Age Is Just a Number 3

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Desiree POV I was in my bed looking at the ceiling. Today was my first date with Trey. I didn't know what to do. How to plan for it. I was wondering where he was taking me also. I picked up my phone and decided to call Jazzy. It rang three times before going to the answering machine. I tried four more times until she finally picked up. "Man, what the f**k you want??" She basically yelled at me. "Don't you yell at me. Its time for you to wake up." "Its eleven o'clock. I should still be sleeping. Goodbye." "Jazzy, I need you to come over." I whined. "Why?" "Cause, I need your help." "Why?" "Cause, I have a date tonight." "With Trey!!!" "Yes." "Imma be over in ten minutes. My Rey has a date!!!!!" She yelled. "Hurry up and get over here." I said hanging up. I got out my bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I walked into the living room to watch some tv. I turned the tv on to MTV and looked at the foolishness that was being shown. I heard a knock on the door and got up. I opened it and saw Jazzy. "Hey." "Morning. Alright time to get started." She said walking in. "Okay what time is your date?" "Eight o'clock." "Good time. Do you know where?" I shook my head. "Hmmm. Give me a second." She took out her phone and called someone. "Hey baby...Im sorry boo but I have a question. Do you know the plans Trey has for his date tonight?...Uh huh...uh huh...awwww thats so like a evening in Paris kind of thing?...You know like cool breeze, romantic...alright...cause Desiree asked me to help her get ready...yes at eleven in the morning...shut up. I gotta go okay?...alright baby..." "That was Kaleem right?" "Yup. He told me everything and I know how to get you ready. Go make me a sandwich and we'll get-" "I am not making you a sandwich." I said. "Fine. Get me something to eat." I rolled my eyes and got her a bowl of cereal. "Thank you." "Whatever." I said sitting down beside her. "Okay. Imma do your hair and your make up and everything." "Its a date. Not prom. Chill." I said rolling my eyes. "Ha! If you knew where he was taking you, you would treat it like a prom." She said. Where was he taking me though. I really wanted to know. But maybe I should leave it as a surprise. It was seven thirty. And I was getting really nervous. All day, Jazzy has been helping me with what to wear, my hair, and my make up. My aunt helped out a bit too until she had to leave to go to work. "Ouuu you look sexy!" Jazzy screamed. I looked in the mirror and she was right. My black and white stripped bodycon dress fit me perfectly. It showed off all my curves. My hair was super straight. Sleek and sexy with side bangs. I wore my black stilettos which made my legs look fabulous. I had on my diamond earrings with the matching necklace and bracelet. I had on some makeup but I still looked natural. I didn't like looking fake. Eyeliner, lip gloss, mascara and a little foundation was perfect for me. I sprayed my Chanel perfume and I was ready to go. "I owe you big time." "Hell yeah! But right now, you need to enjoy yourself." She said. "Imma stay here tonight. I wanna hear all about tonight." "Alright cool." I said. I heard my phone ringing and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey baby." Trey said into the phone. "Are you ready?" "Yes Im ready." I said. "Alright. Come to the front okay?" "Okay." I said. I hung up and got my clutch. "See you when you get back." Jazzy said. I smiled and waved. I walled out the apartment and headed down the hall. I walked out the building and saw Trey standing in front an Escalade. He looked perfect. He wore a black button up top that showed off his muscles, faded grey jeans, and black shoes. He looked up and saw me. I looked a bit shocked. I walked down the steps and walked towards him. "Damn baby." He said. "You looked beautiful." "Thank you. You look handsome too." I said. "Thanks. Alright, lets go." He opened the door for me and helped me in. He closed it and went around to his side and got in. He drove off and turned on the radio. We drove for about forty five minutes before we stoped at a boardwalk. He got out the car and walked around to my side. He opened the door for me and I got out. Soon we were walking along this path that led to a yacht. It was so beautiful. We walked up to the dock and a man helped me inside. It was gorgeous. Ive been inside plenty of yachts with Jazzy and Aunty Talia but this one was amazing. We went up to the top and the view was so beautiful. "Oh my gosh. This is amazing." I said. The sun was setting and it was reflecting on the water. "You like the view?" He asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Mr. Parker, dinner is ready inside." A man in a tuxedo said. Trey took my hand and led me inside to a lovely dinner area. Soft R&B music was playing in the background. I sat down on the chair and Trey sat across from me. A waiter came out and placed a plate in front of of us. "Dinner is served." In front of me was a steak and mashed potatoes with vegetables. How the f**k did he know I loved steaks? "Enjoy." "Oh hell yeah I will." I whispered out loud. But I guess I was loud enough for Trey to hear since he was laughing. I blushed and looked away. "Don't worry Desiree. I like a girl who has an appetite." "Well this girl has a big one. My fam loves food." "Thats good." He said. I started eating and the food was delicious. I swear, I needed to contact the chef who made this. We talked about random s**t while we ate. By the time we were finished, I was full. Trey poured two glasses of wine and gave one to me. I honestly couldn't believe that a thug would treat his girl like this. The song changed to Usher's song Nice And Slow that I loved and always told myself that when I got a boyfriend, Id want to dance to this song. I didn't notice that I was slowly swaying to the song. "You like this song?" I nodded. He got up and held his hand out to me. "Come on. Lets dance." He said with a smile. I took his hand, got up, and he walked me to a free space that was there. