Chap 32: The true enemy

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“Hm… So that child’s name is Galen. Impressive… No wonder I have sensed something not right on him. If I remember, that green light… must be from Galadriel.” Queen Meriss who was standing at the throne had witnessed everything that happened at the Ritual Hall earlier. Her eyes were half opened while observing the battle. Actually, she had already expected that Rosalyn can betray her to chase the one she loves. What she was surprised the most was the worst case had happened sooner than she thought: Liana had the capability to break her memory removal magic spell. However, it would be ok if Rosalyn betrayed her. The problem was her future plan... For the sake of the upcoming project, Queen Meriss believed that she might show herself.   ***   Thanks to Galen, Rosalyn felt like her strength had slowly regened back. From a slight movement of her fingers, her cat ears, she eventually could move her entire body. Just a few minutes ago, Galen and she were enemies of each other. Now she didn’t understand why she felt the warmth of someone invisible covered from behind her back, which brought her a peace that hard to describe by words. Rosalyn gasped when remembered, it was the exact same as the feeling of her past’s experience. How long… had the queen never hugged her like that?   “Galen!” Frank was still stuck outside the electric barrier. He looked like he was about to cry because Galen is unmovable anymore, and angrily shouted to Rosalyn when he saw her approaching him “You monster! Galen sacrificed his aura energy to heal you! What are you going to do?!” The next thing happened then shut Frank up. He went speechless, even the crowd of priests and the students as well...   Rosalyn gently turned Galen’s back and gently touched her hand on his chest. She made a happy purring sound from her throat. Her cat tail was waggling as she realized that Galen was still breathing. He was still alive. And according to the rule of the magic in this world, aura exhaustion was a dangerous effect that could threaten a mage’s life. However, it seemed Galen hadn’t used all of his energy yet. Normally, they would fall asleep, like this. “If we have a second chance, I really wish that we can rebegin as your normal professor, meow.” Rosalyn smiled “Thank you very much, Galen, for responding to my feeling and purifying my heart.”   A glow of green light shined, pulsed following the heartbeat of Galen. Just by looking at that, Rosalyn went speechless when knowing what that thing inside Galen was. “Don’t tell me, this is…” “The seed of Galadriel, the deceased mother of nature.” Liana flew to the edge of the Ritual Hall, right at the place where Rosalyn was sitting. On her dragon back, she also carried weakened Roman to the safe place as well. Currently, he had woken up, looked at Rosalyn as he wanted to say something to her. Unexpectedly, Rosalyn’s sensitive cat ears heard the purring sound from Roman and she responded, by turning her face to him. “Roman?” “Sister, I…” Roman panted due to the injury. He was going to continue to say, Rosalyn had already hugged him. “Roman… no, my beloved little brother, I’m very sorry for everything I have done to you, meow...” It was the first time Roman experienced a hugging feeling from his sister through his 16 years of life. It gave him awkwardness and confusion at first, when being embraced by someone who used to give him trauma and hatred in the past. Now, as he heard the sincere apology from his sister, how could he be cruel by not forgiving her… “It’s fine, sister.” Despite being weakened, Roman still tried to show Rosalyn his smile. “You must be hurt a lot when I a***e you, meow. My guilt had been combined through 8 years… you can revenge me by any way you want.” “If that, sister. Do you want to follow us?” Roman requested Rosalyn “If that, you can be beside Galen how long you want, without forcing him to stay in this academy. Maybe you know, Liana and he are doing the life mission which needs our help to steal The Core of Iresthea to resurrect her. You are the professor, the closest one with the central cathedral so you may know something about it right?”   