1649 Words

"When this is all over. I shall have your audience, and I'm certain that you know just what I speak of" Caspian stated seriously. He hadn't forgotten, not even a moment, and he was hellbent on the matter. Zurad, Hertag and Quif exchanged looks and shared nods, the three seemed to reach a decision tacitly... "Yes, Your Majesty" Zurad affirmed. They were quite aware of what he wanted, and they had also anticipated this moment for a long time now. "Very well..." Caspian said with a comprehensive nod. He knew why they kept the information secretive from him as it was necessary considering the situation the Kingdom was in back then. But now that he had returned, he will tolerate no more of this. "Then.. Your Majesty" The three bowed almost simultaneously and disappeared just as they had ap

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