Chapter 7 Opening a parenthesis, let's get to know the person and the environment of the cousin Peppino Scognamiglio, not so much because he is related to Antonio and Mariapia, but because before long he will prove to be one of the fundamental characters of our story. Giuseppe Scognamiglio, known as Peppino, was a very ugly fifty-year-old bachelor. He had been wearing a black mustache since he was a boy, which he tended to daily in front of the mirror with scissors and a greasy pomade, and in his opinion it was a real beauty. To his great regret he had been completely devoid of hair from a young age. He had big flat feet that made his gait rather clumsy, even though they served to avoid military service for him. Right in the center of his ugly mug, below piggy bleary eyes46 and above a m