Chapter 6-2

2151 Words

“Skimming? Don't you mean embezzling?” I said. “Same thing. It's just that it's small amounts. Less than two thousand.” She looked around again and then leaned forward. “I heard that she's going to talk to someone. I don't know who or where.” “To report it, you mean?” “Yes.” “That's a good idea, she needs to tell someone right away.” I couldn't think of who she'd speak to. Police? Maybe a lawyer? “But isn't it likely that Smith thinks she's lying about it? That maybe he thinks she's the one who skimmed? That's why he fired her?” “That's sort of what the other women in the office were saying.” A figure loomed up. “There you are!” I smiled up at Brett. “There you are,” I echoed. Another person zoomed in behind him like a bird on a mission. “Lainey!” Nadine squealed, dumping her tray

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