Chapter 7-5

1526 Words

“Really?” “Would you mind opening up these doors? Let's check and see if there isn't something inside.” He pulled out his large ring of keys, they jangled and made a racket while he looked through them. “I don't mind saying this makes me terribly nervous.” “You keep my secret, Mr. Bean, and I won't say who helped me find it. If we find it,” I said. Mr. Bean opened up the first door and we went from one empty office to another. None revealed anything large enough with wheels that could have been used to move a body. Mostly there were old cardboard boxes in them, some old desks, chairs, and file drawers that looked older than me. “Looks useless,” Brett said. “Bastard must have taken it back up with him,” Ellwood said. “We've got one more door. This is a closet,” Jimmy said, unlocking

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