Chap 12: The Dark Faerins Colony

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“Galen, don’t come back there, it’s too dangerous!” “So you are saying I have to leave Frank alone?!” In dragon form, Liana tried to stop Galen by biting his coat to hold him back. Despite his weak health condition was torturing him, what he mattered the most, for now, was the safety of his friend. He was not the type who would leave his friend for his own sake! Galen’s blood pressure plumbed again that exhausted him from struggling against Liana’s power. He sat down in desperation, stared at the miasma clouds without blinking his eyes. For a calm person like him who is confident at problem-solving, it was his first time pathetically panicked that his mind went completely blank. He couldn’t imagine those Dark Faerins would be going to do with Frank… If they were going to kill him, he would gamble his life for revenge as well. “Aye aye Galen, calm down, listen to me!” At this moment, Galen just noticed Liana’s voice keep echoing in his head “My Aura Sensation ability could feel the sign of Frank’s aura energy. He hadn’t died yet!” To Galen, Liana was never a lying girl. Hearing that, he could get back his sanity with the hope slowly brightening. That was a relief… He thought. But if Frank was still alive and stuck in the miasma clouds, he had to rescue him. “But Galen, my sense tells me that Frank’s sign was very weak, it means he was distanced very far from us. I guess when we were trying to escape, Frank had been lost from us.” “By anyway, I will save him.” Galen weakly stood up and tried to stabilize his breath due to his current bad health. “If you want to save Frank, let me do it instead. If you go with me, those toxic clouds will kill you.” Liana’s dragon head rose up above and observe the surrounding environment “However, the miasma was so thick. While I cannot always use Aura Sensation because it will consume my aura energy.”   Liana was going to spread her wings and flew away to search Frank. However, Galen held her back by grabbing her dragon tail with determined eyes. “I can show you where Frank is without using your Aura Sensation. You can use mine instead.” “How can you detect where Frank is without the dragon’s Aura Sensation ability?” “I have my own ability that can do that too.”   Galen’s hands gently touched the ground where he was standing. The ray of green light shined from his hands, transferred his energy to the dry and dead soil. Miraculously, the ground glowed up in front of the surprised eyes of Liana. The small grass grew up from the resurrected ground. But they didn’t grow up around Galen, instead, they formed a line, head to the miasma clouds. “I consumed my own aura energy in order to resurrect the soil within my nearby area.” Galen said “It would grow grass if they were well treated by my healing magic and it will allow me to communicate with the plant. …This island is now guiding me where Frank is as they responded to my wish.” “Wait, you can even do that??” Liana shouted in Galen’s ears by her inner voice. “I thought human is impossible to talk with plant??” “Then maybe I’m lucky to have this such ability. But what I’m amazed at was you didn’t see me as a weirdo when I said I can talk with the trees” Galen smiled “Let’s go, Liana, I’ll guide you.” “Understood!”   ***   Meanwhile, at the corner of the giant dead tree, Frank was cornered by the crown of creepy Dark Faerins. He was scared that his body trembled, stayed at the corner like a lamb going to be killed. “Hey hey hey… Calm down, my fellows. We… we can have a talk??” Frank spoke “I don’t know what made you guys become like this… but you can share with me what happened right? Right?” “We are jealous of you.” “…er, excuse me? What do you mean… REEEE!!!!” Frank got panicked when a Dark Faerin from the crowd was going to attack him. Luckily, they were like a zombie version of Faerin, with their slow speed, Frank swiftly jumped away and avoided one of them. “Hey! That’s so rude! Don’t attack me when we are talking!” Frank then could hear someone talking with him among the crowd. “You are the only one… among us… being blessed by Almighty Galadriel. You are the only one… who were born after the apocalypse…” Frank eventually could understand something from the talk of the Dark Faerins. It meant Faerins had been extinct after the apocalypse years ago and he was currently the only one who survived…? But it was strange. According to Frank’s memory, he never met Galadriel during the entirety of his life. Then how could he be blessed by the goddess? Also, there hadn’t counted the fact that Galadriel had been dead hundreds of years ago. Frank was wondering himself, until one of Dark Faerins jumped up and attack him again. He was going to compliment himself that he was unexpectedly had so fast speed, the enemies continuously attacked him again that drove his mind out, focused on the survivability. Frank thought that perhaps his life had been done for… But well, he would be okay with it, as long as his friend Galen and Liana were eventually safe.   