1336 Words

... Enthralled in the blue eyes of the prince, much more from a closer angle, Aerwyna felt that it was somehow familiar. As if it was something related to her past life. However, she figured it must be her mind playing tricks on her. "His Highnessess is the elder one here" She simply stated as she continued to dine. Caspian was shocked to see her stare at him for so long before she spoke those words. He didn't seem to hear her since he feared for the worst. The king and the Queen had a similar but slightly different expression on their faces. They were delighted to see both of them communicate in a close way different from when Caspian had just returned. They glanced at each other, sighed and smiled in synch. "Haha... don't be shameless, son" the king laughed his bellies out loud. H

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