Chapter 11

2820 Words

Chapter 11 Macy’s helo still reeked of under-washed fishermen. Why did guys think that “living wild” for a week meant they had to come back stinking worse than a skunk? She’d have to ask Tim, because she sure didn’t understand. She was most of the way back to Larch Creek before she remembered Tim’s smokejumper gear that she’d stashed in the LongRanger’s baggage compartment to return. She had rather counted on tracking down his clothes while she was at the jumper base. By the time she’d dithered about whether or not to circle back, she was over Liga Pass. The magnetic draw of her need for Tim made her decide to continue for home, she could dump the gear at any time…and his clothes? Well, maybe he simply wouldn’t need them for a while. She landed her LongRanger and tried not to smile at

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