


Aurora meets a young, drop dead gorgeous man, Jakes, at the club where she went to cool off her head. They get into a sensual connection which ends with them having a one night stand. Aurora moves on and so does Jakes. It was a fling after all.

Aurora is terrified however, when she finds out months later, that the man she had a one night stand with is the son of her boss at her new place of work. The tension is building but they find it hard to accept it might not have been just a fling after all.

Other events unfolds, Jakes finds out his supposed father, Norman is not his actual father. Aurora on the other hand, finds out that the woman she had known all her life to be her mother wasn't her biological mother.

As circumstances unfold from different areas before their eyes, they must reconcile these differences and face the battles together whilst still building a stronger romantic bond.

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CHAPTER 1: Caught Up
Can" I snatch you?" A coarse voice said behind me, the baritone sound of his voice sending chills down my spine. "Snatch me if you can!" I added, followed by a melodious chuckle. I could already notice he was in awe. "What are you looking at?" I joked, giving his glass of wine in front of me a slight push. "What does it matter what I'm looking at?" He answered, looking away. The night had grown old and we were still in the bar. The blazing music sent cool vibes into the atmosphere. The intoxicating feeling grew on and on. With each glanced at each other, I wanted him the more, and I could see that he wanted me too. We danced the night away, sipping on our glasses of tequila. In the following seconds we were now drunk, and that was the last I could remember. I and Jakes, soaked in the the intoxicating effects of the tequila we had, made our way for the next available sofa, falling vigorously onto the sofa. In a dimly lit corner of the bar, we made sweet love. Though barely in our right minds, we enjoyed every bit of it. 2 Months Later. Exactly 2 months had gone by and I had long even forgotten about fling with an 'unknown guy', Jakes. I am however shocked to my bones, when my past comes knocking. Jakes left the country on a business trip in the same week we had a one nightstand. He had just returned and was making a tour visit to his father's company. While I was enjoying my new job, I had never imagined things could take a queer twist. I was enjoying my new job quite well. It all seemed like a dream come true. I never imagined, even in my wildest dreams, that a fling from the past would come crawling back. I had walked into the office this fateful morning, only to meet a face, one I was seeing for the second time. The first time we saw, I was off guard, we made sweet love, though we were barely sane. I had a swell time and he did too. As I stood there, hoping he'd not recognize me, ravaging thoughts bombarded my head. What if I was at the risk of loosing my job? You can't really tell how bulky these bosses choose to be a few times. "Good morning Mr. Jakes" I greeted, of course, we knew our boss's son's name. "Good morning...?" He waited for me to mention my name. "Um...uh .... Aurora" I stuttered, "Nice name, but pardon me, I'll love to ask, why was that a battle for you? Saying your name..." He stated. I looked on, taking his question to be a rhetorical question. "No, Aurora, it's not a rhetorical question. I actually want answers and by the way... Have I met you before?" He asked moving closer to me, shutting the door behind us. "Not at all" I blurted, not even letting him finish his words. "Alright, probably we'd see another day, and I'll ask every single question I have on my mind. For now, let's get back to work. What exactly was the client's specifications?" He asked. We switched back to work, I'm sure he was wise enough to catch himself in the way. While I was impressed he chose to be a nobleman, deep down, I wished he went for him. I wanted him too after all. Today was Friday, I and my best friend Havia had planned an occasion for the night. I prayed work hours came to a close as soon as possible,so I could dive back into my free time. "Miss Aurora" he called calmly, "yes, please" I answered. "What do you do with your free time?" He asked, turned his gaze to me, his eyes narrow. "I party .... I go clubbing" I mentioned, after accessing his facial expression for a minute. "Why the break in transmission?" He asked, feigning a fake frown. "Apologies for that. That's just how it had to be." I managed to say, he could see that I wasn't sorry. I had done nothing wrong, but as my boss, I just had to cut him that slack. We then switched back to the past. I didn't imagine it'll all happen this fast. "I remember you." He mentioned. "Remember me?... I.... I-" I stuttered, he cut in, "I remember you, from the bar, months ago." He mentioned, looking quite unsure still. "You can't be so sure I'm the one you met at a bar, you get to meet a lot of people at the bar. You might even meet a person who'd have a striking resemblance with me. That doesn't in anyway mean they are me. "Oh, you caught me there. You can leave, Miss Aurora, I'll call your attention to any more corrections that need to be made to your article." He added, as I made my way for the door. "Wait." I had him say behind me, mustering all the calmness I could, I turned around, with a fake smile pasted on my face. "Can I invite both you and your friend/friends to a party, tonight? I'll be glad if you'd honour my invite." He added, his crisp masculinity shining through. "Sure." I managed to blurt, trying not to loose my job, as rudeness to the boss could guarantee that. "Sure?" He asked. I was slowly getting irritated. "Yes, that's not an issue." I let out, calmly. The day finally came to a slow close, it was night now. I and my friend were ready for the night, I had also invited my boyfriend, Steve. We all headed for the party, I suggested we honour my boss's invitation. My job was very important to me after all. Havia,Steve and I, made our way into the gigantic mansion that now stood in front of us. We knew my boss was wealthy, but this building was outrageously beautiful. I could see a little glimpse of attraction in Jakes' eyes, but I dismissed that as the normal attraction I received from guys, I was gorgeous so that was expected. I guessed it'll all fade off with time, so to me it counted for nothing. "Thank you so much, Aurora for honouring my invite," I hear him say to me, casting his glance on Steve and Havia, he greeted them as well. We had finally seen him after walking for minutes into the main hall. I noticed a slight decline in his exciting demeanor, immediately his eyes landed on Steve. The party progressed beautifully. We sat at out table, it was a sumptuous party, so much to eat and drink. But I noticed my boyfriend, Steve, was now uneasy. "Miss Aurora, may I please borrow you for a few minutes." I heard Jakes say, walking in the direction of our table. I ignored the queer eye signals Steve cast on me, I wasn't about to loose my job. "Sure, Mr. Jakes, what seems to be the concern?" I asked, walking towards him. We slowly made our way out into the balcony. "I wondered how I was possibly going to steal this beautiful, young lady away from her friends. I had to just take the bold move" he chuckled. "Steal? You're not been serious, right now!" I exclaimed calmly, keeping in mind that he was my boss. "Well, there's no point wondering, I'm here now. I hope all is great?" I chuckled lightly, placing my hands on the stair railing. "I hope your friends are not offended?" He asked, pasting a therapeutic smile on his face. "Friends? The lady is my best friend, but the guy, that's my boyfriend." "Boyfriend?" He blurted. "Yeah, you heard that right." "Oh, I see.... I'll reserve my comments. What was I even thinking, thinking a gorgeous lady like you would be single?" He said, I could already sense he wasn't pleased with the information. "Mind I ask, what the party is for." I chipped in, trying to diffuse the tenseness in the air. "Oh, about that, my father is returning to the country this week." He mentioned, "That's amazing! It's a homecoming party." I stated. "Exactly." He blurted coldly, "How about your girlfriend?" I asked, trying to strike a difficult conversation. "Well, we-" he was about to say, when a scream came from behind us. "The building! Armed robbers! In the building! They're raiding the building!" Voices towered. "Oh my!" He gasped, as we headed quickly back to the table I had sat at with Havia and Steve. We met them in the grip of 3 armed, masked men in all black. "What do you want from me?" Jakes asked, sounding courageous. "You already know what we want. Why ask unnecessary questions?" One of the men asked, the blaring sound of police sirens sending waves through the air. It was too late, the men had escaped. It was a long and tiring night for everyone.

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