2070 Words

in their officious royal blue armor that shone with brilliance, Tritons adorned the gates and outdoors of the Arcadium- Royal arena, forming a bypath to the entrance. Seahorses ferried carriages and coaches with illustrious insignias in successive arrivals. "Whoa! Duke Ghouv of Erfot" Merfolks cheered on the upper echelons that arrived from behind the barricade put up far away from the scene, and since they could easily launch a breach , guards were on standby to serve caution. There was a high possibility of assassin's mixing in the crowd to attack nobles who were regular targets so it was safe and better to exclude the commoners from participating in the event. Though, it wasn't as if the nobles weren't out for each other's necks as well. Clad in a luxurious white robe, Lord Felix ste

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