Hearing Roman’s question, Rosalyn went speechless. She was hesitating because if she answered Roman, it meant there would be no way she could come back anymore: She will definitely betray the queen. However, Rosalyn inhaled a long breath. Eventually, she had her own choice. “Understand, I will tell you, everything meow.” “Really?!” At this moment, Liana had changed back to human form. So Rosalyn and Roman could see how surprised Liana’s face was. “But this is not the place to talk about it. Because the dragon up over there had been watching us and the queen must know our ruckus earlier. So, let’s retreat out from here as fast as possible and we will have our own rendezvous…”   BANG! Rosalyn hadn’t finished her line, everyone got jumps scared by an extremely loud lighting noise exploding right next to their ears. A ray of thunder cracked to the ground of the Ritual Hall, causing a burnt place having the size of a human’s height in diameter. The lighting just cracked right behind Liana, Roman, Rosalyn and Galen. “Children! Very excellent, very impressive, very amazing! Look at your combat earlier, I can rewatch it every day.” It was Queen Meriss. Roman was stunned, he thought that summoning lighting was his exclusive skill?! “Your Highness… No, I think, I have to call you Queen Meriss from now all, meow. I think you may listen to our conversation earlier thanks to your patrol dragons. And yes, it is what it is!”   Rosalyn and Liana were standing in front of Queen Meriss, as if they would like to say she would be in big trouble if she dared to touch Rosalyn’s brother/ Liana’s lover. “Calm down, my children. I’m not here to cause trouble with you.” Queen Meriss’s voice was as gentle as usual. Being with the queen since the beginning of her life, Rosalyn knew her inner side was completely worse than that: A hypocrite woman who just pretended to be kind with her children, her civilians. In reality, now thinking back, she was disgusted than Rosalyn could describe.   “Queen Meriss, so let’s go ahead to our main problem, meow.” Rosalyn walked to the queen and questioned with a solid voice, without any fear, any hesitation. “Why do you want The Core of Iresthea and Liana to become the tool of the war, for your ambitious conquest, meow?”   After hearing that, the students of the academy were shocked that their gasping noise echoed the entire of the academy. Their face showed clearly the fear, they then began discussing each other. Most of them couldn’t understand what their professor was talking about… “SILENCE!” Queen Meriss had changed her attitude by 180 degrees. With her single shout, everyone was scared that they got shut up, even didn’t dare to move their body. “Very impressive, you intentionally dare to leak the high secret information of our cathedral to the public? What a brave daughter you are, Rosalyn.” She laughed, her beautiful face had changed and looked like a manic. She flew up to the high sky. Both her hands rose up, spread her royal cape apart and revealed a staff being hidden under her coat. “Yes! Professor Kilian is right, everyone!!” Queen Meriss said “We – as the prideful Mothien Kingdom, we are the descendants of the Sabatorus! Now we will show our power by proving to this world how powerful we are!! Anyone who is on my side, raise your hand and vote for me!!”   Liana recognized that staff had the golden dragon head, holding an orb in its mouth. On no! She thought. Before losing her memory, that staff was the last thing she saw before her memory got faded away. “EVERYONE, GUYS! DON’T LOOK AT IT!!” But it was too late. A spark of light shined from the orb in the dragon’s head and spread a large area to the entire academy. Rosalyn, Roman and Liana knew this item before, so they closed their eyes to save themselves first. As they had been afraid about, the other student’s eyes got flashed by the flight and their body became as frozen as the crowd of ices with human shape. There was even no sign of their breathing, they were just standing, with weirdly opened eyes and looked at that staff. That was the hypnotizing orb. Outside Mothien, this such ancient item had an extremely toxic effect on the human so they had been banned to be distributed in the world. Queen Meriss had evolved it into another dangerously godlike weapon. She could use this staff of hers to control the mind of not only the students of the academy. If there is anyone who saw her orb, how far they are, they could be hypnotized as well. “Oh no! Frank!” Frank didn’t know about this hypnotizing orb. So, his mind had been trapped in Meriss’s control too!   “HAHA!! My appreciation for your encouragement, everyone!!” The light of the staff kept spreading to the entire kingdom. From up above on the sky, Queen Meriss could notice countless red dots looking at her outside the academy. It was from the people who got affected by her hypnotize. “Little brother, Liana!” Rosalyn covered her eyes, screamed to Roman and Liana who were behind her “Bring Galen out of here, meow!!” “No, professor/big sister!!” Both Liana and Roman argued back Rosalyn “YOU CANNOT WIN ALL OF THEM ALONE!!” “WE ALL WILL NEVER WIN THEM!!” Rosalyn screamed “Don’t you realize that Galen still had the seed of Galadriel!? If Queen Meriss got it, the world will be doomed?!!!” Liana and Roman felt like they just got slapped by Rosalyn. Rosalyn was totally right! They had to retreat!! “Don’t worry, kids! I will catch you up later, meow!!” “…We understood!! TAKE CARE, PROFESSOR/SISTER!!”   Roar! Liana urgently transformed herself into a dragon and roared to the sky. Meanwhile, Roman dragged sleeping Galen on Liana back and three of them were going to flee away. Rapidly, Queen Meriss noticed Liana trying to fly away out of the academy. “Don’t think about escaping too easily!!”   Roman and Liana were shocked. From the roof of the academy, countless giant laser beams from the ground were being shot at Liana. Roman didn’t have the habit to ride a dragon before. While sitting on Liana’s back, he summoned his rapier and cast defensive magic. “Magic Codex – Tier 2: Wind Barrier!!” A blow of the wind covered both Liana and Roman. Even though it was just a Tier 2 magic spell, but with Roman’s little recovered aura energy, he hoped that it could be solid enough to stop the magic attack from everyone. That was the most optimized solution for Roman, because he was lacking experience at riding a dragon, he would fall from Liana’s back so he couldn’t be aggressive to fight back. At Liana’s side, thanks to her training with Seaza, her dragon body swiftly avoided the magic attack on the ground.   Now the problem was… those domestic dragons were trying to attack them as well. “Hold on, Roman!” Liana’s voice echoed in Roman’s head. She was using aura to communicate with him “It’s going to be a bit of a shock!!” Hundred of the dragons were chasing behind Liana. She leaned herself at the left side, then the right side continuously. Then, Roman went panic when Liana was rushing to a narrow ravine, enough to let five humans pass by it at the same time. Liana’s wings length might be at least 20 meters, what was she going to do?! “LIANA, WAIT WAIT WAIT! WE CANNOT PASS IT!!” “TRUST ME!!”   20 meters left! 10 meters left! 5 meters left!   “WAHHH!!!’ Liana leaned by an angle of 90 degrees that startled Roman. He held Liana tightly while having to use his magic to keep Galen on her back. BAM! An explosive sound then echoed behind Roman. He looked behind, the dragons were stuck behind and they couldn’t pass by that ravine. Some of them even slammed to the mountain and fell into the sea. “Nice job! Liana!!” Eventually, Liana cut those dragon’s queue! “Aye hehe, told you, just trust me already.” Liana’s voice giggled in Roman’s head. He thought, having a friend like her is so trustable! *** “We are now outside the territory of Mothien Capital I believe.” Roman looked at the scenery on the ground. All the luxury buildings had been replaced by a fresh grass field, colored by the greenery. “It seems Queen Meriss don’t chase us here, so we can be safe from here.”   After saying that, Liana landed on the ground being filled by soft grass. She changed back into human form, keep panting due to being tired. “Liana, are you ok?” “Aye, I think I cannot fly longer since my aura energy is almost drained as well.” Liana answered “We may need to find a place to rest around here.” Both Roman and Liana looked around. They were landing at a grass field, which was located at the top of a plateau. Actually, they could understand as well. This place – a Mothien Province had been filled with dangerous geographic terrain. Mountains and plateau were spawned everywhere and there was no sign of the civilization around. Then, Liana found a cave nearby. “Roman, I see a cave.” Liana’s finger pointed to the cave just distanced from them by one step beneath the plateau layer where they were landing on. However, Liana’s arm looked so fragile, but she easily lifted up Galen on her shoulder in front of the shocked face of Roman, that the fur of his cat ears and tail standing up in the panic. “Let’s go.” “…” Roman awkwardly followed Liana. He realized, she is a type of alpha dragon girl that her future boyfriend (on her shoulder) shall not mess around with.
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