Chapter 10-2

1979 Words

“Lainey? It's for you,” my aunt called as she strolled halfway through the living room. My stomach fluttered, wondering who this man was who wanted to see me. I knew it wasn't Brett. He would have called, and I sure didn't expect him to be coming to see me right after breaking up. Besides, it wasn't Brett's voice. It was slightly nasally. As I strode into the living room, I went through more reasons I was happy it wasn't Brett. Besides, I'd had no messages on my phone this morning. Which, in a way was a blessing. But my butterflies wouldn't abate. Stepping through the living room, I eyed the tall, lanky man standing just inside the door. He wore a light tan police uniform—not dark brown like the sheriff's police. His slim build, uniform, plus baseball cap nailed it. “Police Chief Okert

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