Age Is Just a Number 5

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Desiree POV It was the night of Trey and Kaleem's house party. Jazzy and I were already at their house meeting their friends. So far, the house was almost full and it was only ten thirty. Plus Trey said more people were coming. The music was blasting High School by Nicki Minaj and thats when Jazzy lost it. "Ahh this is my jam." She yelled at me. I laughed and watched as she danced around us. "Dance girl!" Kaleem said to her. And of course she did. Soon she had a crowd of guys around her. The song ended and everyone started clapping. She flipped her hair and sat on Kaleem's lap. "Damn, you gonna give me a private show. Tonight." "We'll see. Rey you should have joined in." "Yeah, I should have. Oh well." I said. Trey came over to us after talking with a few people. "You guys sure do got a lot of hoes up in here." I said. I noticed. All the girls were wearing short dresses and high heels. They all looked ratchet too. "Yeah. Like seriously who are they?" Jazzy asked. "Friends of friends I guess." Devin said. "Well I saw some giving me some nasty look. I swear, if they touch me, Trey, you are calling the ambulances." I said to him. "Babe, you ain't getting into no fights." He said. I got up and allowed him to sit on the chair then I sat on his lap. "Im just saying." "Yo Trey!" A guy called to him. "f**k. Ill be back." Trey said. I sighed and got up. "Lets go dance." Jazzy said pulling me away. We walked into the room filled with people dancing. We were having fun dancing together. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that there were these girls me dirty looks. I started to get pissed when they whispered things that I could obviously tell were about me. "Those girls keep looking at me. There ain't nothing wrong with me right?" "You look fine. Don't bother with them." Jazzy said. I agreed and we continued to have fun. But it ended when they started point at me. "Alright thats it." I said. I walked over to them. "What the f**k you want with me?" The three of them looked at me. "Yeah, Im talking to you." "Wow, and Trey likes this girl?" One of them said. "Excuse me? Whats that suppose to mean?" I said putting my hand on my hip. "Look, Trey doesn't want you. He just wants your little kitty cat. And once he has it, he's out your life." She said. "Who are you and how are you telling me that!?" I yelled. I was getting really pissed now. "Im his ex girlfriend. He told me everything last night." She said again. "b***h get the f**k out of here." I said to her. I pushed her back and watch her drink spill on her little dress. "He likes me. And probably broke up with you for a reason. So shut the f**k up!" "She actually thinks a guy like him would go for a girl like her. Trey told me his plan. Let me break it down for you." She said taking out her phone. She gave her phone to me and I read the messages from him. "He clearly stated that he liked you, but you ain't giving him what he wants. Then he said he'll take it tonight, then come back to me. So he asked me to come back to him. Listen honey, maybe you done know much about love. Or Trey's love. You need to leave this house cause Im here now." Did he actually say that? I read the messages over and over again. I couldn't believe this. I was actually on the verge of tears. As soon as I allow a guy in my life, this happens. "You cant do that!" I yelled. "Im his girlfriend! You need to leave!" "Not happening, bitch." She said taking her friend's cup and throwing her drink all over my white shirt. Now this is where my tough side comes out. "Desiree, lets go." I heard a voice say to me. I didn't pay attention though. Instead I swung right the girls face causing her to scream and fall. One of her friends came up to me and b***h slapped me in my face. Hell was now about to break loose up in this b***h. Trey POV "Khalil, you ain't serious about this." I said to him. "Yeah, I am. D'Shawn's crew is right now, waiting to shoot up in here." Khalil said. This could actually blow my cover in front of my Desiree. She didn't need to know about the other life I had. "We need a distraction or something. He ain't gonna mess up my house." I said. It was a good thing I had my gun in my pocket. I could be the distraction. "I got it. Im gonna shoot up this place in exactly ten minutes. But in five minutes, you are going to get my girlfriend and her friend out of here." I said. I took out my phone and showed him a picture of the both of them. But soon Junior and Keon came up to us breathless. "Whats going on?" I asked. "Fight." Junior said. "Aye, I wanna watch that." I said. "No you gotta stop it." Keon said. "Why?" I asked getting confused. "Trey! Come quick!!" Jazmine yelled. When I didn't move, she came up to me. She had a bloody lip and scratches on her arm. "What the f**k is going on??" "Desiree and Im guessing your ex girlfriend are f*****g killing each other!!" She screamed. Soon as I heard Desiree I was gone. I walked passed her and headed into a room filled with yelling. Two girls were beating up each other. Blaine and Kaleem were trying to break it up but clearly nothing was working. I stepped in and grabbed Desiree off my ex girlfriend Kassidy. Why the hell was she here? Kaleem got Kassidy onto her and held her back. Desiree was getting restless and pushed me off her and punched Kassidy in her face multiple time. I pulled her away from her. "Get the f**k off me!!" Desiree yelled. "Who the f**k you think you talking to!" I yelled back. She looked at me and swung at me, hitting my jaw and making me loose her hand. "What the f**k! Are you stupid!" I yelled at her. She walked back over to Kassidy, grabbed her hair, and started beating the s**t out of her. Desiree was a beast. No girl has EVER punch me before. And I wasn't having it. I walked over to Desiree picked her up and threw her at Blaine for him to hold her. "Listen Desiree, I don't know who the f**k you think you are swinging at me!" I yelled to her. Soon, her face became still and tears started forming in her eyes. I calmed down and went closer to her. "Baby, Im sorry okay? I didn't mean too-" "Shut the f**k up! The moment I let a guy come into my life, it had to be you! I allowed you, the guy Im starting fall in love with, to f**k me over! I know your plan! Yeah, to f**k me tonight then leave me tomorrow! Well it ain't happening! I cant believe you pretended to like me! I thought you were serious about me Trey!" She screamed at me. What was she talking about? I had no plans like that in my mind. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. "Don't fuckin act like a stupid b***h now! I saw the messages!" "What are you talking about! Seriously!" The room became quiet. "f**k you Trey." She said coldly. "And get the f**k off me!" She scream at Kaleem. She walked over to Kassidy who was cleaning her bruises. "You can have him back. Im done." She said. "I told you he don't want your ass." Kassidy said. I could tell that got Desiree mad cause she gave her one punch in the face knocking her down. Desiree walked right passed me and headed out the door. "EVERYBODY OUT! PARTY IS OVER!" I yelled. No one moved. I pointed my gun in the air and shot at the ceiling. Everyone ducked. "NOW GET OUT BEFORE I GET ANGRY AND f*****g KILL ONE OF YOU!!" Everyone started to leave. I saw Kassidy walking pass me but I pulled her back. "Not you." "Oh Trey. Im so sorry you had to be pulled into this. But I had to put her in her place. Now, you can come back to me and Ill give you what you want. You know Im-" "Why would I want your ass back? I broke up with you! And you cant take that? Move on with your life! Go find some next guy who would want you! Don't come f*****g up mine!" I yelled. "Trey, I want you back. You don't want her." She said. I was beyond pissed now. I wanted to see her phone. The room was still a bit packed with people watching what was going to happen. "Give me your phone." "No." "Pass it now." I said sternly. She tried to quickly put it in her bag but I took it from her. It was unlocked so I went through her messages. I saw the ones she was talking about. This wasn’t even my number. It was some next guy. I knew that cause I scrolled up to the old messages and found out that the guy's name was Chris. "You damn b***h! This ain’t even my number!" I said. I threw her phone on the ground, and stepped on it. Breaking it into a million pieces. "TREY!!" She screamed. "Get the f**k out my house." I said to her. She pushed me out the way and walked out. I saw Jazmine, Kaleem, Junior, Blaine, Carter, and Keon looking at me. I walked passed them and headed up to my room. I laid on my bed and tried calling Desiree. It rang for a while before it went to the machine. I tried again but it went straight to the answering machine. Great, she turned off her phone. "Ughhhh!!!!!" I threw my phone at the wall and watched the case fly off. I heard a knock at the door and Jazmine came in. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. I didn't answer. "Your boys are downstairs cleaning up."didn't "Why aren't you helping?" "Cause I ain't touching that nasty s**t!" She said making me laugh a bit. "And also, I need to know what happened." She said. "Thats my bestfriend right there. And watching her curse at you and punch you, thats something big." "It is. And she has a good punch." I said touching my jaw which was still hurting. "Well, she did take kickboxing up to last year. But Trey, what happened?" "Damn. And my ex girlfriend showed her fake messages saying that I wanted to f**k Desiree tonight and break up with her when Im done. Now why would I do that? I love Desiree." "You what?" She questioned. Did I say that out loud? "Yeah. I love her." I said. "Have you told her that?" "No." "Thats the problem. If you told her that already, this wouldn't have happened. See, the reason why she doesn't like thugs like you and your boys is cause she thinks they are all the same. You f**k girls every night, you sell drugs and kill people. When she met you, she started to see that you and your friends are different. So she allowed you in. But the fact that your ex showed her those messages with your name on it just ruined everything." "But Im not like regular thugs." "Trey, you may not f**k girls every night, but you are a drug dealer and you do kill people." She said. How did she know? "How did you-" "I caught you and Kaleem in the act last week. Look, Kaleem begged me not to tell Desiree about it. And I wont. So don't worry about that." "Okay good. Ill tell her." "Okay. But right now, you need to go over to her house and tell her you love her." "Jazmine, its not that easy, especially after what happened-" "Trey, go. Do it now. She needs to hear you say it." Maybe she was right. I had to tell Desiree how I felt about her. "Okay. I will." I said getting up. I walked out my room and headed out the house. I got into my car and headed to get my girl back. Desiree POV "Shhh. Rey, please." Aunt Talia said rocking me. "Its not fair. Why does it have to happen to me? I love him Aunty! I love him! But he doesn't. Just wanted to get into my pants and then he would be gone. I thought he was different." I said. "I know hun. I know." There was a knock on the door and she got up to get it. I pulled my covers over my head and cried even harder. I actually loved Trey. I felt so happy with him. He made me smile all the time. There was a knock on my door. I got up and wiped my tears to open it. I did and I closed my door but it didn't close properly. "Desiree please." Trey said. "We need to talk." I was angry that he came over but I was happy to see his face. I opened my door and allowed him to come in. I sat down on my bed and he sat beside me. "Yes?" I said. "Desiree, what my ex told you was a lie." "I saw the messages." "That wasn't my number. I checked." "You know, I thought you were different." I said finally looking at him. "I am. Desiree, I am." "Really now. Okay whatever. All you wanted was to take my innocence and then leave me." "That is not true!" He yelled. "What nigga takes the time to learn about a girl like you? Takes the time to plan the perfect first date? Huh? What nigga does that Desiree? Me. I ain't like them assholes out on the street! I would never do something you ain't ready for! You know why? Cause I love you. Im past liking you! I swear the first time I saw you, I loved you. I wanted you to be mine. I wanted to be the one you could lean on, tell your problems too." I was caught off guard by the time he said he loved me. What? He loved me? "Hold up, you love me?" "Yes. I do." He took my hand. "I really do love you." "I...I love you too." I said to him. "So, why don't we move on from this." I nodded and hugged him. "Sorry for punching you." "Its okay but don't try that s**t again." He said. "You got a hard punch though." "I know." I said with a smile. I was glad to have him back. Im happy to know that he loves me. And now he knows that I love him too.
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