1845 Words

Swoosh!! Swoosh!! The silver-scaled dragon that had stood behind from earlier, watched with widened eyes as the part of the sea where waterspout had shot up a while ago, turned into a Turquoise floating garment with greenish luminescent hues deep within. Never, in its superstitiously long existence had it seen the sea rise to such level, More so, the brines reacted as if it had a life of its own, elevating and levitating in its full magnificence. "Marvelous!" It exclaimed before flying away. The only being that witnessed such a thing. .......... Far North of Atlantis, in the deep dark expanse where nothing seemed to exist. A glowing green compound eyes opened and creased as it stared towards Atlantis' direction. "The Will of Master? It can't be mistaken!" A sweet, in between the deep

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