Chap 30: An incubus with purity

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It happened a long time ago… “Your name will be Roman. From now on, you will be our new member in this House of Kilian.” At that moment, Roman even wasn’t aware of his existence as well. Along with his sister Rosalyn who was older than him by ten years, Roman was one of the two children being born as an experiment homunculus, created by the alchemy of Queen Meriss with her project to resurrect and maintain the bloodline of an extinct race – Succubus.   Queen Meriss was holding an ambition that she could create a male version of the succubus – incubus, which never happened before in this world. And Roman was expected to become the original root of this race. … However, there was something within him that troubled Queen Meriss’s project: His purity, his lack of l**t. Despite owning a bloodline of the succubus/incubus, he was unlike his sister. He never exposed his l**t outside after how many experiments Queen Meriss had tried on him. Roman had been seen as a ‘false product’ from that moment. But, the heart of Queen Meriss wasn’t cold that she would dump him away. After all, Roman had already been a homunculus having a soul. He also had the capability to become a powerful magic fighter in the future, thanks to his immersed aura energy, Queen Meriss had decided to keep him in the family, with the little drop of last hope that she could use him as the tool for the kingdom’s development. The problem was… Roman was the spike in Rosalyn’s eyes.   There was even one day, where it gave Roman a mental trauma for his entire life. On that day, he was just a child eight years old. Bang! Rosalyn hit Roman on the wall of his bedroom. She looked at him with a glance as cold as the ice, giving him a threatening atmosphere. “It’s better if a useless incubus like you do anything that I said, meow.” She whispered beside his ear “Now, undress your clothes.” “Sis…sister!” Roman’s cat ears shrank as he had been cornered in the room. His face revealed clearly the fear and despair since he knew no one around here would help him “What are you doing?” “I’m just helping you, meow.” Her cyan cat ears and tail were waggling in the excitement. She took off her coat and said “You are an incubus and how I haven’t seen your instinct had awakened up yet?” “Sister, don’t tell me you are going to…” “Undress, now. This is the sake of our mother!!!” “NOO!!!” It was the beginning of his abused life by his sister. From that day, he began being distant from Rosalyn and even his own mother Queen Meriss. There was a time he reported Rosalyn’s behavior to the queen, but everything he had got was just silence, because he was a noble in name only. In reality, he was nothing within this family. People believed that the cat was afraid of water, but Roman’s hobby was sitting and bathing under the rain, as a way to wash his tears and his depression away. In the deepest part of his heart, he wished that he would like to be born as a normal human and escape this hellish life. Sometimes, he even thought of suicide, but he still held his hope that there would be a place within this world where he could stand on and be free, be himself.   Roman had been waiting, until his effort had been paid off by seeing Galen and Frank. At first, Roman just wanted to help Galen to escape this kingdom as soon as possible along with his friend Liana, since he was aware that the longer Galen stayed beside his crazy sister, the more dangerous he would be and they both would never be able to get out Mothien anymore. Then, he remembered very well the conversation between Galen and him before about his goal of life: Galen was completely similar with him – a rejected life coming from Tredia Kingdom, who was struggling to seek the place to stand within this world. Galen was on this way to achieve that, by completing his given life mission: Using his special skill – Resurrection in order to revive Galadriel and save humanity from the wrath of the dragons. Roman asked himself: If Galen could do that, why couldn’t he? Thanks to Galen, he could have a chance to meet Frank, who had become his very first best friend during his 16 years of life. He treasured and respected Galen. He also wanted to follow and support Galen’s dream as well. But he never had a chance to tell Galen about his wish yet.   That was why, when Roman was standing in front of Rosalyn to stop her doing the Saganite Ritual, he believed that it would be the most suitable time to say it: He is ready to stand by his friends against his own family. Only he knew well why Rosalyn wanted to do that. She was going to get sacrifice Liana for the ritual, as the last step to becoming the war tool of the kingdom’s upcoming conquest. Not only that, after removing Liana, she could easily approach Galen – her primary love target. Galen’s friend is also Roman’s friend, so he would do everything to protect them.   ***   “SISTER! PLEASE USE ME AS HER REPLACEMENT INSTEAD!!” Roman couldn’t remember how long he didn’t dare to look directly at his sister’s eyes. Those eyes of hers used to give him the trauma in that fateful day, but the past had become now the past and he would like to change himself! Standing in front of Roman, Rosalyn lowered her voice tone. “I give you a warning, get out of my way. I’ll count to three, if you don’t do that, I will kill you for real.” “You can only tell this to me of the past, sister.” Roman was trembling. But he was trying to hide it thanks to his academy uniform coat “I know well your evil plan, sister. It was you who saw them last night, right? And you are going to kill Alice to get Gerald for yourself.”   