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his arms around my waist. We slowly moved to the beat. I rested my head on his chest but he lifted my chin so I was looking at him. I always had problems when it came to having eye contact with people. I looked into his eyes and looked back down. "Desiree, look at me." He whispered. I slowly looked up at him. "Good." We were so close. He kissed my forehead. "You know, I really like you." He said. "I really like you too." I said with a smile. I felt myself getting closer to him. I got a bit nervous when our lips were almost touching. Since Ive never had a boyfriend before, Ive never been kissed. Soon our lips touch and it was the best feeling ever. Our lips moved in sync. The way his lips felt against mine was amazing. He pulled away and looked at me. "This is the best date ever Trey." "Im glad you liked it." He said. I rested my head on his chest and inhaled his scent. The song came to an end and he decided for us to leave. We left the boat and took a long walk along the boardwalk. The moon was out and stars were too. I started to feel more for him. This boy had me falling for him. I think I loved him. Trey POV Tonight was great. Everything went as planned. Now it was time to win her over. I wanted her to love me and I wanted to love her back. I wanted to be the guy she'd only want. The one that she needed. After dropping her home, I decided to stop by my dad's house. He was the big man when it came to dealing s**t, money, girls, and everything. My dad may be in his forties but he still had hoes begging for him. I drove for about half an hour before l reach his house. I parked my car in his driveway and got out. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. A shadow appeared at the door and I heard the door unlock. The door opened and I saw my dad standing there. "Whats up Trey?" My dad said allowing me in. "Why you so dressed up?" "Just came from a date." "Trey got a hoe or a lady." He asked as we went into the living room. I sat down on the couch and he sat in the reclining chair across from me. "A lady. I ain't got time for hoes." "I raised my son well." "Yeah. She a beauty." "I get to see her right?" I nodded. "Good. Now I got some new for you." "What?" "You and Kaleem gotta move out." "Why? We paid rent already." "Yeah, you'll get a refund. But y'all need to be out by this week. Better yet, tomorrow." "What the f**k you mean we gotta be out by tomorrow? Where are we gonna live?" He turned on the television and a slideshow of this house appeared. "There." He said pointing to the screen. I gotta admit, the place looked dope. "Y'all need to get out that dump and live like real dealers." "You bought that for us? Damn pops." "Yeah. Its not too far from here. Its nice. All you guys need to pack is what you need and can put into suitcases or bags. Everything is in there." "Where are we going to keep our s**t though?" "There is a private room where you can have your meeting. Its sound proof too. So you can take out a nigga and no one will hear." "Aight. Well thanks dad." "You know I gotchu and Kaleem." He said. He looked at his phone and got up. "Okay, I gotta go take care of someone." "Who?" "You're mom. I gotta pick her up from the airport." "Oh alright. So you guys are cool right?" "We working on things. But so far, we cool." I nodded. See, my parents got divorced when I was in high school. They got remarried but divorced again. Mom cheated on him, he cheated on her. Its like that. I guess they are still friends cause they can handle being in the same room with each other. "Alright. Im gonna head back and tell Kaleem. Text me the directions to the house." "Okay." He said. I got up and headed out the door. i got into my car and headed to the apartment. I got there and saw Kaleem outside smoking a blunt. I got out and headed towards him. "Hey man." He said. "Yo, we getting evicted." I joked. "Stop f*****g with me." He said blowing out smoke. "I'm not playing with you. We gotta be out by tomorrow." "What the f**k man!? Where we gonna go?" "Pops bought us a house. And its dope man. Seriously." "Really? You saw it?" "Yup. So we gotta start packing s**t and leave." "Alright. Imma go tell Jazmine about this." "I should tell Desiree." I said. Or was it too soon. After a great date, to tell her that Im moving out this building? Oh well. Gotta do it sooner than later. I walked up the stairs and headed into the building. I walked up to Desiree's apartment and knocked on her door. The door unlocked and a body jumped into my arms. "I miss you baby." Desiree said. "I missed you too." I said. I kissed her forehead and placed her down on the ground. "Alright babe, I gotta tell you something. I know its really soon but Im moving out tomorrow." "To go where? You're leaving here? But I wont see you everyday. And we wont-" "Baby calm down. Im moving into a house with Kaleem. My dad bought it for us. Look, you and Jazmine can come with us to see the house." "You haven't seen it?" "Pictures. But you guys can come and we can have like a house warming party next Saturday." "Okay." She said a little sad. "You can spend some nights if you want too." She smiled. "That, I will do." "Good. Now go get some sleep." I said. "Alright. Night boo." She said giving me a kiss. "Night."
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