Chapter 7: Giggling Bitches

1929 Words
Millie's P.O.V. ***************************************** The moment I sat down with my parents, they started asking about the snack I had gone off to get. I ended up telling them that I had to wait in line for the bathroom, and forgot. Which leads me to where I am now. Standing in the never ending line at the concessions stand. I have my arms wrapped around myself trying to shake off the chill. We live in California, but it is fall. At night, it gets to be a bit chilly. Especially if you are only in jean shorts and a purple T-shirt. The line is moving slower than ever, and I was regretting the lies I told my parents. "Hey Millie." Someone called from beside me. I turned my head in time to see Oliver walking over to me with a bright smile spread across his face. Oh, for's sake, did he get hotter? In a matter of hours? Unfair, totally unfair. "Hi Oliver." I mumbled once he reached me. "Hey, I'm glad I ran into you. There are so many people here I was afraid I wouldn't find you," he said. Find me? "Were you looking for me?" I asked him. Oliver gave me a shy smile. "Maybe I was." He said. "Let me buy you something. Ya know, since I didn't get you a birthday present." "That isn't necessary, Oliver, but thank you." I said, hoping he would go away. There are several students around us now staring at the interaction. A hot guy talking to the school misfit? I'm sure the news will spread around until someone teases me over it. I just wanted to fly under the radar this year. "Awh come on. Let me buy you a school hoodie, you look cold." Oliver told me. "I am not cold, but thank you anyway," I stated. Then the wind blew, causing me to shiver. Thankfully, I was next in line. I gave the student working behind the counter my order. She gave me my total, and before I could slip her my cash, Oliver reached over me, and gave her a card. I turned my head to glare at him. "Great, another high school boy that doesn't know what no means." I stated. Oliver chuckled behind me. Fu.cking chuckled. Like this is a joke. I mean, it was, but it was meant to be snarky and make me off-putting. Not make that deep sexy chuckle come out of him. I took my snacks and drinks from the counter, and headed back to my seat with my parents. Thankfully, Oliver didn't seem to be following me. I do feel a bit bad that I didn't thank him, but I did decline his offer several times, so really it's his fault. A couple of minutes later, I was halfway through my hot dog when someone sat next to me on the bench. I didn't bother looking to see who it was. I'm sure that it's just another person who was looking for a seat. So, when a dark purple school hoodie fell into my lap, I was surprised. I looked up to see Oliver sitting next to me with a bright smile. "You ran off before I could get your size, so I hope I got the right one." He said. I glared at him. "I told you not to buy it," I said. "Oh honey, who is this?" Mom asked from beside me. "This is one of the many hormonal teenage males that doesn't understand, no means no." I stated, still glaring at Oliver. Oliver, who looked amused at my comment, reached his hand out to my mother, who I bet looked horrified. "I'm Oliver, I'm new here. I met Millie earlier today. She helped me with some books. I found out it was her birthday, and bought her a hoodie after she told me not to." He said. "Well good!" Mom said. "I was just beginning to get annoyed with her teeth chattering." I turned wide eyes at my mother. "Mom!" I whined out. "Shh, say thank you, and put the hoodie on dear. You know you're freezing." She said, and then turned back to the game. I turned and narrowed my eyes at Oliver. "Hold my hotdog." I ordered as I shoved my food at him. Oliver took it gladly, and I slipped the hoodie on. Then I snatched my hotdog back. I took a bite angrily, and tried to ignore Oliver. "I believe your mother said to say thank you as well." He whispered in my ear. "If I do, will you go away?" I asked as I turned my head to face him. "I will. But only because I have to. I left some friends waiting." Oliver told me. "Fine." I said with a tight smile. "Thanks for the hoodie I didn't ask for." Oliver chuckled and then stood up. "It was nice to meet you." He said to my parents, who smiled at him in return. Then Oliver's hazel eyes looked down at me. "I'll be seeing you around Millie." He said before walking off. How can someone so weird make me feel so fuzzy inside? "What a sweet boy," Mom said. "Looks just like his father," Dad said. My head snapped to Dad. "What?" I asked. Dad shrugged. "I haven't met the kids of friends of mine that just moved to town before, but if I had to take a guess, that one would belong to Marcus Harrison. He was my roommate in the dorms." Dad said proudly. "Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him. "Because my darling daughter, I could tell that you wanted him to go away," Dad said with a proud smile. "Thanks," I grumbled. The rest of the game went by in a flash. Thankfully, Oliver didn't