Age Is Just a Number 9

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Desiree POV I was in my room at my aunts house. Well, in my walk in closet actually. It was pretty roomy in there. I had my teddy bear, my mac air, and my notebook. I was working on a new song called 'Struggles'. I loved writing lyrics and recording and making music to go with it. My bear was an essential part of my process. I don't know, for some reason my bear always helped me write the best lyrics. I wrote down a couples lines, and made some music to go with it before getting tired. I got out my closet and went into the living. My aunt was by herself for once. She was always with Emmanuel. Her mailman boyfriend. I sat down on the chair across from her. She looked at me with a sad expression. "What's wrong Aunty?" "Baby girl, you're gonna have to move from here." "Why?" "Your mother. And Terrance." She said. I sighed. "Do you know who you can stay with for a bit?" I thought about Jazmine but that led me to Trey. Jazmine spent most of her time there anyways. "My boyfriend." "Your boyfriend?" I nodded. "Ill have to talk to him." "How soon do I have to be out of here?" "The sooner the better hun." She said. I took out my phone and called Trey. It rang two times before he answered. "Hello?" He answered as if he just woke up. "Are you still sleeping?" "Yes. Now what is it?" "You need to get up. My aunt would like to talk to you. We are coming over." I said. "Now? Its too early." "Its two in the afternoon. Trey, get off your lazy ass and get ready for me please." "Fine. Come in half an hour." He said. "Alright baby. I love you." "Uh huh." He said. I hung up the phone. "Okay, he said come over in half an hour." I said. "Alright. I wont be too long, got a hair appointment to go too." She said winking at me. I smiled and flipped through the channels. We got to his house and I opened the door. I did the security and we walked in. "Damn, this place is nice." Aunty Talia said. Soon Trey came down. "Hey babe." He said giving me a hug. "And you must be-" "Her Aunt. Hi, Im Talia." She said shaking his hand. "Alright. You anything to drink or something?" "No thank you dear. Im not staying long." She said. "I just wanted to talk to you about something. See, her mom is very dangerous and she just got out of jail. Her husband or her man now is also dangerous and I don't want Desiree staying with me anymore cause they know that she lives with me. So I was wondering if she could stay with you for a bit?" "Oh, sure. No problem. We got space. Its only me and my bestfriend who live here anyways." Trey said. "Alright. Well its settled then. Desiree start getting your stuff over here then." Aunty said to me. "Okay." "Ill see you later. I gotta run. Bye Trey." She said walking out the door. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Looks like you'll be living here. I like that." Trey whispered in my ear. I chuckled. "Come on. Lets get my things." I said. We walked out the house and into his car. He drove off and we were at the apartment within ten minutes. We got out the car and into my apartment. We went into my room and I got out five huge suitcases. "Why the hell do you need five?" "My shoes, pants, tops, dresses, and my bags. Oh shoot, I need a small one for my accessories." "Damn girl." He said. I laughed and started throwing things into the suitcases. It took a while though. About an hour later I was finally finished packing all my bags. I got my laptop, my notebooks, and everything else that I needed. School was starting in a week so I had to make sure I had everything. I got everything together and I was ready to leave. "Okay, lets go." I said. Trey got up and helped me take my bags to the car. Once all my suitcases where in there, I hopped into the passenger seat and Trey got into the drivers seat. I did a re count in my head but I soon realized I was forgetting one important thing. Trey started the car but I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Wait!" I jumped out and ran back inside to get my teddy bear. I needed him. I ran back into the apartment and grabbed him off the table. I ran back to the car and got in. I buckled my seatbelt got comfy. "You can drive." I said. Trey gave me a weird look. "What?" "You went back to get a teddy bear?" "Yes." "Why?" "Don't worry about it." I said. "Do you think we can make two stops?" I asked as ge started to drive. "Where?" "Starz Dance Studios and to get something to eat. Im hungry." "Alright. Show me the way." He said. I directed him to the studio. He decided to wait outside for me. I went inside and saw my dance teacher. "Hi Estelle!" I yelled. "Desiree! How are you?" She said giving me a hug. "Im fine. Im here to sign up for classes." "Thank God. Performance or just class. Please say performance." "Yeah. Performance. But what does that include?" "Oh, competitions, shows, if you're really lucky music videos." "Oh my gosh, that sounds awesome." "It is. I hope you and your friends will do it." "Once they hear music videos, they will come." "Great.You know the drill. A check for-" "Six hundred dollars, with a parent or guardian form." I said. "I just wanna put my name down." "Okay sweetie. The forms and the money need to be in by Thursday. Classes start in three weeks." She said. "Okay." I said. I grabbed the forms for both Jazmine and I, walked out the studio and got back into the car. I had a lot to sign. Waiver forms, a bunch of permission slips. Damn, this will be one busy dance year. "Okay. We can go." I said. Trey started the car and drove off. We stopped at a local cafe to get something to eat. We got our lunch and headed back to his house. He soon drove into the driveway and turned off the car. "Alright. Lets get your things inside." He said. We got out the car and I took the food inside. I placed them on the counter in the kitchen then headed back outside. Trey came in with the two big ones and I got the three smaller ones. I placed them in his room. "Okay, so where are