Regina Learns About Dragon Eggs

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Rynok put a call into Dr. Allen to have him return his call. He needed to ask Dr. Allen to check on Regina and see if the eggs would have laid before the upcoming war. No way could he allow her into the war if the eggs were still in her. She would need to build a nest so that when she is away, his mother and sister could sit on the eggs while she is gone. Thus, ensuring that the babies would hatch.  Rynok made another call, and that was to his mother. When she answered the call, Rynok told her, " I need you to explain who a dragon pregnancy, the eggs, and the nest. Also, I need you to let her know that you and Iris can sit on the eggs while she is gone if she chooses to fight in the upcoming war." Lysa told him, " of course, I will sit down and have the talk with her." Rynok told his mom, " I would rather Regina stay with the eggs, but it has to be her decision." "She is a very determined dragon, and I love the hell out of her," he told his mom. Dr. Allen returned Rynok's call and said, "what can I do for you or Regina?" Rynok said, "she is carrying our eggs, and we need to know how long she will be carrying the eggs before she laid them." Dr. Allen said, "he would have to give her an ultrasound to know for sure."  Rynok said, " he would be bringing her back as soon as they had the information they needed on Earth." Rynok knew that since the war would not happen on Earth, they were good to go back to Dragonstone and his son. He told his warriors that they were going home. Upon arriving back home, they were all greeted by all their loved ones. Regina was welcome by her mom and Rynok's mom. They wanted to talk to her about the babies she is carrying. And told her, " we need to talk to you and explain how different it was going to be different from when she was human." Lysa began, "the first thing you should know is that the babies are in eggs, instead of the human form. And the second thing you should know is that you will need to build a nest so that when you lay the eggs if you are away, Iris or myself can sit on them for you.  Regina said, " I have managed some research and had found that out. But I do have some questions if you don't mind?" Lysa said, " Of course, dear." Regina began with the most significant question, " How long before I lay them?" Lysa answered, " one month, so the nest needs to be made right away."  Regina asked, "if Lysa would help her to build it right." " I am honored to," Lysa said. Regina told them both that she had a doctor's appointment to see how far along she was and then would let them know how long they had to build the nest. Rynok took Regina to the appointment, and again they were seen right away. When Dr. Allen arrived in the room with the ultrasound machine and the technician. Dr. Allen said, "Let's see what's going on in there." Regina laid down on the table and lifted her shirt, and the technician put the gel on her stomach and moved the wand around. With a few clicks and some more moving of the wand, she smiled and asked, " Do you want to know how many eggs?" Rynok said, " Yes, please." The technician handed the results to the doctor, and he smiled and said, " There are six eggs, and you will be laying them in about two weeks." Regina felt like she was going to pass out. Six eggs!!!! Rynok looked so proud he was finally getting the hoard that he always wanted. Regina asked, " How are we going to raise eight babies and protect Dragonstone?" Rynok said, " The same as we do with the twins, our moms, and my sister."  "You should know by now that dragons raise our babies different from humans," Said Rynok. We all have roles to play in the safety of Dragonstone. Since she had transformed into a dragon, she knew that she had a duty to protect Dragonstne the same as Rynok. Regina has been a little disappointed not to always be around her babies as she was still adjusting from the human feelings from the dragon ones. It yet surprised her that she felt the difference between the two emotions. But, she could not fight the feeling's of the dragon, and she needed to fight for her home and her people. Arriving home, she called both mothers and told them what was said in the doctor's office, and Lysa asked, "where do you want to make your nest?" Regina knows the war is coming asked, "if she could build it at her house to make it easier for her and Iris to watch over and sit upon them." Lysa was thrilled by this idea and told Regina, " you honor me greatly with your request, and of course, you may. Let us go now to get started." My mom said she would be right over to help. For the rest of the day, we worked on the nest, and the surreal feeling of having to build a nest for the eggs she will be laying instead of carrying like a human was still weird. The next two weeks went by fast as the planning of the upcoming war and the up-coming egg-laying. Regina awoke and told Rynok, " It is time to go to your mom's. Our eggs are forthcoming." Rynok jumped up to call Caroline to come to sit with the twins, and when she arrived, Rynok took me into his arms and carried me to the car even though I could walk there. We made it to the nest just in time as the first egg was on its way. After I had laid all six eggs, I was exhausted and just sat there. And Rynok is sitting right beside me, massaging my back and telling me, "how much he loves me."
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