Chapter 5

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Chapter 5“You actually bought a battery for your car?” Weeks asked as we sat down for lunch. I was surprised he was taking lunch with us but he'd been up since eleven last night. His normal hours were six am to six pm. But because he'd been called in to cover last night, his hours were screwed up. “Yep.” “How'd you know which one to buy? I'll have to look at it. Later.” “I had two guys to help me.” “Who?” That was his second favorite question. His first favorite was “Where are you going?”. “Ellwood Blake and Nate Blackstone,” I said. He chewed his sandwich, washed it down with the iced tea my aunt had made, and said, “I don't know who Ellwood is, but I know Nate Blackstone. Steer clear of him.” “Why?” “He's got a police record.” “He's going to school on a grant,” I said by way of

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