But suddenly, he found something abnormal happening to him. First, the ground under Frank’s legs strangely grew up the grass and flower. Then… BAM!! There was something falling from the sky, caused a world-shaking explosion that blew Frank away and dismissed the crowd of Dark Faerins. The heat spread from that thing was too overwhelming, that melted the Dark Faerins like the marshmallows.   “Frank!” “Finally we found you!” It was Galen and Liana. So that explosive thing earlier was Liana’s fire magicball! “Liana, Galen… you guys… …YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO KILL ME TOO?!” Frank screamed from the ground.   Galen, who was riding Liana on her back immediately jumped on the ground as he found out Frank. He coughed, the hand covering his mouth was splatted by the blood that panicked Frank out. “Oh no, Galen!” “I’m okay, don’t worry. This is the consequence of aura exhaustion and the toxicity of the miasma.” Galen wiped the blood dropped from his blood, kneeling in front of the crowd of enemies with Liana as a hero “More importantly, are you okay Frank?” “I should be the one asking you this question! If you die because of me, I’ll live in regret in my whole life!” “Then I’m glad haha…” Galen then directed his eyes to Liana “We got Frank, so now let’s get out of here.”   “You will never escape from this place!!” Supposedly there were just a few or a hundred Dark Faerins. Now, more and more of them climbed up from being buried under the ground, formed an army of more than a thousand of them, covered the entirety of the ground by the black color from their own dead bodies.   “Damn it, so many of them.” Galen cursed while looking around. At this rate, with also low blood pressure combined with aura exhaustion for finding Frank, he was afraid that his chance to survive was as thin as a piece of thread. Galen lowered his face down. He gently grabbed Frank who was being confused, hid inside his coat and patted on Liana. “Are you ready, Liana?” “Always ready for my teammates!” Dark Faerins in front, miasma cloud up above… …the only way to escape them, was trying to endure the toxicity of the clouds once again and get out of here. “BARRIER !!! CONTINUOUS HEALING!!!” Galen climbed on Liana and they were ready to fly up above.   ***   According to Galen’s calculation, including with aura energy to guide the team back to the departing point, in addition to the amount of energy being saved for battling as well, he would reach his limit within one minute. It meant, if Liana couldn’t escape out of the miasma cloud in one minute, Galen was aware of how dangerous his body could be: He would die due to aura exhaustion. Liana maximized her speed to fly up above. The cloud was so thick that both Galen and Liana couldn’t see anything. The only thing guiding them was Galen’s glowing grass on the ground to guide them the exit way. It was like they were being stuck in the maze, and if they lost the track of the grass, they would be doomed and forever being lost in this place.   40 seconds left… At 20 meters altitude, Liana also got affected by the miasma too. So Galen had to maintain continuously his healing in order to heal Liana, Frank when they were flying through the cloud. Meanwhile, Galen couldn’t heal himself so he just could use a barrier as the only way to protect him. He covered his mouth with the coat to limit the toxic that he inhaled in. The feeling of nausea and dizziness began blurring his consciousness. Usually, in this such situation, Galen shook his head. He had to focus! The life of the whole team now depends on the teamwork of both Galen and Liana.   25 seconds left… Frank looked behind. The Dark Faerins also chased them from behind by flying! Thousands of them flew through the miasma as if nothing affected them. For a reason, they had been dead, that was why the effect of the miasma cloud didn’t affect them. “Gyaa!! Galen!! They come again!!” Frank hid in Galen’s coat as he saw they nearly caught up Liana. He thought of zombies, they must be slow. But how could they be so fast when in battling mode? “No other choice…. Lumen!!”   