tears. Were they truly being serious?! I was ready for them to take his life, and it took me a second to get with it. When it truly hit home, I jumped into his embrace, just holding him. My parents thanked the council for their time and the life ceremony time was set for this evening. They had some unsavoury coven business to attend to, and they did not want it to interfere with our special day.
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