The Audacity!

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Sherry’s pov I can’t believe that slore had the nerve to contact me! I always told Chloe that Tessa was not to be trusted. She couldn’t even wait to tell me, she was right by Dane’s side while he was in the hospital and unconscious. I’m not even sure how or where that heifer got my phone number. Goddess knows I had zero intentions of ever sharing my personal information with her. The only information she had was that of a picture frame. My address, because once upon a time we were friends, but I changed my number shortly after the rumors of her and Dane circulated. According to the rumors Tessa and Dane started hooking up behind Chloe’s back. It was sad enough she had the audacity to try to outdo Chloe and challenged her every which way. Now she was publicly flaunting her deep connection with Dane’s family as if she hasn’t been his side piece this entire time. How she had the gumption to show her face after betraying someone she called a friend is beyond me! I wonder how she will spin their relationship. Probably something along the lines of helping Dane while he was at his most vulnerable and things just fell into place or some silly sh!t! You know what f**k that! I’m tired of her peanut sized brain personality, and I just decided I’m blocking her the fvck out of my life, and especially social media, but my first step was to block her number on my phone. She will get a hilarious surprise when she tries to reach out again! Just as I was finishing up my blocking session the doorbell rang. Thank goodness Chloe was here! I was ready to egg Tessa’s house and s***h her tires. The slore absolutely had it coming. But I knew Chloe would be against such retaliation. Which is why I invited her over in the first place. I’m trying to avoid a rage session. I couldn’t stop myself from running to get the door. Chloe and I hugged the moment I threw open the door. It felt like it had been a month since we saw each other, and yet it had only been a couple of days. I brought Chloe to the living room and offered her a glass of wine. “Girl, I don’t know how the dirty slore got my number, but she had the nerve to text me like we are friends. She is absolutely delusional and it’s really starting to show. I’m still trying to digest why, and how you managed to stay friends with that sneaky snake! I was near ready to go on a rampage before you got here, but maybe some wine will help calm my nerves.” After I finished my rant I took a sip of wine. Chloe cleared her throat and began to explain her encounter, “Tessa was at the hospital before I got there with my family and Reggie yesterday. She was crying on Stan’s shoulder until she saw me. She changed from being distraught to flirting with Reggie like the flip of a light switch. I bluntly put her in her place before dismissing her. If you would have seen her face you would have thought she had been physically assaulted. You certainly would’ve loved it!” Chloe laughed took a sip of her wine and continued, “I met with her for coffee, and she tried to insult, and manipulate me into thinking I wasn’t good enough and never deserved Dane. I explained that Dane had dumped me, but that he told me she was one of his side pieces. I confronted her about the lies, about her trying to embarrass me, and stealing all my ideas.” “That heifer had the audacity to tell me I was afraid of competition. As if I hadn’t rose above and beyond any and all of her childish attempts to outdo me. She was even one of Dane’s many side chicks. I still feel bad for her now. I think there must be a reason she chose that path, and it didn’t have anything to do with Dane. I think Dane was an after thought. But that didn’t stop me from telling her that we are no longer friends, and I wished her the best regardless.” Chloe finished stating. “I don’t usually slvt shame people, because I believe in the power of being in charge of your own sexuality. But she crossed too many lines, and it’s never okay to sleep with your best friend's boyfriend. She is a fvcking slore, and an awful friend.” I said and continued. “She has been reckless with your friendship, and doesn’t deserve to be in the same space as you. So glad high school is over. No more mean girl dramas, no more worrying about her stealing anything from you. Whatever reason she is trying to justify her actions, they will never be adequate. I hope she sees it before she digs a whole deeper than she can climb out of.” “One day her actions will catch up with her, and she will be hit by a ton of bricks that I like to call consequences. I only hope she will be able to stand up afterwards.” I was done talking about Tessa’s sorry self! I giggled and said, “Now let’s talk about Reginald and when I get to see him again. I have a lot of questions to ask him. Questions I didn’t get to ask when we last/first met. You better tell him I need food and wine if he wants my questions to remain civil! Oh and how do your parents feel about Reginald? Are they asking him as many questions as I plan to? Do you have any hidden hickies? Have you two done any bumping and grinding yet? When is the last time you…
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