Galen inhaled and rose his hands to the direction of the crowd of Dark Faerins and cast the most basic combat magic spell: A light element magic ball to the enemies. As the opposite element, Dark Faerins got vanished away along the projectile way of Galen’s magic ball. But compared with the quantity of those, that magic ball of Galen was just nothing. This is bad! He thought while realizing blood came out from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth more severely! He regretted that he just wasted his precious aura energy for nothing!   10 seconds left… Galen could feel his vision being blurred and forced him to collapse. “Galen, please don’t die! Hang on!!” Frank luckily held Galen’s coat as he began losing balance from Liana’s back “We almost make it!!”   4 seconds left… The Dark Faerins was just distanced from Liana’s tail by a few meters.   3 seconds left… Galen completely fell into a coma. His healing magic also got interrupted, both Liana and Frank began to feel like their lifeforce was being stolen away.   2 seconds left… Liana could feel the miasma cloud less thick, but they were still in the danger zone!   1 seconds left… “Kyaaa!!!” Liana decided to freedom fell to fasten her speed.   0 second… BAM!! Finally, Liana made it!! Her dragon body launched on the ground and escaped the miasma cloud as if she had just thrown herself. Galen on her back also got flipped away and fell nearby her. But he didn’t have any reaction anymore and just laid down on the ground…   There was one thing outside of Galen’s calculation. The existence of Dark Faerins didn’t depend on the miasma. So they flew out of the cloud, continued chasing them as well! “Oh no!” Liana and Frank were too weak to continue running away. There was no hope, they thought… They had to leave their life on this island while staying near Galen. Liana believed if she had to end her life here to protect Galen, she would do as well. “ROAR!” She began launching the fire magic ball from her mouth, toward the colony of Dark Faerins flying to her life. Boom! The Dark Faerins were being defeated. But they rapidly refilled back by their terrifying quantity. How many of them? Liana wondered in desperation. If they were so many of them attacking her at the same time. She was afraid she couldn’t make it too!   Liana then saw some of Dark Faerins growing up from the ground and were sucking Galen’s last aura energy. “Get out of him!” She roared. Her dragon body stomped, causing an earthquake to chase them away. “Shoo! Shoo!! Don’t come near Galen!!” Frank also helped Liana kicking the Dark Faerins from Galen “Liana, let me help him, you take care of the rest!!” “Thanks Frank!!”   Suddenly, Liana felt her legs being weakened and collapsed on the ground. She wondered the reason, until she found out there were some Dark Faerins sticking on her legs like a bunch of leeches and sucking her aura energy. At Frank’s side, he also got encountered by the crowd and he was squeezed by the sea of Dark Faerins. Everyone was being slowly killed by the Dark Faerins. Liana also lost half of her aura energy and forcedly turned back in to human. She saw herself, Frank and Galen slowly being devoured by those black color creatures. However, she didn’t know why, she didn’t feel the pain. Perhaps it was because they also paralyzed her nerve in order to give her a merciful death…?   BOOM! A blow of wind in a sudden reawoke Liana’s consciousness. Something was so strong that it just blew the entire Dark Faerins colony by several meters. Attaching with that invisible power, Liana felt like she got chilled to the spine. From afar, the shadow of a human slowly approaching her, brought the suffocating atmosphere that caused her uncomfortable and her head to be frozen. Liana was sure that person was wielding an icy element magic, a super rare magic element that she had never seen before, only being told in the ancient document. But why she had to meet that person in this situation… …more importantly, why was the person come here?   With just that single blow of blizzard earlier, hundred of Dark Faerins got wiped out. That power was even overwhelming that even blew away the miasma clouds, causing them severely be split up into two parts. The Dark Faerins were aware that they were being threatened by someone even more powerful than them so they retreated…   … After that, that person just spoke up. Base on the deep voice tone, Liana guessed that’s a man. “Yare yare, what are those kids doing on this such island?”
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