Now Galen just remembered that! So the mysterious shadow that he saw last night in the garden was her or her underlings?! Without answering Roman, Rosalyn began counting: “One…” Unexpected from what she had been thinking about, Roman didn’t move. “Two…” If that, she wouldn’t give any mercy to him anymore. She had been enduring to have a failure sibling like him for too long. If this little boy was trying to stop her, she would have a reason to kill him right now. Rosalyn rose her hand forward, concentrating her aura energy to gather a giant magic ball, and shot the hyper beam, to pierce and tear Roman’s body apart.   The crowd at the audience was screaming as the flash of white light from Rosalyn’s magic blinded their eyes. At the center of this such deadly magic, Roman bit his teeth. To directly receive this such deadly attack, there would be a chance he would survive! Meanwhile, at Galen’s side, he was fighting alone among the crowd of the priests at the entrance, his eyes widely opened as he could feel a suppressing power nearby: “No, Liana! Roman!”   “Magic Codex – Tier 5: JUDGEMENT!!” “HEAL!”   Rosalyn shot her magic to Roman, she was deadly serious that she would get kill both Roman and Liana at the same time. The center of the Ritual Hall exploded after she cast her magic, blew the surrounding students away. In the middle of the battlefield, Galen also rose his hand to Roman to heal him. ‘Please, help him!’ Galen thought while screaming his healing spell. At this moment, the seed of Galadriel inlaid inside his heart, once again shined a green glow as the response to his wish… Boom!! A split second, but it was enough to terrify everyone and shook the entire academy, caused an earthquake and urged everyone to lower themselves down to keep the balance. The other priests who were siding Rosalyn were also shocked that the S Rank professor, a high-noble like her could even act so eventually and mercilessly to her own sibling. Due to the impact of Rosalyn’s magic, the sky formed mushroom smoke.   But Rosalyn clicked her tongue when she saw something wrong happen. In the middle of the curtain of the dust, there was a giant shadow who appeared in front of her. According to that size, Rosalyn was sure that was a dragon. But how could a dragon appear in this such place like this?! After that, she could hear the voice of the girl. She was using aura energy to communicate so no one could hear what she said except anyone, who had high enough aura to do that! “Aye…” Hearing that familiar ‘aye’, Galen showed his smile. But could it be… “Aye, I was going to be sacrificed. But you ruined my plan, Roman.” This such confident voice tone, it was Liana! She had transformed herself into dragon and used her wings to protect him from Rosalyn’s deadly magic spell. Thanks to Galen's heal, they both were safe and sound! “Sorry for tricking you too, Galen.” She giggled in front of Galen’s shocked face. “Liana…” Galen wanted to make sure! If this is what he was wishing, then it could be… “Is that you?!” “YES HEHE! I REMEMBER EVERYTHING NOW!!”   On that romantic night, the seed of Galadriel reacted and almost caused the ruckus inside the greenhouse. It was the side effect of the seed when it was trying to fix Liana’s soul and helped her get back the memory. And Galen never knew that. Liana had been pretending to lose her memory from that moment because there was something she wanted to do for Galen that he could never do that: Discover the mystery of the domestic dragons in Mothien Kingdom and let Rosalyn sacrifice her at the Ritual Hall. Liana remembered Rosalyn taught everyone, that hole was the beginning of all the dragons of Mothien Kingdom. There was a rumor that the nest of those dragons in beneath that infinitely deep hole. Liana wanted to know what was under that abyssal hole. However, that hole had been strictly sealed by a barrier of magic. There was the only way to do that, was to trick Rosalyn to let her inside… “I’m willing to be sacrificed myself for the sake of Mothien Kingdom.” After saying goodbye to Galen, Rosalyn met Liana and was going to prison her at the central cathedral. While pretending to lose memory, Liana suggested Rosalyn sacrifice her at the Ritual Hall. She just didn’t expect one thing that Roman suddenly stopped Rosalyn. There was no other choice, Liana had to reveal herself to help him survive.   “So that’s how…” Galen smiled in joy after hearing Liana’s explanation “Liana, you are now even smarter than me.” “Aye, sorry for making you worry.” Liana giggled in Galen’s head. Her dragon head then led to Rosalyn “Galen, this barrier had high electricity which can kill you upon touching it, so don’t come close. From the outside, please support Roman by healing him from afar! And me, I will jump to the hole now!” “Okay!!” Galen answered while raising his fist, knocking out a priest who was trying to hit him from behind. "...So your real name is Galen, I see meow..." Rosalyn lowered her face down. Then she showed a psychopath laugh "Galen, do you know how much I do love you? But you have always rejected me to follow that weredragon instead. And you too, you rebellious little brother... seems I can never change the reality. If that, I'LL SHAPE THIS REALITY BY MY OWN POWER!!"   A battle was about to begin, between two siblings…
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