1158 Words

Five tides later, The frontal gate of the city of Ghio which had been rather desolate in the past was now more lively than a trade fair, though, the setting was grim and dismal. Merfolks came and went through the gates in a file under the guidance and protection of the military. The claims of the city Lord were credible, thus making Caspian order that the denizens of the city be migrated to the central city of Atlantis. Xestrida stood slightly afar from the whole scenery in supervision. It was her turn again after her colleagues had each taken a shift. Everything played fine until she noticed two soldiers approach her in hastened strides, they seemed to have a pressing matter to report to her, perhaps, Caspian gave new orders? "Lady Xestrida... This fella brings urgent news!" One of the

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