Chapter 3

2877 Words

Chapter 3“So, how was your first day at college, Lainey?” Uncle John asked. “I guess it was alright,” I said while sitting at the table eating dinner with my Aunt Jessica and her new husband. I'd lived with my aunt after my parents had drowned in the flood in Colorado, two years ago. Now John Weeks, the sheriff of Montclair, was my new uncle. Weeks looked at me a little put off by my teenage detachment. I wasn't sure why I didn't want to share my day. I was exhausted when I got home that afternoon and had tried to begin reading one of the three chapters assigned by three different teachers, only to fall asleep on my bed for nearly an hour. Poe, our cat, had decided to nap with me, and when he woke and stretched, pressing his front paws against my face, I came to as though I'd been in a c

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