1367 Words

Caspian's dark hair swayed gently in the current and his eyes glared coldly at the metallic gate mounted in between the cavern entrance afore him. only about few moments ago did he bid General Frederick who had escorted him to the previous city before embarking towards the Dukedom of Dopperland, with his own troop as planned, farewell. Along with his troop, Caspian was currently in the Region of Fikho, City of Ofartigh which bordered the City of Ghio; the isolated undersea cavern. The whole City was beneath the Great cavern that spun upwards to the surface and only had three entrances; one in the rear and another in front towards the two region of Arr and Tum whilst the last was the large opening of the cavern on the surface. Basically, the City was totally isolated from the whole Kingdo

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