my things going?" "Definitely not in my closet. Guest room walk in is all yours." "Alright. Ill just put my bags in there then." I said. I took each bag and placed them in the guest room. I went back downstairs and sat down at the table with my lunch. I wanted to get started on my forms. I had to call my aunt though. I took out my phone and called her. "Yes Desiree?" She answered. "I need a check for six hundred dollars." "For dance?" "Yup." "Okay. Ill give you a check next week." "I need it by Thursday." "Well, Im not getting my big pay check until next week." "UGH!!!!! Fine." I said hanging up. I was mad. I needed that check. I couldn't pay for it cause I get my money from my aunts big pay check. I rested my head on the table and sighed. "Hey babe, whats wrong?" I looked up and and saw Trey. "I got a situation now." "Tell me whats up." He said sitting down beside me. "I need a check for dance and I gotta give it in by Thursday but my aunt doesn't get paid till next week." I said. "How much is it?" "Six hundred dollars." "I could-" "No Trey." "I'll pay for it." He said. "I cant let you do that." I said. He came closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. "If your dream is to dance, Ill do anything I can to help make that dream come true." He said sweetly. "Trey-" "I'll write you a check tomorrow okay?" "Okay Trey. Ill pay you back as soon-" "Nah, don't worry bout that." He said. "Fine Trey." "You love me." "I do." I said giving him a kiss. "Thanks." "You know I got you ." He said. Soon Jazmine walked in. "Here Jazzy. Money gotta be in by Thursday." I said giving her the forms. "Thank you. Ive been working on something. I wanna show you it later." "Okay." Trey POV I sat down in the living room, flipping through the channels when my phone started to ring. I took it out and saw that it was my dad calling. "Hey dad." I answered. "How are you Trey?" He answered back. "Im okay. Whats going on?" "You're still with that girl right?" "Yeah, why?" "Are you guys getting serious?" "Yeah we are." "Good. You two can join your mom and I to dinner tonight. We'd like to meet her." "Oh. Okay sure. What time?" "Eight o'clock at Milestones downtown." He said. "Alright. See you then." I said hanging up. I wonder how that would work out. "Desiree!!" I yelled. Soon she came in front of me. "Whats up?" She asked sitting down beside me. "We're gonna go out tonight okay?" "Okay. Where?" "Just dress up a bit." "Trey, tell me where." She whined. "Its a surprise. Now get ready. We leave in half an hour." I said. She sighed and got up. I chuckled and and got up too. I went up to my room and took out something to wear. I took out my blue jeans, with my black graphic v neck t shirt, and my black Jordans. I did my hygene and then got dressed. When I was finished, I went downstairs and waited on Desiree. Soon she came down in her cropped skinny jeans, a white top, with a black blazer and her heels. "Okay, Im ready to go." She said. "Alright. Lets go." I said. We walked out to the car and I drove off. I turned on the radio and Blowin Me Kisses by Soulja Boy started playing. "Can you tell me now." She asked. "Alright. You're gonna meet my dad and my mom." "WHAT???" "This is why I wanted it to be a surprise." "Trey!! I would have gotten all dressed up if I was gonna meet-" "Babe, they are rich, not royalty. You look fine. We going to Milestones okay? Calm down." "Trey, you cant do this to me." She said looking at me. "Aww is someone mad." "Yes." "But you still love me so Im good." I said with a smile. We arrived at the restaurant and got out the car. We walked inside and I looked around for my parents. I saw my dad wave at me. I took Desiree's hand and walked her over to the table. "Hey you two." I said to them. "Trey, look at you! You are so handsome now." My mom said. "Thanks. This is Desiree." I said. "Hi." She said. "You are so pretty!" My mom said with a huge smile. "Yes you are." My dad said. "Thank you." We sat down on one side and my parents sat down across from us. After ordering, my parents talked about their business. "So Desiree, tell me about yourself." My dad asked her. "Well, Im seventeen, Ill be going into my senior year next week-" "Oh really? What university do you plan on going too?" My mom asked her. "Um, I don't plan on going to university." "Why not?" "I plan on going straight to Hollywood. I want to be a triple threat." "Oh. Trey has a superstar girlfriend." My dad said. "Yeah I do." I said. "Well Im glad he has a girl like you." My mom said. "Im glad I could be with him. He's so sweet and such a gentleman. Ill be honest, at first, I thought he was one of those guys who sell drugs and kill people but I was wrong." She said. My parents looked at me but I looked away. "Oh, well Trey is a gentleman but-" "Who wants dessert?" I said changing the subject. I gave my parents a look that told them to shut up. I was not gonna let her know about my life just yet. "So Desiree, tell me about your family. What does your mom do?" My mom asked her. Desiree's face tensed up and she looked down. "Uh, I don't really want to talk about her." Desiree said. "Wait a minute, whats your last name?" "Mitchell." "Oh, come with me to the washroom." My mom said. They both got up, leaving my dad and I. "You didn't tell her." My dad said breaking the silence. "No. I cant. She doesn't like guys like me." "Well what are you going to do if she-" "She wont find out." "Alright boy." He said. I really didn't want her to find out on her own. When the time comes, Ill tell her myself. Soon my mom came out and grabbed her coat. "Um, Im going to take Desiree just for about an hour or so." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Don't worry about it. Ill drop her back at your house." She said. "Im taking the car okay Kevin?" She said to my dad. "Okay." He said. I kept wondering why my mom was taking Desiree. It made me a bit uncomfortable but Ill just ask her when she comes back.
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