come back to bother me. I tried to keep my focus on my brother, who was doing wonderfully, but my eyes would wander to the bench. I was surprised to find that guy, Atlas, looking at me a few times. Every time I would catch him staring at me, he would either send me a dazzling smile or a wink. I would glare at him in return. What is with these new guys? When the game was over, Mom, Dad, and I waited in the parking lot for Caleb. He came out with several of the other guys who were all patting him on the back. Caleb won the game for them after all. I gave my brother a proud smile once he saw us. "Ahhhh. The older sister that I hate." He greeted me, and then ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away. "Shut up." I said. "Where do you want to go to celebrate, son?" Dad asked. "Shouldn't that be up to the birthday girl?" Caleb asked. "Oh, so it's your birthday?" Came a familiar voice from behind us. What the is with these boys? I looked past Caleb to see the Atlas guy staring at us. Caleb rolled his eyes, but didn't pay the guy any attention. Dad and Mom smiled at him. "It is her birthday," Mom offered. Oh Jesus Christ. "Atlas! Come on!" Someone called him. Atlas turned his head before turning back to me. "Happy birthday, cutie." He said, and then winked at me before walking away. "Oh my, he was handsome," Mom said. My jaw dropped. Not only did this stranger feel bold enough to call me cute in front of my parents, but Mom complimented him after he left. I shook my head. "Are we in a parallel universe?" I asked Caleb. "Sure feels that way." He mumbled as he slung his bag into the car, and slid in. "I want pizza." I declared. Caleb beamed. "Pizza sounds bomb!" He agreed. 20 minutes later, and we are at the local pizzeria enjoying a Hawaiian-style pizza. Caleb and I are lucky enough that we have the same exact taste in food. Mom and Dad settled for a plain pepperoni. Lame. "This was the best decision," I said with my mouth full. "So good," Caleb agreed. Just then, a ding sounded letting everyone know someone had walked in. I turned my eyes to the door to see the whole cheerleading squad along with a few football players come in. They took up almost four tables in the back corner. James sat down, and then pulled Vanessa into his lap. It's so hard to keep up with who he's dating these days. Not that I really do, today was just an eventful day. Milinda was also there. I watched as she glared at Vanessa's back while she sat on Josh. Rolling my eyes, I decided to ignore them. That is, until Josh's annoying voice called out. "Yo Holmebrooke! Why don't you join us? You won us the game after all, let us buy you some more food," he said. Caleb was mid-bite when Josh asked. He looked at me as if to ask if that was okay. I gave him an encouraging smile. Caleb can do whatever he wants, he's a big boy. "Go on honey, we don't mind, and I'm sure your sister doesn't either." Mom told him. "Not at all." I agreed with our mother. Caleb beamed at us. He kissed the top of mine and Mom's heads, and then thanked us. Dad sighed as he watched Caleb go. I looked over to my dad. "Why are you sighing?" I asked him. Dad looked at me with a big fake pout. "I didn't get a kiss on the head." He said, making me burst out in laughter. "Honey, why don't you go join them too? I know that it might be awkward with James, but Vanessa is your best friend," Mom suggested. I shook my head. "No, thanks." I said. Then we heard a loud squeal of laughter. "Jamesssss, ssstooopp." Vanessa drawled out. I rolled my eyes, and ignored them. A little while later, I was finally in my bedroom. I just finished my homework for the weekend. My thoughts were completely consumed with the events of today. It's only the second week of school. So far, I have managed to receive much less bullying than last year. That was something good. Then I had to go through that awkward conversation with Milinda. James 'apologized', which I am still mad about. What an arrogant a,sshole. Speaking of arrogant a.ssholes... Atlas and Oliver. Are they arrogant? Well, they seem so. Are they a.ssholes though? That, I'm honestly not sure of. Oliver was kind enough to help me with my homework even if I declined. He also bought me a hoodie just because I was cold. I also declined that though. And Atals. He laughed when I called him a noodle, and then defended me to James. Not only that, but he asked for Caleb to play. Maybe they were both nice guys. I shook my head. It doesn't matter anyway. Once they get to school on Monday, they'll hear all the rumors about me and won't want to be my friend. That's why I gave them the cold shoulder. I really didn't want to get my hopes up only to be crushed again. The last friend I had slept with my boyfriend behind my back, and then destroyed my life. I think it's normal that I'm not ready to trust anyone again. But hey, if they hear the rumors, and still want to be friends, I'll give them a chance, but only as friends. Nothing more.
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