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...... "Brother really, what's the use of this thing?" Aerwyna couldn't help but ask as she watched her brother drag the long 'fork' across the floor behind them as they walked out of the shell shop after bidding Sir Kord farewell; the person who did so naturally being Caspian as the little princess was still annoyed with Sir Kord. "It's mine.... mine, hahaha" Caspian laughed in a dejected manner, and the folks around only gave him a suspicious look. He didn't mind it at all since he was sure their appraisal was only external, deep inside, they saw him as a demon and a cursed existence. This was the first time Caspian felt so possessive of anything in his entire life. He didn't know if it was because as a kid, he had no toy or if it was because his mind was starting to be corroded by the Bident. "Ugh!" Aerwyna grunted. As she swam right behind him, she was confused to see her brother in this state and were it not for the fact that she didn't fully understand what curses and corruption were, she would've started panicking. In the end, she gave up all hope of dissuading him and only strode towards the carriage with him in the lead. Caspian kept dragging the spear toward the carriage. He didn't care about the looks people gave him. Folks tried to offer him a hand but he refused them brutally. He couldn't let them take away his prize, He was just too obsessed with the weapon. It was his, and his alone, no one but him could touch it. He had forgotten that he came to the square with the company of anyone. *thump* He laid the spear in the carriage and held his waist proudly as he looked at his newly acquired weapon. He didn't even know why he felt so joyful just looking at it. He was about to hop into the carriage when he noticed something was wrong and out of place. He looked around in confusion trying to piece the puzzle. "Aerwyna!!" he stopped abruptly when he figured out what was wrong and he looked around in panic, trying to find the not-so-big princess that couldn't be spotted easily amidst the crowd. He quickly sped into the square, in search of the princess in haste, cold sweat broke on his face even as he swam through the tides underwater. He had never been in this kind of situation in his entire life. Only a moment ago, he was chatting with her, and the next, he had forgotten that Aerwyna was with him as he was used to going out alone, or maybe it was because he was too focused on his newly acquired toy. "Has anyone seen the princess!!!?" He yelled as he swam about the square. He asked almost everyone he came across and at this moment, everyone stared at him in shock at the news. "The princess is lost?" "oh my?" "didn't they just walk out together a while ago?" " No, I saw the princess alone at the jewelry store" murmurs grew around as the folks started speculating. Caspian hearing the last part, dashed off towards the jewelry store section. "Let's go help find her!" mermen who felt dutiful towards the Royal family arranged themselves and swam behind the prince in hurry and they soon caught up. They searched about the jewelry store section but they couldn't find the princess. "I saw Her Highness leaving with an armed man," An old mermaid said what she knew about the situation at hand. However, only one word rang in Caspian's head at this moment. 'kidnap!! she was..... kidnapped!!!' Caspian went on his knees and looked towards the surface in a loss. Tears streamed outwards his eyes and instantly mixed with the brine. Only his silent wail made it evident that he was sobbing. He felt guilty for what happened, as he was too engrossed with the spear that he didn't know when his sister, the only true person who cared for him got kidnapped. He felt sad and depressed, his emotion was in turmoil. Then he felt rage, he hated himself. He felt that maybe he was cursed from the moment he was born. His mother who should've been the most important person to him died, and he was blamed by everyone for her death, no... Maybe he was actually responsible for her demise. He thought that they were wrong for judging him, and he thought that it was only a coincidence, but after this, He held no doubt anymore. He was cursed to spend his entire life alone, with no loved ones or relatives. Aerwyna's adorable smile appeared in his mind again and a wave of pain washed through him. He pictured seeing her cry as she was forcefully dragged away in a kidnap. He felt rage, and he wanted to completely demolish everyone who was involved. "Aaaah!!!" He yelled and dug his fingers into his face and scratched downwards in anger. He felt a sudden push and was determined to do whatever it takes to save her. He was about to stand when he felt a metallic gauntlet tap on his shoulder. " Your Highness, The princess is safe" He felt a sudden jolt of lightning strike his head, and without a stop, continued downwards until it reached his heart. " huh?" he quickly turned around to see a bitter reassuring smile on the familiar face of his personal Triton knight. "Sir Rotham?" However, he only got a nod in return. He sighed in exasperation and he felt relieved. He never felt this tired in his entire life, It was truly a moment of despair. "let's go to the Castle, His majesty awaits us," The