Chapter 35 She Has a Fever

768 Words

After leaving the restaurant, Ingrid took Sheila and Archibald directly to find Carter. Archibald became the new investor in this movie and also acted as a relatively important character in it. This character would be Archibald's screen debut. Influenced by his mother since he was a child, Archibald was determined to be an actor, but his father hoped that he could join the army and defend the country in the future. In this regard, Archibald and his father had made a three-pronged agreement. Firstly, he should have a masterpiece before the age of 25; secondly, he must not exploit his mother's fame to gain publicity and resources; Thirdly, he must absolutely conceal that he is the son of actress Elsa! So this time Archibald didn't confess his real identity to Carter. Since Archibald had

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