Chapter 51 Orville Quentin

695 Words

"Ms. Swinton looks much better today." Ms. Barrison took Ingrid's body temperature and blood pressure, and said with a smile, "Everything is normal." "I actually think I'm completely fine." Ingrid looked at Kingsly who was wearing a white coat with a gentle face, and asked, "Dr. Craven, when can I be discharged from the hospital?" She really didn't like the hospital. Kingsly smiled and explained, "Ms. Swinton, your physical condition is special now, it's best to observe it for another day today, if there is nothing uncomfortable, you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." "Okay." Thinking of her condition, Ingrid could only follow the doctor's orders. "Ms. Barrison, go out first, I'll have a chat with Ms. Swinton." "Okay, I'll go to the next ward first." After Ms. Barrison w

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