knight said and helped him up. He couldn't carry him in the presence of so many folks as the future King. Although his previous act was not very akin to bravery, nobody could blame him for behaving that way since it was relatively normal to react in such a manner. Caspian nodded and stood up alongside Sir Rotham. They both were in the center stage of several Merfolks in the square. ...... In the carriage, Caspian just sat staring in a daze at the Bident. He was lost in his thoughts. ' ... Maybe It actually is a luck bringer. Maybe Aerwyna would have been kidnapped and taken away if it wasn't with me...For all I know, negative effects cancel negative ones. curses perhaps nullify another of the same magnitude.' if it only was like mathematics where negativity nullifies negativity and turns into positivity. Caspian spun deep in his thoughts without realizing that they had arrived at the castle until Sir Rotham came to inform him. "Sir Rotham, please have Gil take the spear to my chamber. I'll go see my .. sister" He had concluded that the spear wasn't bad for him and he was going to keep it. But first, he had to be sure that Aerwyna was fine and he had to apologize for not being there for her. "Yes, your Highness" Sir Rotham nodded solemnly in response. Caspian soon arrived at the Queen's domain, where he knew Aerwyna would and most definitely would be. " His Royal Highness, prince Caspian has arrived!!" The Triton guards yelled in announcement before creaking the door open. Caspian strode in but he was surprised at the sight of what was happening in the room. Aerwyna giggled and swam around the room in glee "yay yay... Kacha, the bad guys were thrashed today... Father, father did you see?" she said and threw tiny, weak punches as if she just watched a thrilling movie where her life was in danger. Caspian was actually surprised to see the King himself in here. Although he was looking out the window, his muscular body exhumed a strange aura that Caspian knew all too well. ' He is .... Angry!' "Welcome, Prince charming, did you have a good swim out?" His thick coarse voice resounded through the room as soon as he stepped into the Domain. Contrary to how he should react to the sarcasm, Caspian shivered at his words and was stopped dead in his track. "Your majesty!" The Queen tried to intervene but he only raised his palm, still looking out the window. Even the gleeful princess read the mood and paid obedience to the reign of silence. "Where were you when it happened!" He asked after several minutes of silence. His voice carried no anger at all, almost plain to the hearing. But Caspian knew it was rather not " I'm guilty! I was carried away!" Caspian wasn't going to be the kid who cried for being blamed anymore, he would take responsibility for his actions and let anybody else decide for him no more. King Rinus, slightly surprised turned around at his words and observed him with his eyes squinted. He wasn't sure if the boy of no older than 12 standing across the room with his head lowered and heavy, intense self-hate in his voice as he admitted fault was still the Caspian he knew. He wasn't certain if he was still in the right mindset. " I won't say too much. As of today, you shall not be seen with her anymore and I forbid you from coming near or any closer to her. The only exception being today and the last day of your departure for your war art training. You're dismissed!" King Rinus decreed slowly as he side- he stared at Caspian intensely. "Understood, Father!" Caspian whispered almost in tears but he knew this was the right punishment to keep him from making another mistake, graver than this in the future. He knew he was grooming him to be a better leader, a father, and a reliable brother. He was glad the princess was okay, as Sir Rotham had informed him of how they had been followed by guards ever since they left the castle. Not seeing the princess would make him regret his mistakes and look back on them every time he takes a step forward in life. A king made no excuses, he only acts and is responsible for his acts. He swallowed hard and took this lesson gladly. He took brave steps forward until he was right in front of the little princess, he went on one of his knees and lowered his head ; " I'm sorry. but it will never happen again, I promise!" He stated firmly, he stood up and turned around to leave. King Rinus closed his eyes and nodded at his actions. 'Well said, my boy' he assented internally. At this point, Aerwyna was a little bit confused but couldn't stop tears from flowing out of her puppy eyes. She could see The Queen... her mother giving her death stares as if to warn her not to do something. However, she didn't care, she swam forwards and hugged the back of the person who had made her feel this way, it was the only way she could comfort the pain and hurt she knew he felt. " Brother!!" she sobbed harder when she hugged him and the hurt she felt only increased. King Rinus hid his emotion under his closed eyes and The Queen covered her eyes with her hands, but the tiny droplets seemed to expose her secrets. The Miureadhach family stood in the room, each in a close melancholic state that seemed yet, so far away. ..... View author's notes
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