Who Is She?

1509 Words

"Darling, are you ..Oh My God! I really hope..she is" "Someone, please...AMBULANCE!" The running footsteps and the heavy stampeding altogether rushed in without fail, deafening poor Emma, who had now no idea what was happening. For her, it was more like a drama series effect that she used to watch, often, where all the lights go dim and the bullets and action rush in through the headphones, making her feel she was also a part. "Rush in! ..I see...Will she be fine? ..Doctor, please...I need help..My daughter" And more of such rubbish came in, though many of the words kept disappearing; to why Emma couldn't comprehend. The last thing she remembered was, talking to herself in the messiest bedroom in her house. Then, it was this swirling fan. A fan, not of her house, of course. ~~~~~

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